• Breaking News

    Monday, March 1, 2021

    Company of Heroes I don't get why ppl take faction talks in this game so seriously! But i still love u guys.

    Company of Heroes I don't get why ppl take faction talks in this game so seriously! But i still love u guys.

    I don't get why ppl take faction talks in this game so seriously! But i still love u guys.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 06:09 AM PST

    OKW Winter Patch 2021 - Recommendation

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:52 PM PST

    FYI to the Design Team, some of the Text associated with builds & techs have not been updated to reflect the actual build order in-place per the patch as follows:

    • Hover over the MG Build Button, the Text reads "Requires: Any Converted Headquarters"
      • However, if a player Converts the Battlegroup HQ, the MG does not unlock until Battlegroup Upgrade is researched.
    • Hover over STG or G43 Upgrade Buttons, text reads "Requires: Any Converted Headquarters"
      • However, if a player Converts the Battlegroup HQ, the Weapons cannot be built until Battlegroup Upgrade is researched.
    • Hover over the Schwerer Panzer Headquarters Build Button, text reads "Requires: Converted BattleGroup Headquarters or Mechanized Regiment"
      • However, if a player converts the Battlegroup HQ, the Schwerer cannot be built until Battlegroup Upgrade is researched.

    I think this is very confusing, especially for beginners and casual players. Please take this as constructive advice. Thanks for supporting this game and keeping it fresh!


    submitted by /u/avanroo
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    Are Airborne Guards any good?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:39 PM PST

    Sorry for the low effort question, just trying to understand if they're even viable. And uh, whether I should go BP or Tommies on them.

    Also, are they affected by the Guard Rifles bulletins?

    submitted by /u/yerroslawsum
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    USF Main looking for 2-3 people to play some games with regularly. PST zone aka West US.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:36 PM PST

    Anyone interested in just playing some casual games after work? Love the game but some days the teammates can be a bit much. If you're just trying to get better/have fun/new feel free to dm me your steam and ill add you. I mostly play a few games after work each day(more on weekends), let me know if you're down.

    submitted by /u/Shozo_Nishi
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    Is anyone else experiencing an extreme increase in bugsplats/lag/crashes since the 64 bit update?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:58 PM PST

    I'm curious as to how widespread this is. I see an awful lot of complaints about dramatically increased instability since the 64 bit update and I have not seen any acknowledgement from Relic anywhere about it. Are other people experiencing this or is it just a small portion of players? Has anyone found a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/dude_the_dirt_farmer
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    What sort of educational stream content would this sub be interested in?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:20 PM PST

    I'm hoping to start streaming again soon and I wanted to get a sense of the kind of content people are interested in.

    For context, I'm an decent-ish player with a lot of game knowledge and an interest in helping new players or experienced players who want to improve to learn more about the game. I'm not a top tier player, the best people I've beaten on the ladder were around the top 50, so I can't offer exceptional gameplay. What I can do is explain game mechanics, stats, and how I approach thinking about the game.

    Climb Series

    A little over a year again I did an unfinished level 1-16 climb series. This was generally well received and, for the curious, can be found at this link. The idea behind that series was to showcase effective and relatively easy to execute strategies at low and medium rank brackets that people can use to climb into stronger opponents who will help them learn the game faster.

    While this was relatively easy to make (and people seem to have enjoyed it), I never felt great about smurfing, even for educational purposes. If people really want me to go back and make more content like that, then I'm willing to bite that bullet.

    Replay Analysis/Live Game Commentary

    Instead of streaming my gameplay, I could do a live stream of replay analysis. I've done a lot of replay analysis in my time, and find it enjoyable and often helpful for the person being reviewed. However, I know that it can be embarrassing to have your mistakes pointed out live on stream, so people have been reluctant to submit replays for this purpose in the past.

    If people haven't submitted enough replays to fill my allotted streaming time, then I can always just start doing live commentary on some games.

    Learn With Me

    Instead of playing the faction I'm most comfortable with (USF), I'd stream myself playing my weaker factions (literally all of the other ones). Instead of explaining how I think about various match-ups and faction mechanics, it would be a running commentary of me trying to figure them out along with chat. I'd be happy to test suggestions, no matter how wild.

    The emphasis here would be more on showcasing how to approach learning the game. I will still be able to provide a lot of game knowledge to viewers, but I'll be bringing relatively little experience to the table.

    Just Stream Normal Gameplay With Commentary

    I'm hesitant to do this mostly because I think there are well established streamers who do this much better than I can. I'd rather offer something unique than try to compete with better players and more experienced streamers at their own game.


    I've created a poll for people to answer if they're interested in at least one of these types of content, which can be found at this link. I've set it up so that you can pick multiple options, so just vote for any options which appeal to you.

    If you have any other ideas, I'd be happy to read them in the comments!

    submitted by /u/RepoRogue
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    Now that the WC51 no longer has overkill range, can it get some armor?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:34 PM PST

    I've seen that thing get drained of health because assault grens charged at it, and because of the AI path finding, decided to just spin around, stop, and then try to go in reverse in the opposite direction.

    I think surviving a few hits is justifiable now.

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Aside from royal artillery/infantry company, what else is a viable strategy for for axis fortresses?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 10:24 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I struggle mostly against a player who builds 6 million MG bunkers followed by AT gun waves and mortars.

    The only way I can fight this off is by going royal artillery (or infantry if I'm playing USF), but sometimes I kinda wanna mess with a churchill croc again, ya'know? Or if I'm playing USF, my go to commander with the factions only heavy tank.

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    guys i just bought oberkomando and i cannot reinforce my units at the medical center(i used the mod to demonstrare it) pls help!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Winter Balance Patch ruined chill custom AI games as USF for me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 12:33 PM PST

    I like to play chill games against the AI with mods in my evenings now and then. One of the standard options I always enabled via mods was to raise the population cap. I like to play as vanilla as possible otherwise.

    The recent Winter Balance Patch, however, penalizes exceeding the default population cap of 100 playing as USF (which was done by abusing vehicle crews) by radically lowering Manpower gain if you did so.

    For me, a sandboxing, casual player, this sucks heavily. I just want to play against the AI with a few, non-world-breaking tweaks. I was fine with playing with +100 Manpower gain when I exceeded the population cap, but now that is at +30 or something thanks to the latest patch.

    Is there any way to disable the penalty for my custom AI games atleast?

    submitted by /u/Two-Tu
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    Elephant Spotting Scope

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:06 AM PST

    With the changes to the sight range of the puma, AEC, sniper, etc, the balance team wants to players to actively spot for these units to make them more effective.

    With that said and done, why hasn't the spotting scope been removed for the elephant?

    submitted by /u/RookMain5342
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    Is there an ambulance or a similar thing for healing the wounded and crawling Red Army soldiers outside the HQ?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PST

    I may be a fairly new player to CoH2, but I am at level 14 in Red Army campaign until now (and looks like it is the last one), and I have also played 2 skirmish games with the Red Army. Yet, I still can't find any way to heal my injured soldiers except returning to the closest field hospital. This is not convenient because it takes too much time to retreat, heal and come back. Additionaly, I can't do anything to the soldiers that are crawling "nearly dead" and crying "Medic! Medic!". So, is there any way to move the doctors with me?

    submitted by /u/Hamza3725
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    Do you keep your camera angle on the default position?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 03:21 AM PST

    I just wondered, since I often use the demo charges to surprise my enemy and wipe whole squads: do you guys change default camera angle on every game? It is essential for demo placement behind buildings etc. I personally always adjust it so that enemy base is always in front of me and my base behind. This way I know without hesitation how to avoid a cut off and where my reinforcements will come from. How many of you adjust it and how many don't?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/KKeff
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    USF 2v2 with SU partner - Captain, Lieutenant, or both?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:53 AM PST

    I know there hasn't been shattering changes to USF in this new patch but was curious about USF players tech path in 2v2 and 3v3.

    I normally play with an SU mate and I traditionally go Captain ---> AT Gun ---> AA halftrack ---> 75mm howitzer ---> major ----> Sherman .

    With the recent changes to Stuart, is it worth going Lieutenant for Stuart play? I have often found that the AA halftrack does a great job of providing much needed suppression and is mobile to be in many places when needed, but losing it is extremely unforgiving. I struggle with countering suppression as USF and often struggle suppressing axis flanking but have found the 50 HMG team to be squishy and just went captain to major.

    Was curious to see how players who use Lieutenant in 2v2+ tech, and if you use all 3 commanders or only 2.

    submitted by /u/fatmonkey112
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    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 04:59 AM PST

    Coh1 worldbuilder terrain height/direct x issue

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 09:44 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm making a map for coh1, and when I edit the terrain height, I cannot see the changes until I release the mouse.

    I have fixed this before by changing the direct x version the worldbuilder uses but for the life of me I can't find anything to remind me where the config file is to change that.

    Anyone know where I can do this? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/whiskey_soup
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    Ardennes Assault (Single Player) - Is there a list of what each company gets when it gains veterancy? I found something for the units but not the companies...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 05:05 AM PST

    I'm trying to find out what additional troops are added with each upgrade.

    submitted by /u/Pacho2020
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    Snipers for all factions without sacrificing diversity

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 02:38 AM PST

    At this point everyone's pretty much in agreement that the only real counter to a well micro'd / supported sniper is another sniper, and the main argument against giving US / OKW a sniper of their own is that it reduces variety between factions. That and historically the US didn't really employ 'snipers' but just made the best shot in a squad the marksman.

    This would be my solution to give every faction the ability to countersnipe while keeping the factions unique.

    NEW UNIT US: Designated Marksman (Use the captains model)

    250mp for the single model

    Has sniper camo, vision, range, fragile health and hold fire ability

    Does not snipe models like a normal sniper

    Scoped Pathfinder Rifle (But uses Jager Light Rifle stats so snipes models at 80% health)

    Has bonus (accuracy and damage) when targeting snipers to allow for countersniping

    Close proximity to rifleman squads gives the marksman received accuracy buffs that make him as survivable as a rifleman model, as well as a very small rate of fire buff (He is the squads marksman after all)

    He would also be able to designate a fairly weak mark target against infantry to give him a skill



    NEW UNIT OKW: Sniper (Obersoldaten Model is a nice fit)

    Normal sniper stats

    Carries a Stormtrooper MP40 that can be swapped between his rifle, equipping mp40 buffs received accuracy slightly (buff disapears on retreat, and weapon swap has an 8 second cooldown to prevent cheese)

    Access to the stormtrooper 'Tactical Advance' ability for 10 munitions

    Access to stun grenades

    The idea being while there's not much special about his sniping ability, and while he still cant take on whole squads, he may be able to fend off weak squads like combat engineers if they stumble too close while he's in heavy cover allowing him to maintain an on field presence for longer

    Let me know what you guys think, I always like hearing everyone's thoughts

    submitted by /u/AnimatedPepe
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