• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Company of Heroes Commander Update Preview and Public Beta 2021

    Company of Heroes Commander Update Preview and Public Beta 2021

    Commander Update Preview and Public Beta 2021


    Hi everyone,

    We are excited to announce that the first preview of the Commander Update is now available! (Edit: Full preview and patch notes at that link.)

    This time around, we are doing things slightly differently. We are releasing this preview as a Beta, as opposed to a Steam Mod. This will allow for easier iteration, and better quality control between the preview and the final update.

    To access the beta:

    - In Steam right-click Company of Heroes 2

    - Click Properties

    - Navigate to Betas

    - Select "communitytest"

    - Close the properties window

    - Wait for your game to patch to the Beta build

    We will update this preview branch with each new iteration over the coming weeks.

    The balance team has also provided a spreadsheet clearly outlining the new vs old Commander lineups.

    As always, community testing and feedback is essential to help ensure this update is as good as it can possibly be. Please take the time to test these changes and provide your thoughts in this thread.

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    ALL USF Commanders and base faction


    Was gonna wait but I feel like trying to get some discussions going.

    Instead of making multiple threads I'll just make separate replies below with the commander names in bold in no particular order.

    What do you guys feel need to be changed or added? Removed? Buff'd or nerf'd?

    Discuss below!

    Apologies if I don't respond to every single first reply under a commander or if I don't jump into a topic at all. I just want to get the conversations flowing first.

    submitted by /u/MaDeuce94
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    Why is the Pershing getting nerfed while Axis tanks are being buffed?


    All Axis command tanks are getting buffed losing their nerfs, meanwhile the command vehicle promotion will still make any UKF unit that's selected no longer combat effective with it's nerfs. I think this is unfair when the wehrmacht is getting an OKW tank for it's command vehicle now.

    The panther was slightly buffed last patch, while the jackson was slightly nerfed.

    Historically, the Pershing was supposed to be on par with a panther, but can't even told it's own in game. It's a very weak heavy tank, and the changes only gives the Axis player further advantages. (Especially when the Axis player has superior heavy tanks like the KT and Tiger)

    The Mechanized company Jeep was weakened to the point it dies in a few shots, yet panzer tactician is still a get out of jail free card.

    But yeah, the devs definitely aren't bias. :)

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Anyone else trying out the KV-2 recently?


    With the pretty big nerf of the ISU-152 commanders and the tank itself, I've been trying out the KV-2 and it seems amazing. it can be used as close range tank or infantry demolisher, or as a long range mini-howitzer to cover a point. It seems good everywhere from 1v1s to 4v4s with its insane flexibility and versatility. Even the traditional counters like elephants and jagtigers are outranged by it, but the true power is when its put behind a shot blocker and just locks down an entire part of the map. The main weakness of the ISU-152, being flanked, is much less of problem for the KV-2 due to its rotating turret and ability to defend itself. Packing up or down from siege mode seems like the only time it is in danger, but if u play it carefully this tank just seems like stronger ISU-152 at the moment imo.

    submitted by /u/Ryebott
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    Where do they come up with this tactics?


    Just played a 3v3 and a guy built only sturm pioneers and placed his half tracks directly next to mine everyone. I build battle group, 2 seconds later he builds his next to mine. He had 5 sturms and one kubel on the field and we surrendered for obvious reasons.

    Where did he learn this? where do these meme moves come from?

    submitted by /u/OG_Squeekz
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    Tips for a beginner


    I'm trying to learn this game, found some solid YouTube tutorials. Played a couple 4v4s with an experienced friend, but for some reason I'm anxious about playing a 1v1 online. I guess it's because I know I'm going to get rekt. Playing against bots doesn't really do anything for me because I know humans will play much different. Any other advice other than just suck it up and take some @$$ whoopings online?

    submitted by /u/Carswell90
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    USF versus okw advice


    What are some tells of whether the okw player is going Mech or med? What's the response to taking back the map from volks in green cover? (After losing map control early) More specifically the composition of volks and the AA half track covered by a reket. if you're not able to get good map control in the first 10 minutes do you just tech captain automatically? and what are some specific commanders that are good versus okw. Is it ever good to go Captain start versus okw? When?

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    What are your worst mistakes and mishaps when playing as ostheer? ( 1v1, 2v2...frankly all modes )


    The title said it all, mine is going 1v1 grenadier with any other mainline inf without proper backup or numerical superiority, lets share this and learn from our mistakes guys.

    submitted by /u/Lappodamy
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    Does enforcement@relic still work?


    Had an abusive random partner, who then added me and continued to be abusive. Anyone had success with reporting via the above email?

    submitted by /u/S_A_Noob
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    Lost all my supply balance after the 64bit update and can't earn more supply points


    Title says it all. I have at least 13000 supply balance before the update. I was going to buy the Feuersturm Commander before the update but became busy with school. I updated the game and now my supply balance is gone. I still get loot crates but no supply balance. I leveled up at least 5 times and all I got was bulletins.

    submitted by /u/mindfyre
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    What faction DLCs do you own as of 2021? (Strawpoll)


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