• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 22, 2021

    Company of Heroes A_E has started casting low level games. I really think this could be great for the multiplayer community.

    Company of Heroes A_E has started casting low level games. I really think this could be great for the multiplayer community.

    A_E has started casting low level games. I really think this could be great for the multiplayer community.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    German Tank Crew Uniforms in COH3

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    I'm no expert, but can they have the traditional black tanker's uniform? The rolled up sleeves are a nice touch btw

    submitted by /u/Rajajones
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    Noob Olympics #1: The Way CoH2 was meant to be played™

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Stand Ground Option for CoH3 (and possibly 2)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I don't like fishing for upvotes or comments, but I feel this is a useful and simple addition to the game.

    Basically, it's to add the "Stand Ground" function from DoW1 to the CoH series. When activated, units will only shoot at enemies within their range and will not chase after enemies if they leave their line of sight, essentially staying in place even if the player right clicks on a moving enemy. When deactivated, units will chase after targeted enemies as usual.

    I'm sure everyone has had a situation where either a light AT vehicle or AT gun crew charges into enemy territory simply because of a smoke screen or a tank reversing, only to have that unit shot to pieces.


    If you like the idea, please give this Reddit or Forum post some attention and hopefully game devs will possibly implement it.

    submitted by /u/Crystalmist420
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    can otsheer or okw steal soviet svt airdrops?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    as the title says i am wondering if any situation can an enemy squad steal a supply of weapons from the soviet airborne doctrine? i am referring to this ability *coh2.win*

    submitted by /u/Wrong_Existance
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    What does hit the dirt do for Conscripts?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    You get this ability with the PPSH upgrade but I have no idea what it does. The tooltip isn't very detailed.

    submitted by /u/frustynumbar
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    Playing Steppes as Soviets

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    I can never seem to win as Soviets on this map. The combined arms strategy that is usually effective enough against German armor seems unviable here. Because its so expansive, turretless antitank is easily flanked and penals/cons rarely get close enough to snare.

    I'm trying to place more mines but that gets hard late game as arty just regularly detonates them. I also am going to chose a commander with antitank over watch next time too so hopefully that helps.

    I usually don't struggle this much with Panthers late game so I'm curious to hear if others have experienced this issue or if there are any suggestions out there.

    submitted by /u/Right-Operation-7070
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    How do I deal with early game Sturmpioneers and Assault Grenadiers as the Soviets?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    Title says it all, but for context I have started using svts on my conscripts and tbh it's the best decision I have made as the soviets. Cons are actually lethal and can go toe to toe with volks and grenadiers with the added benefits of versatility and squad swapping! Now when it comes to these early close quarters beasts (AGs and Sturms) I usually just run away to better cover where I have my engies waiting to shoot the sturms from multiple directions as the Sturms give chase out in the open. Against assault grenadiers I don't know what else to do that early but lure them into MGs. I need advice in dealing with AGs early on as later on they tend to get out classed later by SVT Cons and I like using killzones with the SVTs waiting.

    submitted by /u/delayedmaybe2
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    Infantry Target Sizes

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    So I was poking around on the dps calculator and I noticed that target sizes were listed for all infantry. I was surprised to see that there's quite a bit of variation: it seems like almost all axis infantry have target size <1, aside from ostruppen, volks, snipers, and pioneers. On the other hand, for Sov and USF, only a couple of units are below 1: Commissars (0.87), Guards (0.97), Rangers (0.73), Paratroopers (0.95), and Riflemen (0.97). What does this mean for practical purposes? What does this trait do?

    submitted by /u/EndlessWario
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    Ostruppen accuracy question

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    I know you get bonus in cover but I remember that the gren accuracy bulletin also affect ostruppen is that correct? Old timer here coming back.

    submitted by /u/Vancopime
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    question about the AI

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    when I first started playing the pre-alpha the AI seemed pretty aggressive and more challenging than in the previous games. But since the last patch, the skirmishes are playing very similarly to how a Standard AI plays in COH2. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/MrMattSquiggle
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    what are your favorite cheese strats?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    countering suicide charges

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    hello i am often experiencing something that I consider a suicide charge when I use mortars simply put i get a mortar put it somewhere where it cant just be destroyed by a kubelwagen or half dead pioneers but i get these moments where the enemy after getting his squad ripped to shreads from 6 men to 2-1 by the mortar and some infantry support just charging into the closest unit hoping my mortar either destroys the cover the squad is using or damages my squad any suggestions how to lower the chances of that happening i already put a mg on these position by default by they still get a few seconds to run in and get a mortar on them

    submitted by /u/Wrong_Existance
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    Coh3 multiplayer: how to best handle disconnects

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    I think that when it comes to pvp play in coh3 the single biggest improvement that could be made is handling disconnects better. What do people think this should look like? If you drop a game and don't rejoin should you get small ban (30 min to an hour)? I'm not talking about code issues, I think relic really needs to address the multiplayer bugsplats and disconnect issues that plague asian players which seem to be connection to server issues. I'm talking about ppl who rage quit because they lose a support weapon.

    submitted by /u/vferrero14
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    Sturmtiger is utterly broken right now

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    I have gone up against a Sturmtiger in about 5 of my last 8 games against OKW (2v2, playing as USF) and lost every single one. Most recently with the VP's being about 300 to 15, but as soon as the Sturmtiger hit the field we couldn't even get those last 15. This was NEVER a problem before the most recent patch. I have even seen multiple OKW players completely skip ANY vehicles to get a Sturmtiger out as soon as humanly possible.

    Whatever changes were made need to desperately be reversed. This isn't a git gud issue, I float between rank 12 and 13, this is a 'this unit is fucking broken' issue. The only way I can possibly see USF dealing with a Sturmtiger right now is to have like, 3 Jackons PLUS an anti tank airstrike, which is just ridiculous to counter a single unit.

    Rant over but fuck me, I have hundreds and hundreds of hours in this game and I've NEVER been less interested in jumping online than in the last few weeks, as I just know I'm gonna be in an ultimately unwinnable game.

    submitted by /u/PavloskyGrens
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    COH3 Critique

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Another dissatisfaction about COH3 is that the same old weapons and squads. Little innovation. COH3 went back to the COH1 units and weapons, and nothing new. Ex, nebelwerfer, flak 88mm. Unlike the change from COH1 to COH2. That change is actually pretty big! Good variety!

    submitted by /u/Proud-Satisfaction38
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