• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Company of Heroes "Is this a joke?" the quality of feedback Relic receive on their official forums is outstanding!

    Company of Heroes "Is this a joke?" the quality of feedback Relic receive on their official forums is outstanding!

    "Is this a joke?" the quality of feedback Relic receive on their official forums is outstanding!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Pre-Alpha Preview - Build 1.3 Patch Notes

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Crash Fixes

    • Fixed a crash when a player captures Monte Cassino on the campaign map.
    • Fixed a crash due to AI Save / Load corruption.
    • Fixed crashes on the campaign map stemming from various abilities or actions.
    • Fixed a number of other crash related issues.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed Campaign Medic Heal. Changed the range to include neighbors.
    • Fixed middle mouse button causing camera to "jump" towards the cursor.

    CoH-Dev Feedback Changes

    • Campaign Hospital Heal Aura range increased. Range preview on mouse over.
    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    COH2 1v1 Tournament!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Themed Commander 1v1 Tournament Presented to you by The Angry dutchman

    Hello folks, it is time for another tournament organized by me (The Angry Dutchman). This time I got something special for you. I have been working with a great modder called Stoklomolvi which some of you might know from his work on the Spearhead mod. Together we have created TAD's tournament MOD. Now it is just a shitty name but the mod does bring something special. With permission from Miragefla we were able to start the mod with the Tournament Mod (gets rid of high impact RNG events such as abandons) as a base. Upon this base we have designed 3 Commanders for each faction where each commander has a distinct role. These roles are the following: Infantry/Artillery Commander, Air Force Commander and Armor Commander. By doing so I hope to bring you guys some new content and force the players to think a bit on their commander choice instead of blind picking Airborne, Mechanized or Ostruppen in another Tournament. I hope you guys will enjoy it, and further tournament information can be found down below.

    Tournament Information

    Date: 31st July/ 1st of August

    Starting Time: 2 PM CET

    Format: 16 players single elimination, all round BO3 with exception of the Final which is BO5.

    Signups: https://discord.gg/YPN3zcMP

    Seeding: 1-8 Based on ML score, 9-16 Based on automatch (this might be subject to change)

    Prizepool: Total 300$, 1st 100$ 2nd 50$, 3 and 4 25$. Prizepool might change. If people want to invest in this tournament you can do so by using the following link all donations will go into the pool. https://streamlabs.com/the_angry_dutchman/tip

    Tournament will be classed as a standard ML tournament and will be eligible for ML points.

    Game Setup

    - 1v1

    - Axis vs Allies

    - 500 VP

    - Fixed positions Allies 1 Axis 2

    - Observer mode ON, 3 min Observer delay

    - Standard resources cold tech off

    - TAD tournament MOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2507478215

    SERVER SELECTION (Thanks AE for setting this rule up <3)

    - Use the server has the least difference between the ping of both players - but only if both players have a ping of less than 200ms.

    - If that is not possible...

    - Remove the server that has the highest ping for each player

    - If one server remains use this server

    - If two servers remain, use the one that has the least difference between the ping of both players.

    Faction Selection

    - Coin toss winner decides who picks the first faction 1st game

    - Coin toss loser decides who picks faction first in the 2nd game

    - Acegame VP leader decides who picks faction first

    - Once you play a faction you cannot play it again that series

    - Finals acegame all factions allowed again

    Map Selection:

    - Maps will be predetermined

    - Mappool: Amilly Fields, Cross Roads, Mill roads, Canal Park, Abandoned Dacha


    - Top Bracket has to upload replays into the designated channel.

    Special Thanks to Stoklomolvi (Modder), Blackvikingde and Ahafeez for generous contributions into the prizepool


    - Discord: https://discord.gg/zJgAAUXbzW

    - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheAngryDutchman

    - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/the_angry_dutchman

    submitted by /u/The_Angry_Dutchman
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    New UKF Commander: Fred Karno's Army

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Does anyone else think that the Guard Rifles Commander looks like the protagonist from the campaign?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    Pioneer Gaming

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Looking for teammates

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    Hi, I want some players to be on the team. People rage quit or random drop out happens all the time. Just keeps ruining the game. I like playing 4v4. By the way, is there any forum, that's recent, like Call of Duty that looks for teammates? Couldn't find good ones. My Steam nickname: BillTheDood.

    submitted by /u/Proud-Satisfaction38
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    What do you think about turn-based campaign map?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    I have mixed fillings about this, it was pretty fun, but it's not something I would expect from COH game. I saw people complaining about this so im curious what's your opinion.

    submitted by /u/sahinpl
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    German War Crime in Action

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:55 PM PDT

    [CoH2] Penal Battalions vs. Panzergrenadiers

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    I recently had a 2v2 in which my mostly Penal Battalion open was quickly shut down by Panzergrenadiers supported by an MG-42.

    I was hoping to get some tips on how to better utilize Penals. With their SVTs, what engagement range should I be looking at? How do they compare with Conscripts?

    submitted by /u/PenitentAnomaly
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    TIL Katyusha can snipe rocket arty

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I was always frustrated that the Axis rocket half tracks can easily bombard and kill a stationary Katyusha but you can't do the same to them. Today I found out that you can repay the favor if you use the special ability. Line it up so the enemy rocket arty is sitting right on the tip of the second chevron and the first salvo will kill it ~80% of the time. If it's lined up facing you then it's closer to 100% of the time.

    submitted by /u/frustynumbar
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    [CoH2] Patch notes and changelog gone?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    I've been trying to look up the patch notes and changelogs of the latest patches and a few others, but when I get to them I'm redirected to the new forums with a 404.

    Here's a link example from (I think) winter update:


    Are these threads gone forever? They were by far one of the most useful things in the official forums.

    PS: the coh2 flair is gone from the subreddit

    submitted by /u/Paladongers
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    Just a little glimmer I had about COH3 trailer.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    We might get german non DLC campaign in africa considering the perspective.

    submitted by /u/morelrix
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    I would like to show relic that we support the addition of a Japanese or Italian faction in COH3

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Relic says the main problem with adding these countries as factions is that they did not field enough tanks to make a balanced game. Although they did not field the tanks, they both had heavy tanks in production or in prototype. I would not mind them making a few inaccuracies by allowing the japanese and italian factions to produce these tanks in game. We all know it has been done before, with tanks like the sturmtiger in COH2. Examples of japanese tanks that could be used: Chi He could fill the roll of a light tank, Chi Nu to fill the medium tank, Chi To to to fill a heavy tank, Ho Ri and the Chi Ri to fill a super heavy/doctrinal heavy tank, Ho Ro for a sexton/brumbar like tank, Ho Ni/Ho No II to fill the roll of a tank destroyer. Now for the Italians, any of the "M" series tanks could fill the roll of a light tank, probably the M15/42. P43 for a medium tanks, Caro Armato M is another option. L3/33 could be the option for a tank destroyer. 20/70 is the role of something like a wirblewind/ost wind. the heavy tanks here is a stretch, but it could be possible to use the P26/40 which was a medium tank as a hypothetical heavy tank. I would not be mad if a few liberties were taken with italy, or even if they used same tanks as the germans. it would just be nice to have the addition of the Italians as a faction. I wanted to make this post to show there are a few viable options for tanks for these countries, and i wanted to see how others feel. I think that most of us can agree that we want these factions in the game, or at least one of them. I would like to know what you guys think? Would you be okay with the additions of tanks not used very much? Would you be okay with these or one of these factions fielding german tanks? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/aab110
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    [COH2] counter cheese as brits

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Hello, I've ran into a few cheesy strats that are annoying, was gonna see if anyone has good counters;

    Arty spam - primarily how do I get behind enemy lines to take out someone spamming mobile arty, especially rocket artillery? Is it best to use like a fast tank? Piats in a universal carrier? I'll have a mortar pit that becomes extremely useful, but then gets focused by arty spam and its hard to reach their arty sometimes. Usually okw sitting by their flak truck so I can't just walk over with anything

    Infantry with RPG spam - This happened yesterday on a 4v4, I had mg squads to counter it but then of course they would just hit my mg with their rocket arty :/

    I know emplacements are typically a bad move, but I find the veteran motar pit extremely useful for taking out mg nests coupled with at guns, as well as smoke and everything else.

    I've been using that one short range commander unit that speeds up a selected squads, but has a recon plane after vet 1. I find it useful to be able to have that recon plane from them, then I can easily call in off map arty for taking out cities covering their mobile arty

    submitted by /u/jm22854
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    Company of heroes 3 ignoring the Axis faction now? No single player as axis anymore?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    I was hyped about COH3 as a long time 1 and 2 player, but I thought it was a little wierd how all the previews, and all the blurb in steam, and all the press only talks about allied units, allied perspective.

    Now I just read on article:

    There will be only one story campaign, where players will play as the Allies

    This is seriously lame, it used to be that both allied and axis got equal cover in the game... Now it's like the Axis are just a minor backdrop to the game and forgettable?

    I don't understand the decision, wouldn't it have been super fun to have a campaign as the Axis attempting to repel Allied invasions / beach heads etc..?

    Pretty dissapointed tbh.

    submitted by /u/Hodella99
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    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:20 PM PDT

    Is it actually viable to do a panzerfuisilier opener or not really? 3v3,4v4. I really enjoy them (NOT THE BLOB, I LIKE USING THEM TACTICALLY) but I don't want to get a volk to start. Not sure if it is reasonable or not. Maybe double sturm to help compensate for their early game trashyness?

    submitted by /u/EnthusiasmNext3778
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    Why no Naval Units?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    Would be nice to see naval ships and naval units. They played a part in WW2 and haven't been in COH or COH2. Would add another component to the game imo.

    submitted by /u/muzzamiester
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