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    Monday, July 19, 2021

    Company of Heroes And yet I keep playing...

    Company of Heroes And yet I keep playing...

    And yet I keep playing...

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    A hypothetical Chinese roster made by a total noob idiot

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Hey! Chinese history is my area of expertise and even though I bought this game a few days ago, I've sunk about 30 hours into it and it's got me thinking about how a Far Eastern theater of war would be represented. No, not the Pacific... but mainland China, where the war was fought for eight years. Yeah, I'm a newbie and terrible at multiplayer but this is my jam so let me just have my fun. ;)

    Playing the campaign and getting a feel for the Soviets, I was reminded how a lot of our ideas about how the Soviets fought WW2 is actually more applicable to China's struggle. Suicidal charges, desperate defenses, underequipped but fanatic fighters. These ideas are based on my thoughts while playing COH2 both the campaign and a few skirmishes, so some of these mechanics may already be obsolete for COH3. I'm just spitballing because it's my hobby.

    Across the board themes;
    This is the micromanager's faction (the thing I'm personally terrible at!), rewarding players who conserve limited resources. It might be tempting to spam but the overall weakness of the roster is mitigated by stronger veteran bonuses and upgrades, meaning you can't just throw your units into the meat grinder and expect success.... or maybe you can throw disposable units into the meat grinder to preserve your elites.
    Heavy focus on infantry and territory control.
    Weak armor & artillery.
    WEIRD units.
    Overall play style should resemble a snowball, with a weak start but a strong end-game if the player has preserved their resources. The illusion of endless manpower.

    This kinda sorts very unfun to play against but I guess balance all depends on manpower/mun/fuel costs...


    Guerilla: Your builder, modeled after the partisan fighters of Mao Zedong's communist revolutionaries. Dressed in plain clothes and armed with pistols, they're not very good at fighting. However, they can scavenge dead bodies of friend or foe alike to equip themselves with more standard weaponry. While they can create the usual fortifications and buildings, they're really good at behind the lines sabotage, able to use dynamite to blow up stationary targets or sneak around at reduced move speed. They can boobytrap a control point to explode if it is captured by the enemy and lay down improvised traps that will slow down vehicles. This unit should harass the enemy's back line very annoyingly. Notably, they are incapable of repairing things. No fix, only destroy!

    National Regulars: A BIG squad, with 8 men. However... only 4 of them have weapons, and they're obsolete copies of the Gewehr 88 anyway. If you lose some men, the extra soldiers do grab the spare rifles and start firing. This makes the unit kind of tanky against other infantry, but their damage is poor so they're more of a stop-gap, reflecting Chiang Kai Shek's 'Trade Space for Time' strategy. A bonus with this unit is that these spare troops can grab equipment at no loss of firepower to the original squad, emphasizing their role as something of a 'scavenger' and making them deadly if you can keep the whole gang alive. Expect these units to fight for awhile, get beaten and be forced to retreat but then come back with backup to win the rematch.

    German-Trained Infantry: As close to elite as China's infantry gets. Modeled after the Wehrmacht and trained by German advisors during the interwar-period, these troops are harder for China to field even if they resemble their European counterparts in equipment. They cannot be spammed like the regulars and may very well have the 5-star veterancy of OKW. You want to field a few of these early and get their XP up BUT DON'T LOSE THEM. Almost all of China's German-trained divisions were annihilated trying to hold onto Shanghai (where many Westerners lived, as they hoped the bitter fighting would rouse foreign support for their cause). It was a crippling blow losing those divisions so you better treat them right!

    X Force: A cool name, but basically Lend Lease Infantry. The Allied equivalent of the German-trained Infantry, borrowing from the British and American roster instead. Again, they can't be spammed... but China's infantry roster allows it a lot of flexibility that rewards adaptive playstyles. One encounter you're fighting a German-style unit and the next, a British-style unit!

    Dare to Die Corps: The first WEIRD unit. These guys are armed with swords and grenades/dynamite strapped to their bodies. If they manage to close in on an enemy unit, whether it's infantry or tanks, they'll do massive damage. Of course, the unit is killed if you successfully attack armor with it. By themselves, they shouldn't pose much threat... but god help the tank crew with a disabled engine and no infantry support. They can be upgraded to inspire allies when they charge the enemy.

    War Heroes: While every country promoted their heroic examples for propaganda in WW2, China especially publicized tales of wartime heroism to its own citizens and foreign observers. This unit is your force multiplier and can be upgraded to different roles; where they can become nightmarish defenders (especially in buildings), an aggressive shock unit that buffs nearby allies, or a commander type used to call in air power.


    Cavalry: THAT'S RIGHT, a few guys on horses! Based on the soldiers of the Ma Warlords' predominantly Muslim forces, their horses are big targets and they can't assume cover unless dismounted. They're faster than infantry but slower and cheaper than cars, meaning the Chinese should often get an early territory advantage but be unable to hold onto all of it. Armed with sabers and carbines, they can charge exposed infantry and make short work of them but are terrible at dealing with emplacements/garrisons. Their best use may be in chasing down retreating infantry with their sabers. The Japanese called these troops "Horse beard soldiers".

    Jeep: Despite amounting to almost a fifth of all wheeled military vehicles used by the U.S. during WW2, there's no jeeps in the US roster in COH2! A lot were exported to China for use in the rugged terrain of the Burma campaign. Small and fast and initially unarmed, this is a cheap early vehicle.


    Ad-hoc Mortar: Representing the whole gamut of artillery pieces China scrounged together or in some cases built from scratch, this team is cheap and initially unreliable. However, their resourcefulness is represented by the ability to upgrade when they scrounge dead AT/Armor/Artillery units for ammunition. Don't ask me how it all fits in the tube, they just make it work. Well utilized, you have a dirt cheap mortar unit that overperforms for its cost. The Japanese had a saying about the communists' use of mortars in particular; "The only thing they haven't done to them yet is attach a bayonet to the end."

    Bofors 75 mm Mountain Gun: Chiang Kai Shek was notoriously stingy with his artillery, preferring to keep most pieces in the capital (Nanking and later Chongqing) However, they had this Swedish import that was bought in large quantities before the war. Drawn by horses, this bad boy can hustle. You're gonna need to move it a lot too because it's about as good as Chinese artillery gets.

    Madsen 20mm: The Chinese probably made more extensive use of this little bad boy than the Danish did, as quite a few were imported before the war and they proved much more effective for battlefields in Asia than in Europe. Initially an anti-air autocannon, it can be upgraded to modestly preform an anti-tank role. Its best use against medium and heavy tanks is to rapid-fire a noisy barrage that will disorient the crew while your Dare-to-Die troops close in...


    Universal Carrier: The only light vehicle China really had a decent supply of during the war. (And they still didn't see combat) Obviously a lend lease from Britain, but should be harder to field than good 'ol cavalry. They do have the bonus of being able to repair nearby vehicles, an example of how the American and British trained crews had to be resourceful in the jungles of Southeast Asia.

    Foreign Light Tank: While statistically identical, each Chinese light tank should roll onto the battlefield like a lovely unique snowflake, appearing either as a German Panzer I, a Russian T-26, or an American M2A4. You'll notice all of these were pre-war tanks that largely became obsolete by 1939. China received armor from German, Soviet, and later American programs and made excellent use of the equipment they received but it was often pyrrhic victories as they could never replenish their losses. Fast and light but with paper-thin armor, they specialize in hit and run tactics more than anything. Maybe you can use them in conjunction with the dare-to-die corps to take out heavier armor.

    Lend Lease Stuarts and Shermans: Our good 'ol armored friends from the U.S. Forces made it to China. Despite the huge land border, China was quite isolated. The Japanese blockaded it by sea and the Himalayas made supplying them... difficult, to say the least. Nevertheless, several Chinese divisions were outfitted with these modern bad boys and achieved great success. This is probably China's strongest 'out of the box' unit before upgrades/veterancy.


    So not quite a unit type in of itself but I think China's air assets would be VERY strong, especially as a counter to armor when you just can't get those dare-to-die troops close enough. At the start of the war, China was only outnumbered in the air by about 3 to 1. Not bad! Their main problem was replenishing their losses. The very first dogfight between monoplanes occurred in China and in 1938, two daring Chinese B-10 bomber pilots flew over the Japanese mainland to drop... anti-war leaflets. Since Japan was reluctant to penetrate too deep into the Chinese heartland, they increasingly relied upon strategic bombing to terrorize the defenders. Because of this, China's air force was a huge priority.

    China's pilots, aided by the Flying Tiger volunteers from America and Soviet 'volunteers' from Operation Zet, would develop many of the dogfighting strategies later employed in the pacific by U.S. Navy pilots. Thus I say China should have access to an extremely potent airforce that will shore up its weak land-based roster. The Chinese player's opponent should get used to dealing with strafing runs and bombing missions threatening their static defenses and tanks.

    Upgrades/Buildings/Abilities/and other Miscellaneous Things

    Historically, China fought a very unusual war. It lasted for eight years and despite this roster being full of foreign equipment, they were on their own for the vast majority of it. It was such an exhausting endeavor for Japan that midway through this war, they decided they'd rather fight America and the British instead and halted most of their combat operations on the Chinese mainland.

    China should have a lot of manpower and low population cost-per-unit but I think it would be a trap to just spam their units all over the map and hope for success. Despite their numbers, they are not disposable.

    Healing: It should be hard to heal for the Chinese player... but it should also be incredibly rewarding when they do. Preserving your units' veterancy should be the name of the game. Without any mobile form of replenishing like medics, the player should be cycling units to and from their base regularly. The extra tankiness of their regular infantry units facilitates this.

    Upgrades/Veterancy: Most Chinese units should start off... bad. But they get better and better. From guerillas who can scrounge weapons from dead bodies to the mortar teams who do the same but with heavy weapons. If you do a little damage and run away from an encounter just to buy time, that's a win. Almost every unit should be upgradeable and weapon airdrops should be on the menu. It may even be a viable strategy to spam a mass of infantry and upgrade/replenish whoever is left.

    Buildings and Territory Control: With extraordinary cheap starting units, to include cavalry, the Chinese player should quickly seize control of a majority of the map in the opening exchange... but also be utterly incapable of holding onto all of it against the enemy's probing. The goal is to pick the battles you want to fight and avoid the ones your enemy wants to fight. The Chinese faction should emphasize a strategic victory even if you lose nearly most tactical engagements, winning a war of attrition with delaying tactics and a mixture of sacrifice and conservation. Ambient buildings can be turned into fortresses and their trenches and emplacements are better for slowing the enemy down than really doing damage.

    submitted by /u/Pbadger8
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    Better 1v1 match tracking would be great in CoH3

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    How awesome would it be if it kept a counter of how many times you have played someone, and the win/loss ratio.

    I keep coming across people i know I've played before, but I cannot remember if they beat me. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/revan376
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    Units inside buildings.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    Infantry units inside a building should be able to throw grenades/sticky bombs and bazooka tanks. Bazooka squads only seem to work against tanks some of the time when inside buildings. Not sure if this is a bug or not.

    Also you should be able to reinforce/armour buildings to make them stronger against bazooka squads/medium vehicles. Obviously heavy tanks should still be able to take down a building in 3/4 shots.

    Should be able to repair more builldings. At the moment it seems only a few buildings can be repaired. Building repair rate seems a bit too slow as well.

    Also when a building is converted to forward barracks the units should stay in the building if there are free slots rather than leaving and entering the battleground.

    Would be nice to have bigger buildings with more troop slots as well.

    submitted by /u/muzzamiester
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    Emplacements removed?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    I understand this is a pre-alpha but will mortar emplacements/ MG emplacements/ AT emplacements still be in COH3?


    submitted by /u/muzzamiester
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    How can I get better at COH2?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    I've been playing through the campaign with relatively no problems, but when I try scenarios/skirmish against A.I especially a co op I just get overwhelmed quick. It seems like by the time I have a few soldiers out and checkpoints they already have 5+ tanks coming at me.

    submitted by /u/Dr_Dankenstein1
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    COH2 weekly gaming group

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Hey I'm trying to cut back on gaming a little bit, n was gonna see if some people wanted to hop on like 1 day or 2 a week at a certain time to play.

    Im down for whatever, but it would be cool to get 8 people eventually and we can just balance teams so its fun and all that.

    Im in eastern, and Sundays from like 9am-1pm are a for sure, and same with Saturdays but maybe a little later at night too (sometimes I wanna stay out late somewhere so i don't want to commit to that)

    Thinking of casual/light competitive. Maybe do some mod matches for fun, I just wanna have a good time but not just dink around for 3 hours. Maybe do prized stuff if it gets enough people

    submitted by /u/jm22854
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    CoH3: first play of the German faction! (had to reupload)

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Which is better?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    What do you think is better? (Not graphically, but gameplay, ui, ease of access, and troops)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/UrMoma_llama
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    Can't start campaign

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:45 PM PDT

    So basically, when I load into the game, I can't go further than the menu. Nothing happens when i click on "load game, resume campaign, restart campaign, new campaign" etc. Rest of the menu, ie options works and i can also play the skirmish, but the Campaign just won't open. I hope someone knows a fix, because i was really enjoying my playthrough and would love to continue

    submitted by /u/Rasputin1914
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    Í need help with the Soviets!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    I want to learn soviets, but all guides are out dated.
    I have a menpower problem, most of the time i have enough fuel to build t-70
    but I cant effort it because my infantry is bleeding at every point.

    I have close to 300h in PVP and I am on lvl 8-11 depends on the mode mostly 2v2 or 4v4.
    Thats why my micro still suck! I tried alot of tactics and build orders but they wont work if i alway lose my squards or they always bleed.

    Hope some vet players can helo me!!

    submitted by /u/MontyP15
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    Units firing out of transports: Moving or stationary accuracy?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    Since flamethrowers and other squad weapons can be fired while the vehicle is moving, it would seem that squads inside vehicles attack as if they were standing still. But the accuracy of small arms fire doesn't seem to square with that. Grens or Pgrens in a 250 don't do as much damage as I expect them to when driving around.

    Does anyone know for sure if the moving accuracy and fire rate penalties apply when in a transport?

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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    How much better is the Vickers K compared to the Bren gun?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    I heard it aims 0.5 seconds faster and everything else is the same, but for 15 Munitions that can't be it, right?

    submitted by /u/bennyktm
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    My Thoughts on the COH 3 Pre Alpha

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Takes a long time to find a match?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Title sums it up, is this normal? It feels like forever

    submitted by /u/ADK-KND
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    Non-partisan Italian Forces

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Will there be Italian Army forces in North Africa and Italy or even RSI troops in northern Italy. I have not seen anything about this yet

    submitted by /u/Ajkapp
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    COH3 instant BUGSPLAT

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    As the title says I instantly get a BUGSPLAT straight after I launch the game through steam. First a small black window appears then BUGSPLAT! Any one know what's happening. When I first downloaded the game I did play for am hour or so and the next day tried again and this just keeps on happening.

    submitted by /u/marklamarr
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    [COH1] Loss of control of all units during a match?

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    I just encountered something I've never seen before in my time playing COH1. I started a match, and even from about 5 minutes in, it seemed someone else was controlling the match. Units were generated which I did not request. I would order some units to locations, and they would begin moving that way, then run another way. At some points, my troops were randomly quartered in buildings. In some cases, my units ran randomly towards enemy areas. It honestly felt like the opponents were somehow controlling my units. Does such a hack exist?

    submitted by /u/m0v3act
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    IncaUna vs PFC - A grande battle

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    I sip my tea, finally hitting page 1 after suffering 15 minute queues and random teammates.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Game crashes after victory/defeat screen

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    Coh2.So i think its either game problem or grpahics card, but im doubtful the fault lies with grpahics cards cuz it doesnt happen on other games. Basically i have rtx480 gaming x amd graphics card and no matter the resolution or the duration of the game it always crashes just when game ends and im suppose to get rewards. Did any1 ever encounter something similar? (Btw i have turned off those artillery shots that happen when game ends). Another thing ill say is that it doesnt just crash the game but my whole pc crashes and i have to cut it off from power and disconnect the wire that goes from monitor to hraphics card, it feels like game crashes my graphics card when im about to get 1500 points for finishing game.

    submitted by /u/lpniss
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