• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Company of Heroes Why yes, I do always open with 4 Maxim guns, how could you tell?

    Company of Heroes Why yes, I do always open with 4 Maxim guns, how could you tell?

    Why yes, I do always open with 4 Maxim guns, how could you tell?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    All your fps are now belong to me

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    It's still too early to discuss unit balance, but...

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    ...that SFF Commando from the US army is definitely gonna be hit HARD with the nerf hammer.

    0CP, 6 models, 2 LMGs + 2 bazookas with no munitions cost, can switch between them at any time, WP smoke AND a insta-kill knife throw? It's like they merged all the best infantry units from CoH2 into a single squad.

    You guys found anything else horribly broken like that?

    submitted by /u/abrazilianinreddit
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    Company Of Heroes 3 (PRE-ALPHA): All German vehicles up close (Medium Settings)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Have Brandon Keener return as the voice of the Sniper in COH3

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I think the biggest fan service that could be done is to have Brandon Keener return as the voice of the American Sniper, as he was in COH1. Give him some of his original lines and possibly some new ones.

    "Heart or Head, either way, Jerry's dead."
    "Trick or treat you ******* kraut."
    "Who believes in the boogeyman?"

    submitted by /u/1TrueKnight
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    How to lose less troops? (CoH2)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I know this is a broad question, but I thought maybe someone had a similar issue and learned how to train themself to be better in this regard, have some specific insight, advices and stuff. Maybe some tutorials, anything. How do I get better at micro management?

    Basically in almost every match I play, even if I win, my lost to killed troops ratio is the worst or one of the worst of all players. Obviously, that is the most clear indicator that I am doing something wrong, and reason why I lose. I've played some online matches in CoH2, but I am still a n00b really, I also basically never played RTS online or skirmishes with AI before this game (I played decent amount of RTS games in my life, but I was always single player campaign kind of guy). It especially sucks when I finally get tanks and despite trying to position them properly etc. I always end up losing tanks quickly.

    submitted by /u/itonlyendsoncee
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    A bit disappointed by COH3 German unit roster

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    I know things may still change when the game is released but I was really expecting to see some early war units that fit the Mediterranean theater…like Pzii, Pziii, flak36, and some Italin tanks like M15…etc. Infantry-wise I would love to see Italian paratroopers and era-specific German infantry like MG34 instead of MG42 and Stg44 (why are there stg44s in 1943…). Early war or captured firearms like ZB26 are also welcome. To wrap it up I found the current unit roster too repetitive, like they almost just remake units from Coh1 and Coh2, which in my opinion don't fit the Italian or Afrcan theaters well.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/LieutenantDan-1
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    Latest CoH3 articles feel like they were written by people who never played CoH2.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:58 PM PDT


    Hold on a second.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta for CoH2 has been heavily infantry focused for almost the entire life of the game. Ostruppen doctrines, Jaeger Light Infantry doc's, Stormtroopers, Guards Rifle, etc.

    Strong infantry play/Countering infantry has completely ruled the CoH2 meta, with the only real outlier being the Tiger Ace when it was first released.

    Feels super weird that people accuse CoH2 of instantly turning into a tank vs tank brawl, when the meta has been anything but that for years.

    submitted by /u/TiberiusZahn
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    COHDEX beta is released, create strategies in your browsers for free, and share with others!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Get Started

    View Public Strategy (No account required)


    COHDEX gives you the tools in an online environment to create capping orders with the option to share them with others. Currently, there's a replay feature implemented which is not true to the game, but at the very least should give you a good idea of how a capping order would play out without having to start the game and waste another 5 min of your life.

    The end goal is to use real game logic for the replay feature and to give you more possible commands, like moving to a given place, adding mines, setting up support teams in a given direction, etc.

    However, since it is a hobby project it is not my priority nor do I have the time to spend hours and hours on this project. If you are a developer who is familiar with JavaScript then feel free to go to the repository and make a couple of pull requests. There's no strict roadmap hence there are no issues added.

    Announcement Post

    submitted by /u/iamchets
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    New German Mechanised actually fun

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    I know, we all are celebrating CoH3, but I still wanted to give some opinions on our recent CoH2 patch. On the reworked German Mechanised commander, mostly in the spirit of team games, not 1v1 (though I guess it wouldn't be too shabby there). Also, I know, fun is subjective, some may not share the experience.

    For team games, I played German Mechanised already in the past, before I got Storm doctrine and benched the commander indefinitely, as I found Storm to be a more interesting leFH commander. German Mechanised to me seemed like the ultimate support commander, bringing your team a leFH so the indirect gets squashed, giving spotting scopes and command tank, so your allies have vision and their Panthers are extra tanky, because if you actually dipped into all the stuff this commander has, your popcap leaves no room for much. And with the command tank having been a rather poor combatant, the leFH doing most of its job on its own, I really found the commander quite boring overall. Spotting also is an upgrade and just requires a vehicle to stand idle.

    Well, the reworks didn't change much, but I feel like the commander got much more interesting in terms of actually getting things done by itself. It still is a support powerhouse, but I feel like I actually get to do something. Much comes down to two critical changes, which are:

    • The 250 without Grenadiers: Making the 250 buildable instead of a CP2 call-in with Grenadiers gives it so much more value and it gives the commander some nice early aggression potential with German clown car. If you are up vs Brits or USF, this can be extremely neat. Once it reaches Vet 1, it also can reinforce. Sadly, it does not heal. I don't think the 250 needs buffs, but if I could ask for one thing, give it also the passive healing on Vet 1. It feels a bit eh to be able to reinforce, but still having to spend 25 muni for med kit or build a 251 or a bunker.
    • Comman tank with abilities: Having a smoke shell and a Mark Target ability make the unit actually do something. Before, you gave it spotting scopes, put it near the frontline and forgot it existed because its killing power mostly doesn't matter in the vehicle fights, it just buffed units around it and offered spotting, nothing which needed any interaction. Just move it if the allies move. Now it actually can be a pretty solid unit, offering support abilities that actually need some interaction and with mark target, I actually feel like the limited armour I can build gets a bit more out of the unit, not just my allies getting tankier tanks (and infantry). Also, being buildable, not being late-game call-in.

    Overall, whereas in the past I'd go with bog standard German build, then go into bog standard German P4, then build a leFH and call in a Command P4 to help heavies that come around the same time, I can now early on go much more on the offensive with 250 to bully opponents off the fuel, get a 222 with the extra fuel then go either Command P4 or P4, depending on how much I need AT beyond the PaK and then get leFH late-game. Early Command P4 also means that the 222 has a much higher chance to survive to lategame. The vehicle repair as sole ammo sink means tanks are back in the fight in record speed. Lategame, build maybe leFH or just use the scouting as always, but you also get the abilities of the command tank to play with.

    Funnily enough, I mostly started to work with German Mechanised again after trying to make Puma memes work, but found that for team games, Mobile Defense offers too little, though MOP is a great addition and I'd guess in smaller modes it actually can be a decent commander (instead of just offering a lulzy unit to dive for Katyushas and repairing TDs).

    That's all I wanted to say, thanks community balance team for making this commander actually a more active and interesting choice not just "I exist so the other 2-3 folks can have a more fun time".

    submitted by /u/Rabimea
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    (HELP) Mods not showing up in game?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    Installed CoH2 today (after a few months break)

    Mods not showing in Skirmish (only option is 'no mod')

    Have gone into workshop and re subscribed to them, waited for them to download, opened CoH2 and waited 10 minutes, still nothing shows up.

    Mods in question are Wikinger and Spearhead. Also, not new to the game, have 650 hours and most of it on mods. Very confused, please help

    submitted by /u/SpectralVoodoo
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    Company of Heroes 3 Pre-Alpha Performance Issues

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    I'm unable to play the game on any setting higher than the lowest settings while being stuck below 10 FPS despite being above the recommended specs. Anything higher automatically crashes the game.

    I have a NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 SUPER Graphics Card, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700k CPU @ 3.60 GHz CPU, and 16 GBs of RAM.

    Anything I can do on my end or should I just hopefully wait for some kind of performance update? Should I report to the official forums as well or is this already known?

    submitted by /u/Anakin_Jared
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    Better ragdoll and death animations for COH3

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    I know It's still very early but since COH 1 the deaths were just so much better, NPCs go flying by explosions, deaths weren't all scripted, why can't we get a better ragdoll system with realistic bullet knockback, flailing limbs, locational damage, similar to RDR 2, Rising storm 2, or GTA 5. Anything to just make the combat look and feel like it has variety in that aspect.

    submitted by /u/TheRordonGamsay
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    Opinion on coh 3 alpha faction balance?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    From what I could see UK looks.. quite strong, the rifle grenades will need a serious nerf before they hit release

    USA seems quite balanced

    Didnt try germans yet


    submitted by /u/Cold_Winter1
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    How does the elevation mechanic affect units?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    What are the benefits of elevation?

    submitted by /u/pepemalupet
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    [CoH2] What are your 1v1 strategies against the AI? (Soviet or Ostheer)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I got to the point last week that I almost always dominate the Standard AI, so I made the jump to Hard, and yeah. I think the best I've done was losing 350-0. Most of the time it's 490-0. Feels like I'm needing to relearn the game.

    My builds against Standard are very AT-focused. Since I'm not good at keeping vehicles alive, I figure I can almost totally ignore fuel and focus on munitions with infantry and team weapons. This works like a charm against the Standard AI - especially with Soviets and Zis guns with their arty barrage. I use a lot of mines and a lot of elite infantry. With Ostheer, when it gets late-ish in the game, I'll usually build a Panther and/or a Brumbar to help close the pocket.

    Hard AI is much better at countering/flanking/de-crewing and stealing my AT guns then overwhelming me with tanks.

    What strats do you use that I could try? Obviously I need to get better with vehicles. Any tips you have or videos you can throw at me would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OverdoneAndDry
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    Coh1 british

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:06 PM PDT

    Anyone still playing playing coh 1? I just tried British and I am amazed (I play wermacht all the time). Some of the people when I play online before say that British is very weak. I had just been playing British on skirmish and not yet comfortable using it on online multilayer

    I used the overwatch barrage and it automatically hits the enemies once they were besides the target. And the priest and creeping barrage combo is very deadly.

    My only issue is that it is slow to build up the army and they can't produce any units inside a garrisoned building. Good thing is that the trucks for production are mobile.

    Any tips on playing British on coh1?

    I bought coh2 long time ago and it is still on my steam account but haven't installed it yet. Maybe next month.

    submitted by /u/engineerFWSWHW
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    Is the Osttruppen Doctrine still viable?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    I am planning to buy a few OST commanders for 1v1 and one of my choices is the Osttruppen Doctrine. Is it still good? I am also open to receive recommendations of other doctrine that are good for 1v1s

    submitted by /u/ImYer
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    Little hope for musical side of things in CoH3

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:45 AM PDT

    Because it's night and day difference between CoH1 and CoH2.

    Especially how they used to fit the faction they were assigned to:



    Because frankly, besides 2 tracks from the base game and maybe one part of a british one, it's quite bland and uninspiring in CoH2.

    I don't even remember single one from US or OKW.

    submitted by /u/morelrix
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    Coh3 max zoom less than coh2

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    From what I've seen so far it seems like coh3 seems a lil more zoomed in at max than coh2. Feel lest vast? (this is just watching the pre alpha youtubers content) hope its at least the same as coh2. Supreme commander had the best zoom feature of any rts ever.. From unit 3rd person all the way out to satellite View haha

    submitted by /u/jackel_witch
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    COH3 first impressions

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    I like the extra spaces in the training queue. Much easier when training new troops now. Also like the addition of higher level terrain.

    I like the idea of breaching buildings but don't think it is that useful. Medium/heavy vehicles can already destroy buildings easily. MG troops in a building would stun the troops hence negating the risk of breaching.

    Like that it shows you how many units can fit in a building. Don't think that was in COH2.

    Not sure if it's just me but there seems to be less cover available. The reinforcement queue seems like it does not have enough spaces when reinforcing depleted squads. Would be better if this was similar to COH2 which seemed to have more slots.

    Hoping they make sprint and volley fire available without using resources. Just seems a bit weird when barbed wire and tank traps don't use any. Also not sure why sandbags use resources.

    Would also be nice if we could repair damaged/destroyed buildings. At least the buildings converted to forward barracks, if not all.

    Hope they add a toggle option for the auto wall vault.

    Overall some nice QOL changes and looking forward to the next alpha/beta version.

    edit: just played again and it turns out sandbags do not cost any resources.

    submitted by /u/muzzamiester
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    Mortar as USF

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Against a turtle player (Especially Ostheer) is it worth going rifle rifle mortar? I like the smoke and the earliness of the mortar and could be a good alt to my strategy against my spam

    submitted by /u/asian-nerd
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    Multyplayer FFA?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I would love if coh3 would have more options for multiplayer gameplay like FFA or 2 v 2 v 2 or any combination. And more gamemodes maybe like one where a team must defend and another to atack and then switch places.

    submitted by /u/Zmice
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    Do u use Panzer 2 and how ?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, am I the only one who find P2 useless at least in compare to other alternatives, like Puma and the ht?, I mean puma has some usage against LV and can fight infantry if needed, but every thing P2 can do the ht can do better with additional bonces like suppression and AA capabilities, in the other hand P2 could not do any of this, cost more and almost loss all its importance after the enemy player make at or even if he just make infantry with some at capabilities like the penals, so as I see it right now there is zero reason to choose P2 over the HT, the Ht is just too superior to P2, but maybe I am wrong so what do you think about this?

    submitted by /u/AliIYousef
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