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    Company of Heroes Game Design Player Archetypes and Company of Heroes

    Company of Heroes Game Design Player Archetypes and Company of Heroes

    Game Design Player Archetypes and Company of Heroes

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    The head designer for the Magic The Gathering Card game defined player archetypes. Here I adapt those archetypes for CoH.

    The archetypes are Timmy, Johnny, Spike, and Vorthos. Every player has a little bit of each archetype, and the archetypes derive "fun" in different ways. The game designer's goal is to make the game appealing each archetype as much as possible. There are units, commanders, abilities, strategies that fit the archetypes well, and there are changes to the game that impact beyond mere "balance"


    Who is Timmy? Timmy wants to play with big units and cause big explosions. Timmy thinks its fun to buy a large tank and have it play a huge role in the fight. Tales of Valor was made for timmies. Every heavy tank is a timmy unit. Railway artillery is a timmy ability. SkippyFx is a Timmy.

    How do you keep Timmy happy? Simply give him big toys to play with. Timmy is going to buy a heavy tank whether its optimal or not, he will be happy as long as he feels his big tank made an impact on the game.

    Demo charges are Timmy's favorite mine, when they got nerfed hard by the balance team poor Timmy switched over to goliaths. The B4 was once the greatest Timmy unit ever devised. With 1 shot you could decimate the enemy army. When the balance team changed this unit, they didn't realize they were spoiling Timmy's fun. It is no longer a meme cannon.


    who is Johnny? Johnny wants to combo and have new exciting interactions. Johnny wants his MG and his mortar to work together to beat his opponent. Johnny wants his AT gun and mines to synergize and catch vehicles during a push. Johnny likes crewing team weapons with shocks for extra armor, or pathfinders for extra vision. Johnny recalls losing a game after picking up 2 MG34 on a pathfinder squad more fondly than any blowout victory or hard won close win. BaoLiang is a Johnny.

    How do you keep Johnny happy? Johnny needs combos, Johnny wants play weird builds and play against weird builds. Johnny expects to be rewarded for combined arms plays, coordinated pushes, and unorthodox/surprising builds. A meta which has multiple viable tech paths, and multiple viable core infantry starts is necessary, or Johnny will become bored and stop playing.

    When Johnny watches a tournament and sees the same commanders chosen every match, he stops watching. It doesn't matter to Johnny how chess-like the faction win %'s are, if it is the same units built every time he's over it.


    Who is Spike? Spike is a competitor and he wants to win. That's it. Spike evaluates units by whether they increase his chances of winning or not. HelpingHans is a Spike.

    How do you keep Spike happy? Spike doesn't like most forms of RNG, but he will tolerate a narrow subset. Enlightened Spikes see most RTS games are like chess, but CoH is like Poker. Spike allows RNG to challenge his ability to manage risk, as long as tournament play is still generally decided by skill.

    Spike has the most unhelpful balance suggestions of all the archetypes. Spike only wants the game to reward all the skills he's well suited for. Spike doesn't have any special skill that would make him good at balancing the game, he only identifies things he thinks could make his win % higher. Spike will challenge you to a 1v1 if you disagree with his changes, as if that would demostrate anything relevant.


    Who is Vorthos? Vorthos cares about lore and flavor. Vorthos bought a better graphics card so he could zoom in on the uniforms. Vorthos doesn't like that Mortars don't counter open top vehicles. Vorthos wants units to behave realistically and authentically (or at least to his historical understanding). ImperialDane is a Vorthos.

    How do you keep Vorthos happy? Make units behave the way they would have on a real battlefield. Most Vorthos are reasonable and understand that it is an action videogame that isn't 100% accurate. Vorthos expects damage ranges for SMGs and Rifles to make intuitive sense. Vorthos thought the vCoH companies and doctrines were perfectly crafted to match the expectation of how that army would fight.

    If Vorthos sees a balance problem, more than likely every new player attempting to learn the game stumbles over that problem. Putting an upgrade behind a specific tech structure might make balance sense, but Vorthos doesn't get it and new players don't get it.

    What kind of player are you?

    submitted by /u/EvilTribble
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    How to make use of riflemen early game?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Been playing usf, and I struggle to make use of riflemen. I try to get around close-medium range against volks or grenadiers to cover, but another enemy unit arrives and outnumber my riflemen. I always send my closest riflemen to support, but the riflemen under fire gets too damaged, forcing me to retreat.

    How can I prevent this? I try to soft retreat my damaged riflemen, though it gets hurt more, and makes me lose the engagement.

    Another question, how do you handle engagements in general? What do you think about in order to win that fight?

    submitted by /u/SveltSpider2503
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    Why are there more prestige players than normal ones?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    I have noticed that I only get sweaty prestige 3 or 1 German players who are many ranks above me, but manage to be thrown into my rank 6 game. I have only played about 100 hundred 1v1s vs these guy's 900+. How is the mmr that bad?? Like it's not fair to new players trying to climb if they're getting rank 12s as a rank 6s. Ik the game is old but I'd rather wait 5 mins for someone of my rank than someone twice my rank in seconds.

    submitted by /u/delayedmaybe2
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    Is there any plan to add the Tactical map to the (rts) campaign of COH3?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    I suppose not everyone will agree, but it was a bummer for me to not have have access to it in the Ardennes Assault campaign and hope it will be the case in COH3's campaign

    submitted by /u/I_love_to_please
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    Kings & Generals video just looks like a COH replay.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Kings and Generals recently put out a video on the Defense of the Sihang Warehouse during the Japanese invasion of China and their presentation looks REMARAKBLY similar a Company of Heroes map, don't you think?

    And hey, while we're on the subject, I think this video makes an excellent case for why Japan and China might be interesting factions to have in COH3. ;)

    submitted by /u/Pbadger8
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    What happened with playerbase?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Allies main here. Is there some kind of new player migration? Cause how i have been able to lost like 10 games in a row? I was rank 12, now im 8. Please, dont start with "get premade". I know, that u can sometimes encouter a bad or new players, but in 10 games in a row? For example, 50 % of those games, im either 2V1 or 3v1, while my allies are unable to push one stupid MG 42. Then something happen, one of enemy team leaves. Voila, my allies are now fighting 3v1 (+ bot, but u cannot count that as a threat most of the time). While im still 2v1. 10 minutes later we get murdered and raped. Do players know, that there is one big map where u can usually see enemy movement? And do they know, that building stupid defences on a points, where nobody fights for is just l2p? For example road to Arnhem. Right side were two soviets vs OKW bot and Wehr. In middle there was our UKF teamate making strongholds (no enemy squads were there neither were trying to get there) and me, of course were left side UKF vs two OKWs... I mean, whats wrong? Im definitelly not a pro player, but im not a noob neither...

    submitted by /u/Hrebikanec
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