• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 5, 2021

    Company of Heroes Olvadi & 101st Airborne's International Classic Series

    Company of Heroes Olvadi & 101st Airborne's International Classic Series

    Olvadi & 101st Airborne's International Classic Series

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Announcing the first International Classic Series by Olvadi and 101st Airborne and sponsored by Toonation! Visit their website at toon.at to learn more!

    From your favourite 2v2 caster Olvadi and our best Korean caster, 101st Airborne, comes a new thirty-two player, double elimination 1v1 event! If you think you've got what it takes to step onto the big stage, if you want to cast some great games, or if you just want to sit back and watch some amazing plays, then don't miss out! The grand prize for first place is 3 million South Korean Won — nearly $1.500 USD — courtesy of the sponsor Toonation. This is definitely going to be an exciting tournament with competitive maps, a hearty prize pool, and the announcement of CoH 3 garnering so much attention!

    Schedule & Signup

    The tournament schedule is as follows:

    • Week one: August 14-15

    • Week two: August 21

    • Week three: August 28

    • Finals: September 4th

    Check in each day starts at 13:00 BST / 12:00 UTC / 21:00 KST)
    Matches start each day at 14:00 BST / 13:00 UTC / 22:00 KST

    Sign up on the Master League Discord. Sign ups close 13 August at 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC).
    Your sign up should include your:

    Steam name
    17 digit Steam 64ID
    — PM Olvadi your email to access the Battleplanner tool


    • 1vs1

    • BO3; semi-finals BO5; finals BO7

    • Standard 500 Victory Points

    • Fixed starting positions (Allies 1,2 | Axis 3,4)

    • All factions are allowed!

    • 5 minute observer delay

    • 16-32 players

    • Double Elimination

    • Tournament Mode mod

    Map Pool

    Seeding, Rules, and Coin Toss Procedure

    Classical ML seeding

    For general rules, consult the Master League Rules.

    Unique Rules:

    • Osttruppen and Defensive Doctrine (Wehrmacht) BANNED

    • Rosbone's Battle Planner used after Day 1 — first day's maps are pre-selected

    • Faction elimination in semi-finals and finals — No faction choice repeat until the fifth game

    Coin Toss Procedure:

    Coin toss winner can pick first map veto or faction pick
    players veto maps in alternating pattern until two maps are left
    Flip another coin; winner of this coin toss decides the map.

    Coin toss winner can pick first map veto or faction pick
    players veto in alternating until 3 maps are left
    Flip another coin; this winner can decide if they want to pick the first(g1 and g2) map or pick the second(g3 and g4) map. The remaining map will be the ace game map.

    Coin toss winner can pick first map veto or faction pick
    players veto in alternating until four maps are left
    Flip another coin; the winner can decide if they want to pick the first map (g1 and g2) or if they want to pick the second map (g3 and g4). The third map (g5 and g6) will then be picked by the player who selected the first map. The remaining map will be the the ace game map

    NB: In all matches the player with the most VPs has the faction pick in the ace game. Losses count as 0 VPs.

    Prize Pool

    KRW 3.000.000* (~$3,000 USD)

    *Unfortunately, the total amount will be reduced by 4.4% due to tax reasons (down to KRW 2.868.000)
    To be distributed as follows:

    1st: 50 percent (~$1500)
    2nd: 22 percent (~$ 650)
    3rd: 10 percent (~ $300)
    4th: 4 percent (~$130)
    5th-8th: 2 percent (~$60)


    Early rounds are open to all! Just message Olvadi via Discord that you want to cast. All casters are required to include in their streaming title, "hosted by Olvadi and 101st Airborne, sponsored by toon.at".
    Primary casting in Korean will be done by 101st Airborne
    Primary upper bracket English casing by AE
    Primary lower bracket English casting by Olvadi.

    (original .org article here

    submitted by /u/not_GBPirate
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    It's not that good...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    Looking for mid tier ELO game casts?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    Played COH1 years ago, picked up COH2 a few months ago and enjoying the game as I work to learn and play better. Obviously some frustrations along the way too (thanks wonky vehicle pathing!). I mostly play 1v1 automatch, branching out into the different factions as I go.

    I enjoy watching the high tier Propagandacast and AECoH channel replays, but looking for some lower/mid tier game casts. Outside of the Noob Olympics videos, which are plenty entertaining in their own way, are there any channels that stream games from the mid tiers? It'd be great to get some ideas from matches that aren't necessarily from champions of micro.

    submitted by /u/Iron_Sarge
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    How to report someone for being a *****?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    So I was playing tonight and there was this guy who was unhappy about we losing like 100 points or something (and clearly it wasn't like we were losing or something) and what he did was retreated all his units, simply left them there and went AFK without leaving the match to be replaced by the AI on purpose.

    So we couldn't vote surrender and after a while the other guy left the match and was replaced by AI. eventually the AFK guy returned, moved all of his units into enemy lines to be slaughtered in the most effective way and then left the match.

    How can I report him?!

    (Srsly people when you lose some points don't leave the match. There is always hope. and it sucks >:( )

    submitted by /u/Deathwatch1499
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    Strugling with axis

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    I used to play as OKW and I was around rank 13 14 I had no problems. But after a while I dropped the game and when I come back Im strugling really hard. I dont have the same problems as allies. I started to play as OST and I have no problems. Especially with ostruppen and g43 doctrines. I think its about weak support guns of OKW. Any suggestions and tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/DeepSeaFox
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    All the single Engies

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Looking for people to play coh1 europe at war with

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    Looking for players

    submitted by /u/el_voskoullis
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    The french are already in coh2

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    It's the partisan commander. Seriously if the french were in co3 it would be an entire group of AT guns pointed at the wrong direction until they surrender...

    Italy is the axis version of french... Let's not.

    submitted by /u/overcookedpasta30
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    Company of Heroes 3 - Storytelling Features

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    Are the Soviet and Wehrmacht playstyles backwards?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    So the balance in the soviet/Ostheer match-up, as I understand it, is that Soviets start weaker due to conscripts, while Ostheer has very good grenadiers and an MG available without texting. Then, around about the time the Soviets get a T-70 power swings their way, with both the Zis and T-70 being superior to the Pak and Panzer 2. The Ostheer plan is to hold on until Panzer 4s can start to arrive, and play defensively into the lategame where they can dominate with superior tanks.

    But isn't this the opposite of how the war played out?

    The Soviets put up some strong resistance, but thanks to comrade Stalin's genius (or paranoia) was not prepared for Barbarossa. They quickly settled on a scorched earth tactic, a fighting retreat designed to grind the Germans down. Meanwhile, the Nazi plan was to attack hard and fast, breaking lines of communication and supply to provoke surrender from encircled 'cauldrons'. This didn't work for many many many reasons, and the Soviets hastened to relocate their industry east of the Ural mountains and basically outproduce the Germans.

    So surely if it's reflecting the course of the war, the Ostheer should be more powerful in the early game, as it currently is, but should powerspike in the early-mid with scout cars and half tracks providing quality and mobility. The Soviet gameplan would be to stall out the game: making efficient trades, holding on to resources, launching counter attacks to cutoffs. Obviously the Ostheer would still have access to P4s and P5s, but with increased cost/build time - they should be a huge, expensive investment in an attempt to break the enemy (as they were in reality)

    Tl;dr: Ostheer are currently a late game faction when historically they should be early-mid; Soviets are currently a mid-game faction when historically they should be lategame. I think it's too late to change the entire balance of CoH2 now but this struck me as a weird design choice.

    submitted by /u/blodgute
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    Schweizer und deutschsprachige Spieler gesucht

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Wir suchen ein paar gechillte schweizer oder deutschsprachige Mitspieler, die gerne ruhige Runden spielen. Leute welche das Spiel vor dem Ende verlassen und Leute die immer salty sind, sowie "Propagandaminister" die ständig rumpingen und die Zeit haben allen Befehlen zu erteilen, statt selbst zu spielen, werden aussortiert.

    Wir sind über 30 Jahre alt und haben meistens nur am Wochenende Zeit, mögen gepflegte Unterhaltung, ohne "Sitcom" Level Drama, damit wir dem Stress der Arbeitswelt entfliehen können, welcher uns schon die ganze Woche beschäftigt.

    Vielleicht sind wir auch unter der Woche mal da, haben dann aber erst recht kein Bedürfnis, Dramas zu erleben. Wir setzen uns aus Schweizern und Deutschen zusammen, sind aber kein Clan, wollen auch nur eine lose Community für angenehme Spiele sein. Es sind auch Streamer dabei... Natürlich werden auch andere Spiele gezockt, Hauptsache keine ununterbrochene flamerei. (Jeder dreht mal frei)

    Wir freuen uns auf deine Zeit mit uns!


    submitted by /u/M3chaniz3d
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    This is srsly not fair

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    Every patch, somehow results in axis breaking the balance. Please test more

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    This is not to say that we plebs aren't ever so thankful. Nevertheless it seems to be a recurring theme. This is more noticeable in anything beyond 1v1, which is something else entirely.

    Past few patches have resulted in, prior to nerfs;

    Fjagars over performing JLI over performing 12 min okw tiger call in Instant arty strike on at guns have no time to move Brumbar wiping/too much armour ISG suppression

    And now Stiger 1440hp (with vet). Stiger has become more useful then the kv2 are has.

    Just to name a few. That is not to say that allies don't have their own share of broken things too. However as of late, this seems to be far too common.

    I understand it's hard to balance the game, but a key point that even relic understood with time is that squad wipes without being able to react is bad for the game. This is why the 120mm was nerft many years ago.

    submitted by /u/Thattwinkboy
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    How to see the Rank

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    I saw in a Video that the player saw all the ranks of the opponents etc. in the loading screen.
    What Programm do i need for that?

    submitted by /u/MontyP15
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    Battle for Monte Cassino

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:11 AM PDT

    hey guys, the pre Alpha ended a bit too early for me, so I have to ask u folks. Was the battle for Monte Cassino really only another battle on one of the standard maps or was it like that only in this early version? I can't imagine, it will make it like that in the final version...

    submitted by /u/Dolinarius
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