• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Company of Heroes Victory! We'll all get Iron Crosses for this!

    Company of Heroes Victory! We'll all get Iron Crosses for this!

    Victory! We'll all get Iron Crosses for this!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Can the admins please pin a list of available public group discords? We constantly get posts from people asking where to find people to play Teamgames with.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    This would help people find servers faster, and also help people who didn't even know about public COh2 teamgame discords were a thing.

    These links are unlimited links (both unlimited in duration and number of users).

    These 3 servers are all publicly available, fairly populated, and have a public link available online (so I assume the hosts are ok with me posting these links).

    Skippy's Discord: (Link available on his website)


    Coh2.org official discord: (Link available on their website)


    Digital Wizard's Coh2 Discord: (Gave me permission directly)


    Perhaps other people can have their discord added upon request or post a link in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Steam phishing site swordcupdotnet

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I had a CoH2 player account message me on steam about voting for his team on the site swordcupdotnet and before I logged into my account on that site, my instincts kicked in. It became suspicious to me and decided to google it and boom it was a phishing site.

    Be careful my dudes

    submitted by /u/pepemalupet
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    Surrender Glitch?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    Surrender Glitch?

    I was losing in a 1v1, clicked surrender, then the chat said the enemy had surrendered and I got a victory and ranked up??????

    Also the other guy didn't seem to unhappy about it?


    submitted by /u/platinummattagain
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    I think people are too quick to dismiss Free France or Italy as potential new factions

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:19 AM PDT

    The African campaign has been hinted at multiple times. While most people assume that after the surrender of France Free France used mostly american equipment, up until 1943 they used a lot of their own stuff, including french vehicles. As such, I believe that it would be possible to fill out a full french roster with mostly unique equipment.

    The French had a lot of light tanks that were slow but well armored for the time like the Hotchkiss H-35 which was featured in the first CoH. The Somua S-35, while outdated, was used in africa and could be their medium tank. To make up for their lack of tank destroyers, the french would often mount AT Guns on british vehicles or trucks which were often poorly armored. They could have plenty of infantry options like foreign legionnaires or colonial counterinsurgency troops. As such they could be a mostly infantry based faction with a lot of variety of light tanks and cheap but lightly armoured tank destroyers.

    Italy is often mocked as being weak, and having garbage armour. Their tanks were known for being weak, with their heavy tank, the P43 being said to have armour comparable to that of the Panzer IV. However, their tank destroyers(the semovente) and their armoured cars were very good. As such, I believe that an Italian faction could be a very unique faction, and wouldn't have to rely on german equipment to stand on it's own.

    TLDR : Free France and Italy have enough unique equipment to fill out full rosters and I think it would be a shame not to see them in CoH 3.

    submitted by /u/AbrasaxDredd
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    The Sturmtiger is a very balanced unit, as you can see in this high level 1v1 game

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    OKW Assault Artillery

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Hoe does the current "Assault Artillery" work? Does sight matter? How does the shelling determine where the targets are? Is it like "zeroing artillery"? I looked on the internet, but not much about it at all.

    submitted by /u/Proud-Satisfaction38
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    New player needing friends to play with

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Hi there guys. I'm a relatively new player with just over 20 hours in the game. Wondering if anyone would be up for buddying up for multiplayer matches. Would anyone be interested?

    submitted by /u/bt2k2
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    Game mode idea: one-sided annihilation/assault

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    I know that a lot of people like Annihilation, and probably just as many dislike it. The idea of this mode is to feel like annihilation but without the slog traditional annihilation usually devolves into.

    If you played the original Unreal Tournament, you probably remember Assault mode. If you never played it, I'll explain: the Assault mode has custom maps with multiple specific objectives, such as hitting a switch, capturing an area, destroying an object, etc. One team attacks, the other defends. Complete all objectives and the attacking team wins, if the timer runs out, the defense wins.

    Given the amount of "heroic/last stands" portrayed in pretty much all WW2 movies, I'd say Company of Heroes is a good fit for something like this. One team defends various objectives on the map while the other pushes, and eventually defense will have a last stand on their base, similar to the end game of the annihilation game mode. If the attacking team wins, they defense is routed and they occupy the area, if the defense resists until the end, they win and reinforcements arrive and steam-roll the attackers. I think it would result in pretty epic modes without the usual slog of common annihilation. It could even do away with the economy as a whole, giving either a limited amount of units for both sides or a predetermined amount of resources.

    I think this would work well as a singleplayer mode, playing against bots, in coop and versus. The major downside would be building custom maps for the mode. But hey, that's what DLCs and the steam workshop are for!

    I think there is a game mode like this in the Men of War series, though I can't say for sure since I'm not very familiar with MoW.

    Anyway, what do you guys think? Would you play something like this? Do you expect CoH3 to have other modes besides VP and Annihilation?

    submitted by /u/abrazilianinreddit
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    CoH3 british faction wish (colonials)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    It is my hope that for the british faction that there is some acknowledgement of the role of New Zealand troops had in the north african and italian campaign, and australian troops in north africa.

    whether that's in the form of special units, such as the 28th (Maori battalion)....could be a powerful close quarters squad or some such, Australians with tenacious defensive abilities as a nod to their defence of tobruk etc etc

    Gurkas, and other indian troops could be featured as well

    submitted by /u/Former_child_star
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    With the community growing and a new game coming, there's bound to be bad apples in the box. Then we have pears. Pears like these that I have no idea how they even made it far enough into the box.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    You ever just play an old game after a day of work, trying your best to help people during the pandemic and you come home, wasted but still happy and feeling nostalgic.

    And then you see things that boogles your mind. And with community guidelines on how to deal with funny looking pears down, the best I can do is show you guys what not to do instead of pruning it out myself. To the rest of you gamers out there, stay safe and healthy yall. We're an under-represented community in an under-represented genre. Hold the line till CoH3!


    Sidenote: is it only in 3v3s/4v4s that we find funny pears? With free weekend a couple of months back I could have sworn in what little game time I've managed to clock in I've been seeing more funny fruits in here.

    submitted by /u/Derpmaci
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    How to get Intel bulletins ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Hey there! Relatively new player here, is there any way to get more bulletins besides leveling up? Does completing the campaigns and theatre of wars give bulletins ? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rljy12
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    How to deal with Rifle Grenades from Wehrmacht?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    We reached lvl 12/13 on 2v2 and player start to play very skillfully with grenades. The worst and most OP at least for now IMO is the Rifle Grenade from the Wehrmacht. You can see the animation and that's the only way to notice them. 1 Rifle Grenade kills normally 2 or 3 models, but can also kill a full Brite squad when they are in cover. Since there is no timer you need to watch the battle fought against the grens cause 5 seconds of doing other things could mean a wiped squad. Specially in early game is this absolut crazy. I am writing this because I got wiped 2 squads with 2 shots that being shot at the same time, while I send my pios to repair the carrier. It took me 5 sec or so to not look at my sections and the game was pretty much over. No other grenade has this broken mechanic. The Rifle Grenade from the UsF got a timer... A Mine can only kill max 2 Models of a squad. But the Rifle Nade from the grens got no timer and can wipe a full squad??? How can I get better in avoiding this crazy stuff.

    submitted by /u/MontyP15
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    OKW Spec Ops in 1v1 (2021)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    Whereabouts does the Spec Ops commander rank in relation to the rest of the OKW commanders for 1vs1?

    Elite armour and Grand Offensive seem the best two from my (limited) experience

    submitted by /u/SamAls1999
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