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    Saturday, August 7, 2021

    Company of Heroes Really struggling dealing with Axis blobs as Soviets

    Company of Heroes Really struggling dealing with Axis blobs as Soviets

    Really struggling dealing with Axis blobs as Soviets

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    I need advice with how to deal with Axis blobs as Soviets. I normally play 3v3, sometimes 4v4 (even worse for blobbing and too chaotic) and when I play 2v2 I don't run into this issue.

    Its so frustrating dealing with Axis blobs that till this day I feel like this game is still broken and favours Axis inf, whether that's regular or elite inf. I feel like all my tactics I come up with get thrown aside just to deal with roaming Axis murder blobs. The Axis team don't even have to be communicating, just get some inf, regular mixed with elite, both anti-inf and anti-tank, combine them together and roam around murdering everything in sight.

    I feel like my only tactic is to combine maxim with conscripts (penals are too expensive and drain too much man power), it's the only way to keep the blobs at bay. If I'm going penals and conscripts, I can try to get a quad-halftrack but it's lightly armoured and I don't always have the 100 munitions as I need it for the inf. To cause any real damage, it's either a KV8, blobbing with guard squads (too expensive and limits commander choice), rocket arty or KV2 or incendiary arty. (Maybe 2 motars with lucky hits but that's risky. Shocks only work with city maps.) By that point I need some anti-tank units as the Axis will be going for Panzer 4's (penals, conscripts and guards can only do so much, Zis guns good option but vulnerable). I feel like I'm limited to the anti-inf commander to have any real chance of dealing with their blobs. Whereas the Axis can choose any commander, get any tank because their blobs can deal with mostly anything.

    It's just so frustrating having to deal with their blobs, just roaming around, being able to deal with anything you throw at them (unless it's rocket arty, but by that point they have the map), it's just click and murder.

    It makes me worried for COH 3 as they said they are focusing more on inf battles and I worry players will take this "tactic" of blobbing to COH3.

    So any advice, build order suggestions, commander choices, tactics etc would be helpful.

    P.s. I know I could play as Americans or British and blob the same as the Axis but that just feels ridiculous to me and I like playing the Soviets for their different units and tactics and being the underdog faction.

    submitted by /u/Legionarypillow
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    How viable is rifle company?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    Saw the changes a few weeks back. Right now I'm considering buying the commander, though I'm not sure how good it is compared to mechanized company (which I have used a lot), and heavy cavalry (don't have this commander yet).

    submitted by /u/SveltSpider2503
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    That T34 never stood a chance

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    Raid Section Voice-lines

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Where can I report "bugs"? The Raid Sections shout "potato masher" (as if they are on the receiving end) almost everytime they throw molotovs and makes me verify if they enemy is also throwing a grenade or not. Its kind of annoying.

    submitted by /u/Wizard_832
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    Better Overall

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:13 PM PDT

    Which would be better in the long run for soviets for anti-vehicle upgrading conscripts with ptrs', upgrading penal battalions, or just calling in assault squads already equipped with them?

    submitted by /u/AroBear2471
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    120mm mortar delayed fuse barrgae not working?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Just had a match where I simply couldn't use the delayed fuse barrage. If I switched to a normal barrage it worked immediately. Is this a known issue?

    submitted by /u/EndlessWario
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    Looking for comrades

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to multiplayer, but i already finished the campaign and i can defeat ai in hard mode. Im looking for teammates i could play as USF, OKW and Soviets

    submitted by /u/Bitter-Lettuce-7235
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    Cheat Command 2 mod not showing up when I play?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Is there something I have to do before hand to activate it?

    submitted by /u/bunny100clubrt
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    Epic CoH1 game in 2021 - two of the best players in the world collide!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    COH1 make Steam friend list, browser etc black

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Like title of topic says COH1 make these things black i cant answer to my friends or browse community or using in game browser. If i switch shader from ultra to high which switches game from DX10 to DX9 problem is fixed but then i cant enable antialiasing because game crashes if AA is enabled. This is how friends list looks like there is any fix for that?

    submitted by /u/Extreme996
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    What if RNG didn't exist?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    In a game of chess RNG isn't a factor, it's pure strategy.

    What if CoH were the same? Imagine an AT gun with reduced damage for example that never misses it's armored.target.

    Why should that tank luckily escape and potentially change the outcome of a game due to luck?

    We've all seen ridiculous moments of RNG, I just saw a game between high ranking players and one guys AT was missing nearly every shot.

    submitted by /u/SignificantGiraffe5
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    What's up with Allied vision?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Allies seem to have mind-boggling vision at times -- it's crazy.

    As Axis you're basically "short-blind" 99% of the time, difficult to get long vision for your panther to stay on target, for instance..... but Allies seem to always have some sort of extended vision. And no, I don't mean flares (although lighting-up the entire map for such a long time is frankly OP).

    Allied vision is so good sometimes I scratch my head. It's been like this for years, but I have never understood it.

    submitted by /u/S0_L337
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