• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Company of Heroes IS-2 Loading Fragmentation: "There will be nothing left but a memory (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) "

    Company of Heroes IS-2 Loading Fragmentation: "There will be nothing left but a memory (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) "

    IS-2 Loading Fragmentation: "There will be nothing left but a memory (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) "

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    New version of Kholodny Ferma now live

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Upcoming Twitch Series, Level 1 to 16: What Do Players Want From a Teaching Oriented Series?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    A friend of mine suggested that I stream myself playing on a smurf from level 1 to 16 while explaining what I'm doing and why. The goal of this would be helping players struggling to climb between these ranks. Since I'm a USF main, and the only faction that I think I can realistically make level 16 with right now is USF, I'm going to be playing USF.

    I'm not an expert player, and in fact have never made it to level 16 with USF (I missed it recently by a couple of ladder positions), so this will be a learning experience for me as well. However, I do have a fair bit of game knowledge for someone with as little experience, and have tried to help a lot of new players before.

    I'm planning on begin to Stream over the weekend, starting this Sunday at 1:30PM Mountain Standard Time. This will be my first ever time streaming, so I apologize if there are any technical difficulties or issues.

    I'm making this post for two reasons: 1) to let people know this is happening, and, more importantly, 2) to ask what people want from a teaching oriented series. I'm already planning on discussing, in the early videos, basic game mechanics like cover, high level game concepts to do with resource and map management, and attitude/approach to the game. Hopefully this will be helpful even to players who aren't struggling at level 1, or even playing USF at all. As I progress, I'm planning on discuss meta builds, why they are meta, and what counters work well.

    I would also like to have people join me on stream for a discussion at some point during the stream. If you're a better player than me, then it would be great to get your feedback on what I could be doing better. On the other hand, if you're learning and have questions, it would also be very helpful to have you on. Let me know if you're interested in participating.

    What else would people like from this kind of teaching series?

    submitted by /u/RepoRogue
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    Back to Coh2... State of Brits...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    So I took a break, came back after the patch.. is it just me or are the british pure garbage now? ( not ranting, honestly want to know )

    Before they were weak, not played too often. Yes they had strong tommies, that was their backbone, they used to be a qwerky faction with a few strong units with less overall versatility. Before I'd play to their few strengths and it still took a lot of skill, now I have no idea. The new commander is trash too.

    I'm not saying they are complete trash, I'm just saying... what the hell do they do well if Soviets and usf excel in every aspect??

    I also see far fewer players using them now. Even less then before.

    I really am lost how to play them, completely. The nerf had a huge impact and I just literally cannot figure them out.

    I was OK with them having some units that were considered strong, even if considered weaker over all and less played.. but now, what is their deal?

    Aec - not worth it. Emplacements - bad UAC - go boom in 1 shot (I'm ok with this, it's not supposed to be super strong, but again, effectively rather pointless) Sniper - got a buff, still worse then others. Infantry artillery call down - useless unless on emplacements. Cromwell - got a buff, but it's still just an early game tank.

    I can go on...

    Again. I'm not saying they they are all crap, I just think now they are less of a "glass cannon" and now just glass.. and it really shows


    submitted by /u/roadkill0000
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    FG-42s cost quarter of a million dollars

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    so been shredding with FG-42s, wanted to buy one for myself.

    Went to look at prices, knew it would be expensive, didn't know it would be this expensive

    $200,000 - $250,000 for an FG-42

    Wowowowowowowow! I've never seen a (non-personnel) firearm go for that much!

    I'd be afraid to fire it if I spent that much on it! I'll have to get a replica :(

    submitted by /u/Mystik4sT
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    Me and my friend have been playing against AI, will we get murdered on ladder?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    So we just managed to beat 2 hard A.I.'s in a 2v2, but I feel we cheated a little (the computer couldn't deal with my machine gun unit in a house)

    We are pretty new, don't really have any build orders or anything, will we get crushed if we try the ladder? or ranked play or whatever it's called? thanks

    submitted by /u/ronnie_s
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    Strongest allied infantry unit?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    Paratroopers? Commandos? Shock troops? With what weapon equipped?

    submitted by /u/roadkill0000
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    A doodle, what do you think?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:16 AM PDT

    USF Recon Support - How can I use this with NO RIFLEMEN

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    Assume 2v2+, but if there's a viable way to stave off the suicidalness of the early game, 1v1 too. I'd also be pleased to get advice for this using the other paratrooper doctrine.

    So say my goal is to get to 3 CP and start pumping out 3+ paratroopers support squads. I plan to put zooks on them 2x or as needed. Getting LMGs would be nice too, but munitions. I plan to use all three, and possibly more, pack howitzers.

    The idea is that I'm going to have superior vision via pathfinders, M20(s), and even a cloaked para-zook squad or two. This should let my pack howi insanity do some nice work. A trio of pack howi's has great nuke poptential. Two shells in close proximity? That's a buncha dead enemies.

    I want to be able to stave off enemies. So that's why I'm doing LT and getting the M20 & a 50 cal.

    M20 is a great recon platform, and can be a useful aggressor in the early game. Paired with a greyhound and they can run around, scout vulnerable enemies, and dive in/out on little murder raids.

    I have been trying to run 3x RETs into LT ASAP. Sometimes I get an ambulance in there, but I'm actually thinking that the ambulance weakens my already weak as shit field presence. I've been delaying it. I even consider not getting it. The idea being that I want to get my para force established and to vet2 quickly. From there I think I can count on their out of combat healing & reinforcing them from radio beacons.

    Nuff said on why I like this concept and wanna make it better. Problem is I either need an enemy that doesn't spank the shit out of my weak early game, or an ally that can carry the opening.

    submitted by /u/thefonztm
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    Question of the Week: Most aesthetic tank?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    Putting aside all factors of history, realism and practicality, which tank in the game do you think looks best?

    I'd have to say the SU-85. That sleek, low profile is hot mama. Shout-out to the Hetzer for the same reason.

    submitted by /u/Djackdau
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    Anvil vs Hammer Tactics

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:37 AM PDT

    Since the recent changes, which one of these is the better tactics for UKF?

    Is Hammer better than Anvil now or is Anvil still going strong?

    submitted by /u/DracoNitez
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    TIL a German-captured T70 doesn't have a character model for the guy in recon mode. Instead you get the invisible guy with binoculars.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 12:51 AM PDT

    Pathetic State of Axis Indirect Fires

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:32 AM PDT

    Mortar. Panzerwerfer. Walking Stuka.

    When was the last time you saw these units put to good effect? Allied players don't fear these units and are in fact more likely to rejoice upon seeing his opponent wasted resources.

    If a faction was ever in need of indirect fires to battle sim-city/bunker/MG/BLOB spam, it's Axis.

    • Axis mortar team requires more micromanaging effort than it's currently worth--its micro taxing. Not nearly as effective as allied mortars. Small crew team isn't durable, easily de-crewed, and for all of this still retreats slowly. When you see an allied mortar, the axis player is forced to deal with it. Conversely, when an allied player sees an axis mortar, it's sort of "lol whatever"
    • Panzerwerfer / Walking Stuka I'm old enough to remember when these were useful machines. Now they're garbage for their intended purpose.
    submitted by /u/S0_L337
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    Why is no one use mortars?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    Noob here*

    Its good counter for mg's and AT's, Watched 5 games from the championship and no one use it.

    It doesnt worth it?

    submitted by /u/1net1
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