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    Thursday, October 24, 2019

    Company of Heroes Me and the paras after stealing a teammates Jeep and wiping squads on retreat

    Company of Heroes Me and the paras after stealing a teammates Jeep and wiping squads on retreat

    Me and the paras after stealing a teammates Jeep and wiping squads on retreat

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    How and why to rebind the tactical map ft. practice tips

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    How and why to rebind the tactical map ft. practice tips


    If you need any convincing check out this video. It explains in detail all the tricks that make this map actually worth using. I will not repeat it.

    How do we set this up?

    Here is the google search for AutoHotKey this is the official site.

    The download button. And yes the install is safe

    Here is a virus scan by 60+ anti virus with a behaviors breakdown section. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/02d8d06690bdf036d8bb022c07dbde5d64ba2f05964dc888d9549f09917ee8ad/detection



    No need to change anything here

    All good here


    This is the help. If you have any questions I don't cover refer to this.

    Create a new AutoHotKey script, I am making mine on my Desktop.

    Use the Edit Script.

    What do we want to add?

    #IfWinActive, Company Of Heroes 2 XButton1::Numpad0 return 

    This will check that CoH2 is active. It remaps tactical map to your Browser_Back button on your mouse. What if you want to map to something else? https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm check the key list for other options.

    The mouse options

    Say you want to do something like https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/wiki/script?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CompanyOfHeroes&utm_content=t5_2rn3p /u/Account_Eliminator' s guide for WASD. You can have a script pause attached to something like ` in his example or. You can have it set to enter. ``` ~Enter::Suspend``` does the trick. This cycles it so if you open chat it will turn off the script. This doesn't work if you use an overlay to message in game and will result in confusion.

    I wouldn't recommend using WASD since that gets in the way of your hotkeys. I recommend you watch this video. It explains the importance of hotkeys and goes into the topic of grid keys. u/tightropexilo switched after 500+ hours with no regrets.

    Grid vs Classic comparison from tightrope's video. Go stop by and leave a comment thanking him for his work.


    How to auto start your script with your PC.

    The hurdle many face with this option is the lack of support for auto start. It is rather easy to setup though.

    Compile your script into an EXE.

    Here ya go!

    C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 

    https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/windows-10-startup-folder/ has a guide on how to get there easily. Open the run menu with Win + R and type



    This will open the folder and just drag your complied exe in.

    Here we go!

    Practice Tips

    My favorite trick(I wouldn't recommend this in game except for the most dedicated). When I watch replays I have a rule the only way I can move my camera is too use the tactical map. This trains that muscle memory to open the tactical map. This is also a good reminder to watch your lost game replays.

    When you are trying to learn the tactical map you probably are going to overdue it to get it drilled into your brain so when you are in a long drawn out game you don't forget about this powerful tool.


    Now you know how and why to rebind your tactical map. You know how to make it a habit. If you have any more questions share them below.

    submitted by /u/ReanuKeevesCOH2
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    Why, where and when do you build a resource point instead of another squad?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    As squads=map control, and map control= resources, its hard for me to get when i'm supposed to build outposts.

    Is there some kind of 'best practice' for this?

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Remaking mod without source?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT


    a couple of years ago I made a really really dumb coh2 tuning pack mod, just attribute editor stuff for playing with friends. absurd type changes, and I wanted to start messing with it again. However, I cant seem to actually find the xml file with all the changes in it, only one with a single line about mod guide and overrides or something. Is there a way I can decompile the complete mod into having the proper XML for this? Or is that data stored elsewhere? I still have the HDD it was on when I made it, but I cant seem to tell.

    submitted by /u/martellus
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    Ostheer strategies for dealing with the SU-85?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    I find Soviet late game to be quite strong against both Axis but I primarily play as Ostheer. What methods can I use to handle this better?

    I generally go with an early game heavy commander against USF(which I fight a lot) so I generally go for the same style commanders.

    Normal tank destroyers aren't an issue just flank them. The vision and affordability of this tank destroyer can disrupt me at all stages.

    My first idea would be to expand my vision. I believe the SU-85 has 70 vision and 60 range. I can get omni directional 70 range with spotting scopes on some units. German Mechanized for example has a pretty solid early game with the callin clown car. It has smoke pots which give really good recon in a line. (even usable on their base)

    I like assault grenadiers since how fast I can get to T2. Mech Assault(love the clown car and the stug e can really handle a lot of threats) is great, but it offers no vision beside the 222 at 50 view range and the sniper at 45(correct me if there is another option). I could use Strategic Reserves and get the 251 observation post with the 42 sight range, 60 detection range(I think), camo, and the 60 munitions arty flares. It also gives me frontline healing and reinforcement, and it offers me a shock unit.

    I could go forgo trying to get a leg up in the early game and go for Jaeger Armor Doctrine. Get the Recon Flight(so good), and the spotting scopes. The draw back being my lack of early game options and no worthwhile callin armor.

    Is there any issues with my logic or other ideas to weigh? Thanks

    submitted by /u/ReanuKeevesCOH2
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