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    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    Company of Heroes No matter what. 1 point will not stopping me from coming back.

    Company of Heroes No matter what. 1 point will not stopping me from coming back.

    No matter what. 1 point will not stopping me from coming back.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    They don't call me a StuG lover for nothing!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    Advice on introducing new players to CoH2?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I've been playing CoH2 since shortly after launch, and I'm a pretty average player but I love the game. My friends have decided to finally give it a go with me, but they are not RTS players at all. Say it's overwhelming to build and micro and whatnot. I wanna give them the best chance to have fun with it while not being too overwhelmed, any ideas? Should I try to teach them the ropes first or just jump in?

    submitted by /u/JohnLawrence237
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    Is any commander/faction like the British from CoH1?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I mean with the whole taking the base and moving it somewhere else

    submitted by /u/AtomicSpeedFT
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    Illustrated Crossroads Comprehensive Breakdown of Cutoffs, Line of Sight Blockers, and Capping Orders.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    Illustrated Crossroads Comprehensive Breakdown of Cutoffs, Line of Sight Blockers, and Capping Orders.


    After reading and commenting on this post I thought a breakdown and theory of 1v1 maps would be helpful.

    Crossroads came to mind immediately. This guide is mainly geared for beginner players but I learned a few things while writing and researching this post.

    First the map extractor tool to check it in world builder.


    https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/606a75765360a5d5aa98553e4f873df9bd8cfa66607360b08d8ac2f3571d7717/detection (AV scan)

    https://www.coh2.org/topic/23518/how-to-extract-relic-made-coh2-maps-to-edit/post/210515 (How to use it)

    This is my guide on mainly how I learn maps. This is how I learned maps. The capping orders are a mix of testing against AI back to back to get my timings perfect and laddering on this map. I encourage you to follow along and experiment for yourself. You should be able to learn cutoffs by looking at the tactical map. You should be able to learn light of sight with practice or using the LOS tool in word builder. Capping orders you learn by watching pros and practicing your builds against AI over and over again.

    The worst lack of knowledge for any map the cutoffs. I have won games against decent players just because they didn't noticed they weren't connected to their fuel.

    Cutoffs - The classic






    When you can't get the road right out side of the map you can go for a more complicated cutoff


    Flipping map positions



    Highlighting a few examples on some mixed maps just to be 100% clear.

    Red has not cutoff the fuel, but it did cutoff the munitions

    Fuel and Munitions are not cutoff. Total income from detached area lost is 13 fuel and 21 munitions, 3 more fuel and 5 more munitions per cutoff as well if you count that. Red will receive 6 fuel and 10 munitions from the points to cutoff every minute. This means by holding these two points over 2 minutes you will have gained a relative fuel and munitions gain of 38 fuel and 62 munitions. Not to mention the ground you already control. That means over a course of an hour game having the opponents cutoff for 5% of the game longer(3 minutes advantage in cutoffs) could be the advantage of 57 fuel and 93. That is just 5% of the game. Generally when you go for cutoffs you have more map control then your opponent since you are pushing harder. This makes the gap even bigger. If you are trading your cutoff better then your opponent you will have a massive lead.

    Light of Sight

    The teal identifies light of sight blockers.

    Shot blocker, but this path is not a sight blocker(using the LOS tool there is a tiny area between the unit and the column but it changes direction a lot). My cursor doesn't show up in my screenshot tool the purple is the location of my cursor.

    So many people put an MG on the fuel and get flanked here. I know since I have done it. Heed my advice and be careful here.


    The base line of sight

    Pretty effective

    The Butterfly

    far away

    right up on it

    There ya go!

    From the little non blocky bushes

    The pacman crater, it gives you a pacman view and it is yellow cover. There is no other acceptable name.

    I have officially hit my 20 image cap.

    Gif of breezing through this map with the LOS tool coming soon.

    Capping Orders

    This is broken down by faction and goals.

    Staggered capping. Based on the fact that resource points(fuel or munition) take longer to capture then strategic points take. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpdG95IjtSE

    The general consideration, the center and watching flashes can offer you key scouting potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpS1zs1al7A

    This is to be incorporated how you feel.

    For faction specific considerations I only focus on 'common sense' things generally undisputed as efficient in CoH2 1v1 community. Otherwise use these concepts as they fit to your faction and build.

    OKW considerations.

    Sturmpioneers are support combat infantry. If you charge in with them you will be punished by a good player as they will keep distance, focus fire you down. The unforgiving dps graph of this weapon and low hp leaves it vulnerable unless it can get close. https://coh2db.com/stats/#128 (I would put this in an image but I hit the limit). You will keep it moving with a kubel or volk in most opens.

    Example of the most efficient resource income capping orders for OKW.

    The standard Kubel start: https://imgur.com/CdhgnHA

    The less common munitions heavy for volks or kubel (generally builds that rely on sturmpioneer healing and will go for expensive upgrades such as panzerfusilier g43s): https://imgur.com/ipKl79K

    Volks standard open: https://imgur.com/kbxml21

    Ostheer considerations.

    MG42 is a support unit. It supports units. End of story. That being said it is the open of every Ostheer build worth it's salt in current meta. Pioneers have extended range of 40, decent dps at close range, and it has an smg that can 'maintain' suppression.

    The concept with callins like osttruppen or assault grens is the same as here https://imgur.com/CdhgnHA but the kubel would be the pioneer: https://imgur.com/lpcacbs

    With grens you need to build the building first ending up more like this. https://imgur.com/hEDQa3J

    Scouting in the capping order

    This is mainly focused on beginners so scouting is mainly out of scope. Efficient capping orders is the standard. Being able to properly judge your oppponent's moving patterns is hard to explain in a broad map guide. Take these principles and the theory of this to incorporate them. There are too many capping orders to cover them all. You can allin one side and cap as much as you can of the other with an engineer. But hopefully the timing and patterns will all make sense after the limited examples and you will know what to test.

    Red Cover

    Red cover is a huge tell in the skill of an opponent. If I see my opponent standing in red cover I am usually confident this will be a very easy match.

    Easy enough on Crossroads. The roads and not the VP circle are red cover. Nothing else is. A good example of this is the terrain coloring in the map editor. https://imgur.com/DxMoe9o This Learn this! MGs suppress almost instantly on red cover and you are much easier to hit.

    I hope this guide helped! This is an excellent map.

    submitted by /u/ReanuKeevesCOH2
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    Ost grens how to ultilize

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    I've played this game for 200hrs and I still don't know exactly how to use grens effectively. I don't know wtd . Retreat squad. What is the optimal time to retreat? And should I throw R nade at retreating squad like helpingHans . Combo. Can I use them with any different unit? . Doctrine. Should I build grens if I already have Ostruppen? Risk. Should I risk a gren squad to Faust a vehicle or it's not worth it? Putting grens in cover to fight, but then what? Do I move them forward or to wait for pioneer to arrive (like I usually do)?

    submitted by /u/Blablah-Gellop
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    I'll give you 10 imaginary currency of your choice if you can guess who was the weakest link

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:52 PM PDT

    Current Fallschirmjäger vs Old Obersoldaten?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    Which Infantry is Better? The Old Obersoldaten(When 2014~2015, MG34 is Stock Weapon, MG34 and IR STG44 Damage is 8 rather than 6) Looks Much Stronger and Even Current Fallschirmjäger's Firepower Looks Completely Average.

    submitted by /u/Stingbutton
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    Jagdpanzer IV versus Stug III & Best Use?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    What is the primary difference between these two?

    Pros and cons of each?

    Experimenting with OKW and built several Jagdpanzers (4v4 match), which did great in a pair supported by a Panther, but proved a bit unwieldy against a swarm of T34's and Soviet TD's. I held back the enemy armor, but lost all but one of my own tanks. And the Jagds seemed slow moving on the assault.

    Is the Stug faster?

    What is the best way to use the Jagdpanzer?

    submitted by /u/PixelPsyche
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    GCS2 - Wow

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:31 AM PDT

    I loved this cast and gameplay. Some impressive games and gameplay. It's the first I watched this through and loved it.

    Anyone else watched this?

    GCS2 Tournament Games

    Shouts to the casters who did a fantastic job.

    submitted by /u/nathanfreeze
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    Panzergrenadiers are underrated, Exhibit A: This was a single unit.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Was CoH2 Rushed or just Underfunded?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    So, did THQ's closure or troubling situation lead to CoH2 feeling like it wasn't as tight or up to snuff till over a year later? Like the campaign feels more disjointed and not as good as the first CoH. And I recall the multiplayer being in a rough spot on launch.

    I'm just wondering if the game wasn't as well funded because of THQ's financial situation and/or the game was rushed by Sega to come out in Spring 2013.

    submitted by /u/ToonCrazy44
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