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    Tuesday, October 1, 2019

    Company of Heroes To the kid who just wiped 4 of my stug 3s

    Company of Heroes To the kid who just wiped 4 of my stug 3s

    To the kid who just wiped 4 of my stug 3s

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    Honestly great job with your armour micro. Using the churchill as a shield was a really smart move and your usage of tulip rockets was on point. Honestly great playing against you.

    submitted by /u/Boon_Chi
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    How to stop worrying and play multiplayer.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    Hi there. I've started actively playing CoH 2 and after some time (like, month or so) completely roflstomping hardest AI, so the singleplayer starting to get a little stale to me. But diving into multiplayer scares me a fair bit - I've got the feeling that I'll loose a lot, and that will gradually eat the fun before I git gud. Any advice on the topic?

    submitted by /u/The_Leysha
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    Should I post the bonus disc of CoH 1?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    So recently I got my hands on the CoH 1 collector's edition. This includes a bonus disc with several video's on it (including a developer's commentary). Is anyone interested in me posting this on youtube (the quality will be meh considering the video's themselves are pretty roughly made and are supposed to be showed in a small window)?


    It's uploaded!


    submitted by /u/MisterMayoNL
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    CoH Collector's Edition Video's

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Here is a video I uploaded containing the video's in CoH collectors edition.


    submitted by /u/MisterMayoNL
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    How to use the Soviet Flame Tank Effectively?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    I mean the KV-8 btw

    submitted by /u/AtomicSpeedFT
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    T-70, Hero of the Soviet Union

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    Capping order?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    How does this affect the early game? What capping orders on maps are considered more aggressive or defensive or are you more likely to do the same capping order every game?

    submitted by /u/koalageorgie
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    Sega Interview - PC gaming is changing

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 12:01 PM PDT


    Techradar | Exclusive interview with Gary Dale, the new president of Sega Europe and Anna Downing, VP of Marketing for Sega Europe, about how Sega became one of the biggest names in PC gaming:

    PC gaming is changing – and so is Sega

    It's certainly an exciting time for PC gaming, and with ever more powerful hardware coming out, alongside new game streaming services launching, it looks like there could be a revolution in PC gaming – and Sega is ready for it.

    "It's such an exciting time right now," observes Anna Downing. "We recently announced that Football Manager 2020 will be on Google Stadia, and we have Football Manager 19 announced for Microsoft Xbox Game Pass. So, for us, it's a really exciting time, and certainly for the PC market."

    What's particularly exciting for Sega, according to Downing, is how these new game streaming services are allowing publishers to get their games in the hands of people who may not have been able to play them previously. "There were many great opportunities that are now on the table for us where we can reach consumers where, potentially, we've not had the opportunity to previously."

    Bringing Football Manager 19 to Xbox Game Pass for PC, Microsoft's subscription service, seems to be a particularly big win for both Microsoft and Sega due to both the popularity of the franchise, and the rapid growth of Microsoft's service, which has been getting plaudits from both gamers and reviewers thanks to the sheer value for money it offers – where for a flat monthly fee, subscribers have access to hundreds of PC games for as long as they subscribe. It could really change the way PC gamers pay for and play their games.

    Downing agrees. "Yeah, absolutely. I think Microsoft launched with a fantastic offer. So, you know, the more people that that can get on board initially, I think it sets itself up really well for the future. And as I said, hopefully for us it opens up opportunities to reach a broader audience and new consumers."

    Downing has been working on Football manager, which she calls a "phenomenal franchise to be associated with," for 11 years now – and has seen how Sega's involvement with such a beloved franchise, and its committed fans, has benefitted both the company and gamers.

    It's something Sega has also noticed with its other huge PC game franchise, Total War, which seems to be going from strength to strength with each new release. "Again, it's just a very popular brand," notes Dale. "We have a very strong worldwide core audience with that game. Plus, the different types of iterations we put out always get a very strong, reception. We've just launched Total War Three Kingdoms, and that's one of the best launches we've ever had on a Total War game."

    "Yes, we sold through a million units quite early on in the life cycle," adds Downing. "Leading up to its actual launch, it was our highest pre-ordered Total War game. And, once the game was actually released, the momentum maintained."

    What's particularly noticeable about Total War is its global appeal. "We've seen fantastic sales, predominantly from the Asian market," states Downing, "as the content of the game resonated really well with those territories."

    Relevant to this Sega interview | Sega sees streaming's potential to reach new audiences:

    Anna Downing involved with CoH2:

    submitted by /u/SturmtigerCobra
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    Most lethal OST weapons/tactics against Soviets?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    I've been getting overrun as Ostheer, particularly against Soviets. USF is like another thing.

    Single MG doesn't seem to work anymore and the large Soviet support weapon squad sizes are very hard to wipe.

    So I am looking for ideas on how to be the most lethal as Ostheer. Mortars, snipers, double MG starts, all kinds of stuff.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/PixelPsyche
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    Riflemen are too Overpowered at the moment. Makes games with them very HARD

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Riflemen are too Overpowered at the moment. CHANGE MY MIND, if u can

    submitted by /u/gmyt2123
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