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    Friday, October 4, 2019

    Company of Heroes Sign Up and Ruleset - World Championship 2019

    Company of Heroes Sign Up and Ruleset - World Championship 2019

    Sign Up and Ruleset - World Championship 2019

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:58 PM PDT

    Somehow still won that game.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Company of Heroes 2 World Championship 2019 (Teaser)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    I took this screenshot after winning a match in the original CoH and I find it perfect for memes

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    A Concept For Japanese Imperial Forces

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    "I just wanted to hear your thoughts as to what would play as a proper Japanese faction. Considering their lack of oil and armor during the war. I know Relic is never going to add them because of their lack of development team. I had previously come up with concepts from a recent post and had written this:

    I actually had some good ideas for Japanese faction. Too bad Relic will never do it.

    Japan would be like a better OKW. But with no Paratroops. And No Heavy Tanks. Their faction would rely on traps, aggressiveness, and reconnaissance and Guerilla Tactics. It would also be micro intense. A counter to American Forces.

    Few concepts.

    Japanese Infantry would get grenade ability to start with for no upgrade needed but would tech up to get AT weapons, which would later become extremely necessary in the game. And the ability to be upgraded to have Type 90 SMGs. It would play more like a British infantry section but with an Oorah ablility but their oorah can ignore suppression for a few seconds getting just enough time to flank. Fighting Positions, wire and tank traps, with cheap AT and flare mines which when triggeres would give the unit who planted it a small combat bonus.

    Japanse Tanks wouldn't have powerful guns to balance this they would be given more visibilty and range to ensure that they strike first. And a smoke ability under the right commander.

    And A Stormtrooper like Infiltrator unit that can booby trap points. And can stealth when in cover. Effective mid to close range with smgs.

    Machine gun teams would be very slow to set up and kinda bad, but cheap and easy to replace.

    Japanese Zero Dive Bomb except with a lighter bomb that is extremely effective on vehicles. This is to compensate for Japan's lack of Armor.

    Foxhole Hole should be a structure that units can be places and get to be invisible until the enemy comes near. Only infantry go there. (No mg or mortar)

    Japanese snipers would be like soviet snipers except Japanese snipers would have the "build cover" ability and be able to place a bush on the map. Along with flares.

    Off field artillery would have more shells fired than any other faction but be more inaccurate and cost more.

    Guerilla Doctrine : (Infantry Centric)

    A commisar like unit would also be available and when infantry is near him they would gain a passive sprint ability along with a combat effectiveness bonus. Japanese Infantrymen can hide in cover when a Filed Offficer is in the field.

    A truck to reinforce and carry units. Like the Opel. Opels can be upgraded to have expolsives on them at the cost of fuel and losing the ability to carry troops. Works like a Goliath but impossible to hide. But with a considerably larger explosion that can also hurt your own units if not used properly. A troop carrying truck that can upgrade to a suicide bomb truck.

    Raid Tactics- Light vehicles can capture territory. And infantry can capture faster.

    Unlocks the Type 88 LMG for Infantry Sqauds. And Banzai sqauds can throw magnetic AT charges.

    Japanese Zero AT Dive bombing/ AT overwatch. For those pesky allied Tanks. Would target enemy tanks within an area.

    Defensive Tactics: Artillery And Emplacement Centric

    (Like OKW Fortifications Doctrine)

    Heavy Tank Traps and Japanese Engineers gain the ability to place Demolition Charges, Flak Guns. Japanese Infantry can Build Bunkers and Minefields.

    Japanese Zero Recon Pass

    Heavier mobile AT guns can be called in and all AT guns can be camouflaged when in cover.

    Japanese engineers can build Artillery that can also be used for direct fire after veteran one.

    Offmap 105mm Artilliery (self explanatory)

    Attritonal Doctrine:

    Passive Unlocks: Type 89 Medium Tank and Smoke Ablility for Ha-Go Tanks. Japanese Infantry gain increased firing speed the more men they lose. Infantry can Build reinforced sandbag walls.

    Resource Truck can increase resource intake to keep the assault going. Extremely vulnerable.

    Banzai Sqaud (Reskinned Shock Troops) but are always immune to supression. And can sprint and heal when out of combat. And can throw satchel charges. Very expensive unit. Effective at Close range with Infantry.

    Smoke Artilliery.

    For Glory: all infantry and team weapons gain increased effectiveness for 30 seconds."

    With that being said. What would make a good and (somewhat) accurate japanese faction. I'd love to hear ideas from all of you.

    submitted by /u/Cheeki_Bastard
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    Where to report a bug? Thorough Salvage

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Whenever I try to use Thorough Salvage from the Scavenge Doctrine on support weapons, the animation and progress bar will appear. But when the animation and progress bar reaches the end, the support weapon is not destroyed, and no resources are gained.

    Where should I report such a bug? (If it is not already very known)

    submitted by /u/ErikRK
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    How to counter Assault Gren spam earlygame

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Other than counter spamming with assault engineers I did not find a way to easily counter this strat. While 8 out of 10 times a pure 1v1 of assault eng. vs grens result in an engineer victory for me which is more than acceptable for a noob like me with 400 hours in game and who just recently started picking commanders to counter the enemy's commander. The problem is that I can't find a way to counter assault grens as other nations. Soviets Shock troops would be great but by the time I'm on 2 CP to call them in the match is lost. I can't just start with the support kampeyna because conscripts are pretty much useless if I try to contest assault grens' capturing and mg's are dead by the time I try to move up with them. Same problem with UKF. UC's seem to be good against bad german players but if he has any brain cells he'll just circle around my carrier and destroy it with ease. And I didn't mention the fact that by the time I could do anything against them with the afformentioned two nations the germans already dug in with bunkers and hmg's and I'm so low on manpower that I either get mg's to counter the assault grens' or mortars who counter bunkers but get rushed down by assault grens.

    submitted by /u/SuspecM
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    Are AT guns cost effective?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Whenever I'm on a team that gets overrun with tanks I build 2-3 AT guns and they do a good job holding back the Jarrys while a teammate or me rebuilds our tanks. I just wanted to know if it's cost effective and if a different Soviet unit is more effective

    submitted by /u/AtomicSpeedFT
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    Why is the development team so small?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    The game has a great consistent playerbase. It would definitely be worth the money to make a DLC or 2 to add new factions.

    submitted by /u/AtomicSpeedFT
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    Thought on the Pgren build?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    A bit of background:

    I'm mostly an Allied player and I play pretty much all game modes and factions to some degree. Been having this newfound like for playing Wehrmacht and with the recent patches, been trying out the Pgren core build. My usual ranks are around 11-16 so I don't expect the things I'll say to apply to all skill levels, probably just mid-tier. And lastly I'd like to mention most assumptions are for 1v1s since there's less factors involved and it'd be less contrived.

    Now the build is probably something most people know already if they played a bunch recently and it involves rushing Battlephase 1 while skipping T0 altogether. It is by no means niche'. It's a slow start build that's a good 2 minutes-ish delay compared to a Soviet Penal build in terms of building their core infantry Pgrens and Penals respectively. It usually involves building 2 MGs and an optional additional pioneer to hold until Battlephase 1 is completed. That means giving up early map control and downright stacking MP so when the tech is completed, you can push out 2 Pgrens right off the bat(which you can build the 3rd). That's the downside and as for its upside, it gives you core infantry that's downright better than everything else the allies can field at that stage in a vacuum head on fight.

    Assuming non egregious cover positioning, one Pgren would normally shrug off 1 or 2 Cons squads, and should make a Penal squad retreat. To which of course a Penal would trade favorably at mid-long range. Riflemen even when buffed still lose to a straight up fight with one and lastly Tommies can still be pushed off even behind green cover, as long as they aren't in a building. Especially with the latest patch as Tommies are way weaker now without cover. Of course such unfavorable engagements usually mean more lost MP for the Oshteer player but gets map control. Goes without saying if the allied player has superior positioning than you do, especially with their MGs, it's just an MP sink of 34 every time.

    Some/Most of the Pros:
    The core infantry would look something like 1(2) Pioneer, 2 MG42, 3 Pgrens. I find it quite powerful in 1v1 once you make the full set as it's hard to flank an MG42 when a Pgren is paired with it, and Allies have to outskill or outnumber you to fight your core with theirs. Of course they can answer with a commander with elite infantry (Shocks/Rangers) or to rush with Light Vehicles. It'll come down to MG play to outdo the Elite infantry. And the usual Wehr answer to Light Vehicles would be to make a 222 against the M20, the Pak against the AEC/Stuart/AAtruck/T70 or could just make 2 Scout cars if you're confident in light vehicle micro. I find using the Mechanized choices as reactionary fits better, but of course there are some situations which a fast Flamer Half Track works great too, especially against USF and UKF and Soviet penal builds. As for why it can work against USF, your slow double MG42 start would hardly give riflemen any vet, meaning hardly any snares, and USF for the most part have a low chance of mines. Be careful of the Lt. though. Wehrmacht also has fairly good timing to let out a P4 despite making itself vulnerable at the start to get fuel starved, matching allied mediums in terms of when they come out. One Major advantage the build has however is that the player does not have to spend muni on upgrades (usually 3 grens for 180 ish muni), giving a hefty amount for commander abilities, other unit upgrades and most importantly mines.

    Now for the Cons:
    I feel like this build is really punishable if the enemy knows you'd be going for it. Has a lot of problems against USF if they go super aggressive at the start as it will become an even more uphill battle. It honestly works best against a slow start Soviet Penal build, and against UKF for most of its builds. The Soviet M3 and the UC aren't really too big a threat for Pgrens and rushing Mechanized opens up Scout car quite sooner than expected as well. It does force the player to play a non-AEC british defensive using a Pak AT gun when the enemy player goes for a T70/Stuart/AEC to which granted most do in smaller games. There's also the temptation of upgrading Shrecks on the Pgrens which isn't too advised as they are your core infantry combatant. Not having a snare also forces the player to invest a wee bit more in mines, and play like the British sometimes when having a lot of tommies.

    Being able to regain map control and not succumbing to enemy Light Vehicle pressure in the mid-game would be the key. Even just gaining parity is advantageous because of how Pgren veterancy is quite good, and with tanks.. passive combined arms works great. All in all, I felt like doing the Pgren build is like playing a German British faction due to the timing of the vehicles, and the bleed you take from losing models. It has a slower start but a far more aggressive core later on.

    Some Commander Ability Caveats:
    Upgrading the G43 allows it to play like beefy sniper Tommies. Much more traditional of a core and the smoke grenade helps. You somewhat lose the power to bumrush in 1v1 situations though.Ambush Training on your commander is like playing with stacks of Fallschrimjaegers lite. Especially for those who have great individual unit micro, only costing 20 muni. Makes for good surprise bundle nades.The Sdkfz 250 from the German Infantry Doctrine also pairs well, gives you a mechanized truck EARLIER since it needs 3cp if I remember right from German Mechanized.

    Sorry for the wall of text and thanks for reading. I was just mainly bored and wanted to express my like for the moving of Pgrens to the main Wehr building, love the change! I figured I'm patches too late but I might as well say it. I'd also love to hear how players would or have countered it, or how some other players play with such a build. I still think grens would be the go-to Oshteer build because this involves a higher level of risk. It's especially been great in 2v2 with an OKW ally since it doesn't give up as much map control. I just wish people won't blob their Pgrens too much, it's annoying to face especially since I'm more often in the allies side.

    Edit: P.S. Make Tommies Great Again!
    Edit2: Formatting got f*****.

    submitted by /u/Hold_My_Teapot
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    THEY HAD A FAMILY - VonIvan Highlights August September 2019

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    COH1 Modding Query - Infantry Equip Slots

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Hi, anyone know what value needs to be changed for altering the available weapon slots an infantry squad has? At the moment the squad I'm messing with appears to have three, but I cannot figure out what value can change this ingame. My assumption was "squad_item_slot" in the sbps file but this does not seem to be it.

    submitted by /u/heavymetalgoy
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    Guard motor coordination tactics

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Can anyone enlighten me why is this a top tier a commander ?also are guard rifles infantry good ?

    submitted by /u/DDPSIX
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    Low GPU usage (RX560)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    my GPU (Rx560) runs at between 10 and 100 percent (totally randomly) Anyone knows why this happens? btw I could play R6 ETS2 and WT without any framerate and gpu usage drops ?

    submitted by /u/fegeleinn
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