• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    Company of Heroes -Andryukha, we are out of mortar rounds! -Devil with them, Lyokha, bring molotovs here, i have an idea!

    Company of Heroes -Andryukha, we are out of mortar rounds! -Devil with them, Lyokha, bring molotovs here, i have an idea!

    -Andryukha, we are out of mortar rounds! -Devil with them, Lyokha, bring molotovs here, i have an idea!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:48 AM PST

    I Did It Lads, The Myth Becomes Legend!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:04 AM PST

    When you stungrenade yourself

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    UKF Winter Patch Change Request: Sextons

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 11:09 PM PST

    UKF Winter Patch Change Request: Sextons

    EDIT: THE AoE Math is Off. Like a lot. Like TRIPLE for most heavy artillery. Look for Italics for edits.

    TL;DR: Sexton needs Super-Charged Rounds to have same dmg distance tables as Normal and EITHER the same AOE tables as all other heavy artillery, OR half price. and a POP drop to 12. Tell the World, Sextons are basically rocket artillery Someone forgot the warhead

    LeFH artillery is a massive numerical outlier, rip out a shot from the Salvo and fix its friendly fire inconsistency.

    NOTE: This will focus on team game play, I doubt Sextons will enter 1v1 in any real use case.

    I was playing the Winter Patch this week, and noticed something weird. I was population capping EXTREMELY hard as the Royal Artillery Commander, but I rammed head long intothe population. Something was population capping me.

    I checked the units, turns out the Sexton is a fatty. At 14 population, it is between a Panzer 4 and a Panther in population cost. Compared to other artillery, it's in a weird spot. Priests are 15 pop (expected for mobile artillery), leFH are 11 pop (stationary artillery is much more vulernerable I guess?), B-4 Super Heavy Artillery is 15 pop (its the big Daddy meme machine, gotta spend big to gamble big), and 152mm Artillery is 11 pop (its basically a leFH with slightly bigger shells. No, I'm not kidding, same range.)

    So this made me wonder, why does a single Sexton feel so bad for 14 population? leFH's are fantastic, B-4.... yea its a rng device, Priests are rare due to their commander lock, but do feel good on use, as do 152mm artillery.

    QUICKLY we will analyse 2 things, ability to slaughter infantry and raw DPS. One is dead infantry, one is dead base. Both hurt.

    Some quick numbers..... Howitzer artillery is supposed to do 2 things: Murder People and Murder Things. These appear the same, but are not. People in COH2 all have the exact same health, while buildings have much more and are really big.

    First, lets start with Infantry:

    Infantry have 80 hp across the board. Every single one. Most artillery either outright murders, or does negligible chip due to the damage fall off with range. Lets just use this criteria:

    Death Zone Per Barrage

    this is where r^2*pi*(shot per salvo)

    where "r" is the maximum distance to kill e.g. A B-4 kills at its mid range (96 damage) which is range"5", so r = 5 This isn't how the AoE math works, it is interpolated:

    (Far_Distance-80/DMG)/[(Far_DMG-Mid_DMG)/(Mid_Distance-Far_Distance) = Death Zone radius for B-4. Swap Mid with Near and Far with Mid for all other artillery besides Sexton.

    For B-4, this gives r= 5.625, a Death Zone Per Salvo increase of 21. For the leFH it is MADNESS.

    All numbers are pulled from the Attribute Editor:

    Death Zone * Salvo OLD

    Death Zone*Salvo NEW

    Uhhhh.... what? Sexton murders all the boys in the hard?Oh this is a bad start. Wait. Lets do some more analysis. First, adding cooldowns gets us:

    Death Zone * Salvo Per Second/CD OLD

    Death Zone*Salvo Per Second/CD NEW

    Ooooo now that is pretty. Things just got interesting. Lefh Artillery is now king at infantry slaughter, as we have all felt before, with Sextons a REALLY CLOSE second. I'm not going to analyse how the first few rounds are the most important for infantry slaughter, but keep in mind CD is king. The Sexton has Potential! Oh Jesus. the Sexton is barely better than a B-4.

    NOW: lets normalize by POPULATION:

    DZ*Salvo/(CD*POP) OLD

    DZ*Salvo/(CD*POP) NEW

    Well crap. Sextons look like B-4s vs infantry. are now pushed behind both cheap boys (is the mobility worth the 3 pop? Not sure! LETS DO MORE ANALYSIS!). That Priesty boi looks down right BADalright at killing infantry, using a B-4 is more dangerous over the long run. Infantry Slaughter Analysis Done.

    TL;DR if left alive, leFH 18 will kill all of your dudes. Soviets have fun gear. Sexton is.... OK? problematic. Pays a SERIOUS 25% power premium to be able to move. B-4 cannon is better than Priest, who'd a thunk?

    DPS ANALYSIS: Why you really hate artillery and wish it would not be in game.

    This is a cruder analysis. I am ignoring scatter (some arty has scatter larger than BARNS) and I'm ignoring deflection/dmg mods/dmg range. All artillery has pretty equivalent garbage accuracy at max range, so its all about throwing rounds down field. So, all we want is DAMAGE PER SECOND.

    Well, with old colleraries we'll jump straight to the bit that matters: Damage*shots/(CD*pop):


    Now HOLY JESUS this is why Team Play Scrubs like me hate leFH's and 152mm guns. That is a lot of damage. Oh look! the Priest has found its job! 10% sacrifice for mobility? ABSOLUTELY! And the Sexton is only 1/3rd less than the top boys? Sure! its an infantry Priest! It'll just take a bit longer to kill stuff.

    So. What did I forget to add? Oh Yea. Population. Here you go. Population Normalized... :


    Uhhhhh..... crap. What happened to my boy? LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY? B-4.... my main memer as usual. LefH and 152mm are the same here, with SAVAGE numbers. Priest does 35% less damage to structures than the dedicated arty. Steep cost sure, but what is mobility worth? Sexton is at half damage to structures, you need 2 Sextons to do the infrastructural damage of 1 leFH 18. 50% Mobility Premium?


    B-4: We love you, sweet meme machine, even if you suck at getting work done. Aim at stuff, close your eyes, and pray.

    leFH: The Right Arm of Death, this sucker is best in class at killing all the things. Build and bomb. If you can keep it up, it will slaughter all. More than I even thought possible.

    152mm: The Slightly Less Powerful Right Arm of Death, this is pretty good at infantry kill and equal to the power house at building kill.

    Priest: The Linebacker, he rolls up and shells your stuff. Don't aim at infantry, total waste of time. Shell bases and hard points. Fine vs infantry, it is a good example of sacrifices for mobility.

    Sexton: Alright at killing people, even if his alpha sucks, garbage at killing stuff. You should probably get 2 cause its never available when you need it and you will need both to break an entrenchment. Surprisingly, this is true. Just more than I expected. you need 3.4 Sextons to do the Area Denial of 1 leFH. So for Half price, with Valentine Barrages, we get pretty dang close.

    BUT, you might say, what about DOUBLE BARRAGE? We will be able to shoot double the rounds per cooldown now! Thank you Winter Preview!!

    Did you know Super Charged rounds are different from normal Sexton rounds? They have a mid damage range (the money one for Sextons) of 2 instead of 2.5, which really changes some math. Building destruction doubles (its almost the same as a leFH now! yay!)...(as long as you can somehow sneak a Valentine ALIVE to the enemy base). Infantry Death Zone*shots/(CD*pop) goes down to .079. ~35% less. Sum total, 1 Sexton can do a monumental 20% more to infantry than a leFH! (as long as there is a Valentine in range and 60 munitions per launch to fire this thing). OR as much as a leFH to structures, again same caveats.

    So the Sexton is wants to be an anti-infantry howitzer. Long range rocket artillery almost. Quick numbers, if you just used Land Mattress's instead, you get .25 Infantry Death*Salvo/(cd*pop) and 2.8 DPS. With the scatter on Land Mattresses, they do ABOUT THE SAME damage to structures as Sextons at max range.

    NOTE: rocket trucks are a WHOLE 'nother topic. The Land Mattress is a weird outlier by all measures. Also, absurdly efficient.

    FINAL Conclusions:

    God, that was long. Here we go.

    1. Decrease leFH shell count by 1 per Salvo. This gives the 152mm a place as the primer building smacker, while making both really close to each other stat wise. They will basically be the same gun. 10 shots is MADNESS, who thought that was the right amount?

    Side Note: Change the leFH friendly fire tables. All other artillery except British base arty does 2.5% to friendly forces at all splash ranges. leFH will frag your own dudes (50%/7.5%/2.5%). Make shelling your own position consistent. I want to do Bite and Hold tactics.

    1. B-4 is a slot machine that breaks vehicles on jackpot. Probably not worth making viable. (Maybe massively increased accuracy with maintained LoS? Or special damage mod vs super heavies?). Lots of fun though!

    2. Priest has his place as a building wrecker, especially if leFH looses that extra shell.

    3. The Sexton has needs:


    a. AoE Range Change normalized to 2/4/6 from 1.25/2.5/6


    b. Half the Price. Seriously. No Kidding. It is THAT BAD.

    b. Pop change to 12. 11 makes the numbers start to look funky. The Sexton looks like a rocket truck numerically, it should be treated similarly. It requires a Valentine to be a REAL HOWITZER. This enables it to not clog up the pop cap as much.


    Super-Charged shells to be changed to normal rounds. Mid 2->2.5. This lets the Sexton hurt people but not things, so it doesn't encroach on big daddy Priest's design space.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Descolata
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    Error 183

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Anyone have any solutions to this? Just started about a week ago and happens almost every match. I have a 2080 and 32gbs of RAM. My friend has 8 and doesn't get this as frequently as me. Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/SheetMetalCaesar1991
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    What are some 'must watch' coh 1 or 2 matches?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:17 PM PST

    Just saw an insane coh 1 match casted by AECoh, wondering what other cool matches i've missed.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Winter Patch Notes and Demonstrations Version 1 & 1.1

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:34 PM PST

    OKW teams need a fix

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    I cannot think of a single occurrence in 3v3 and 4v4 where I have ever won in a full team of OKW. Doing automatch it is basically an automatic lose as soon as I see that all four of us were stupid enough to pick OKW in the hope someone else would be ostheer. And the allies know it too and laugh at our stupidity as they plan to annihilate us. They know we are the only faction who cannot build fuel caches for some reason, we do not have an opening MG because that relies upon building a truck with fuel, and we do not have an opening IDF unit as that requires building a battlegroup headquarters. So even if we desperately rush for 1 of the 2 fuel points, we cannot lock them down in time because it is so simple to counter are infantry intensive strategy. Most allied units already measure up pretty well to our early units, so all they have to do is build one mg each team member and it's game over within 3 minutes of the match start.

    Since they know we can't build fuel caches to respond to early fuel lock, they only need to lock down the resource points, which is incredibly easy to do with a little early mg spam. Now that OKW is effectively locked out of the fuel and probably the ammo points, they have no manpower effective solutions to deal with the gridlock. If you micro REALLY well to get around all the MGs, you might have enough ammo to throw just ONE flame grenade, which forces ONE MG to retreat. Congratulations, the other 3 MGs in the area just cover down while it reinforces.

    Games should not be unwinnable because one team was not able to predict everyone would be the same faction. This would be the equivalent of an MMO doing matchmaking for raids but no role slots, so you as a DPS just HOPE that you coincidentally get into a match with a healer and tank. Axis should not be this unbearably inflexible. My suggestion is this. Have the leigs unit available at the HQ like the mortar unit is for the US. Have the MG unit unlock when the first truck is BUILT, not when it is placed, similar to how the flame grenade unlocks. There is no reason two essential units for comebacks should be locked behind a 40 fuel cost when it is inevitable that full teams of OKW will have 0 fuel income from the get go.

    submitted by /u/Zombiespire
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    TRAILER: King of the Noobs [4v4 Tournament]

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Balance patch

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 01:23 PM PST

    Is it out? It not a release date?

    submitted by /u/ManioAmanio
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    Is Wehrmacht Hull Down a good ability?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:11 PM PST

    Festung Armor Doctrine

    • 2 CP Panzer Tactician: All armored vehicles use their equipped smoke dischargers to prevent themselves from being seen.

    • 5 CP Hull Down: Pioneers, Grenadiers and Panzer Grenadiers are able to set German armor in an immobile Hull Down position, increasing defenses and damage.

    • 8 CP Pak 43 Emplacement: Pioneers and Sturmpioneers are able to construct powerful Pak 43 88mm anti-tank emplacements. CommandTree Succession Arrow

    • 9 CP Command Tank: A Panzer IV Command Tank that improves nearby forces can be deployed to the battlefield.

    • 12 CP* Railway Artillery Support: Off-map railway will fire three large caliber shells at the designated target.

    Fortified Armor Doctrine

    • 2 CP Panzer Tactician: All armored vehicles use their equipped smoke dischargers to prevent themselves from being seen.

    • 4 CP Stuka Reconnaissance Overflight Available aircraft will make a reconnaissance loiter on the targeted location to reveal enemy forces.

    • 5 CP Hull Down: Pioneers, Grenadiers and Panzer Grenadiers are able to set German armor in an immobile Hull Down position, increasing defenses and damage.

    • 9 CP Command Tank: A Panzer IV Command Tank that improves nearby forces can be deployed to the battlefield.

    • 14 CP Allows the requisition of the Elefant Tank Destroyer to the battlefield.

    Fortified Armor and Festung Armor look like rather decent doctrines overall (mostly for team games), sharing 3/5 of their doctrinal components. Fortified has the heavy TD with the advantage of being able to scout for it aerially (though the spotting scope in jaeger armour is my preference for sure), while Festung gets the late game off map. Panzer tactician is indispensable and PIV Command tank gets good value when called in later. But I think the viability of picking them hinges on the usefulness of Hull Down. I was hoping to have a discussion about how best to use it. The stats of the buff are I believe +25% main gun range and -25% damage taken. So the range buff would have the greatest flat effect for vehicles that already have good range like the Panther.

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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    Why aren't there more multiplayer maps? Automatch vs. Ai has a lot of choices. Doesn't playing the map perpetually limit your ability to adapt to new environments.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:16 AM PST

    I wanted to know why the developers haven't included very many multiplayer maps. There are some really cool community mods, like the battle of Poznan or the battle of Berlin where you can fight under the Brandenburg gate and even destroy it. I get it about balance, but right now General Mud is very pro axis and Lorch Assault is very pro allies.

    In terms of maps, There is even a mod that automatically generates a map so you need to change your strategies each time. Unfortunately it only creates country sides and not towns or cities.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Forward HQ/schwehr?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:47 PM PST


    So I main the OKW with 2 commanders, and I wanted to know in which case you guys deploy your OKW trucks forward, I've seen/played games where losing a forward HQ/schwehr was a death sentence, and others, well no so much. Depends on the map? The enemy? The overall strategy? Discuss!

    Edit : I mainly play 3v3/4v4

    submitted by /u/snafubarr
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    How are you supposed to use commanders? At what point in the game should you decide your doctrine?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:27 PM PST

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