• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 8, 2020

    Company of Heroes I was tired of puma spam and wanted to try something new

    Company of Heroes I was tired of puma spam and wanted to try something new

    I was tired of puma spam and wanted to try something new

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    'First, Do no Harm'

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:31 AM PST

    3 streamsnipers: icon of light, combos (felixthecat) and redbaron

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Beware of these 3 players, they were caught stream sniping, admitting to it during the stream, and smurfing as well. If you could be careful of these people and/or report them, it would be greatly appreciated. I have the link if you want it. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/twitchsopamanxx
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    You can count on osttruppen!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:43 AM PST

    German officer leaving his post circa. 1943. colorized

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Is there any way to currently obtain 2016 Halloween skins?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:39 PM PST

    The items i wish i had most in coh2 are the old halloween skins, i have looked on ebay for codes but no luck. any idea if they are possible to obtain? seem like some of the rarest in game items and catch my eye every time i see someone with them.

    submitted by /u/BiggestDoughnut
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    How do you work with passive teammates who defend and don't fight?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 05:04 PM PST

    I was playing a 3v3 game Americans, British, and Soviets (me). But my UKF ally would defend but not fight. It's possible that he hasn't been ranked yet, but he made no attempt at offensively pushing which left me soaking up damage trying to get the points. How can I handle this proactively since I don't want my rank to fall in team games? This seems to happen quite frequently.

    I know people will say "what makes you think you did anything that helped?" However, I think it's evident from damage dealt to the enemy and not idling units. Obviously I can improve, I don't deny that. But I want to get help when pushing for points and that never happened.

    Should I start pinging on their units to take down tanks? Or pinging on them to move back and repair out of the way?

    Leaving the problem as it is isn't ok, nor is micro managing all their units, or baling on them. What do you if your trying to win and play competitively?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    How do you beat this?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:49 PM PST

    What's Up With Artillery Friendly Fire?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:07 PM PST

    So, I was digging around in the Attribute Editor today and found something.... interesting. All OST heavy artillery (really just call-ins and leFH) does 2.5%/7.5%/50% damage at far/mid/near ranges friendly fire. For EVERYONE ELSE, this is 2.5% across the board. so, if you are Katyusha shelling a position, CHARGE THROUGH THE SHELLING. same with B-4, 152mm, Calliope.

    There is one exception. British barrages from the home base. These have the same values friendly or not. Also, interesting thing. British barrages go from 4 rounds on first upgrade, 9 on second, and 13 with Anvil (airburst rounds kinda suck though, its just some extra trash to scrape up infantry, not gonna kill). That's a LOT of shelling (even if its lethality is low...). Interestingly, the first base howitzer shoots INCREDIBLY ACCURATELY at the smoke marker as long as line of sight is maintained (the spread increases by TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE). I suspect this is all historical to make it actually kill team weapons.

    1. Friendly Artillery are nerf launchers, run through that shit. Unless it is OST artillery or UKF base fire.
    2. Stick UKF base arty smoke DIRECTLY ON TOP of the target and MAINTAIN LINE OF SIGHT. This drops 4 shells REALLY TIGHTLY on the position.

    submitted by /u/Descolata
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    We should have a record for the highest team kill by an ambulance

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Fix the matchmaker before screwing up the balance again

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:06 PM PST

    It should not be possible to be matched against a top 20 player and someone is barely in top 1000 in the same evening.

    It should not be possible to be matched against the same exact person 3-4 times in a row IF the result is the same every time.

    It should not be possible to be matched against a top 10 player after a few seconds of matchmaking. I know that he must have sat waiting for several minutes and I was the first person to be grabbed but it should be a two way street. I should be matched with someone of my level and only after I sit in the queue for several minutes then we can get matched up.

    Add more levels. It is ridiculous of how big of a skill gap exists within the same level (16 is the best example of that imo). Make it so that it is nearly impossible for a level 20 to be matched with a level 16. And a level 16 with a level 12 and so on.

    submitted by /u/HorseWhisperer32
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    Fact: Yelling/Insults = Counter productive

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:35 AM PST

    Might be stating the obvious, but seriously, what do these people think they're accomplishing by yelling/insulting at their teammates? Do you think calling someone a ******* or ****** is going to suddenly make them 10x better? Or perhaps calling someone a dumb**** will motivate them to listen to your commands?

    Be kind, Be Smart, use words that encourage cooperation not words that make teammates leave please.

    submitted by /u/Komikoze
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    Looking for modding resources for COH1

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:56 PM PST

    Particularly unit models by by Beefy^ DMz and Halftrack. I already tried looking in the archived pages of the old Relic News forums. And links to a majority of the files have long since expired.

    submitted by /u/HungryRon
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    Pros and cons of the british forces

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:51 PM PST

    I'm about to buy the British forces, but I want to know the pros and cons of them to see if it's entirely worth it

    submitted by /u/wwgaming14
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    I’m calling it now.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Tommies are gonna get buffed.

    People will complain.

    They will be nerfed to being trash again.

    submitted by /u/Friend-Beast
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    Why are Obersoldatens and Fallschirmjaegers cheaper than Guards or Shocks? I can't counter them with the maxim because of poor suppression + dangerous grenades. Additionally, T70's cost fuel that puts me behind in Armor to counter the inevitable Tigers and Panthers?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:35 AM PST

    I almost always see these units but Katyushas can't work because it's too slow and not as deadly as walking stukas.

    I was playing a game vs 3 OKWs and they held us off with these units, next to no light armor and then went for super tanks. When I built two T-70 we had map control temporary until two panthers and a tigers came out of nowhere. How do you contend with this? Especially if someone builds a strumtiger. Do you spam skip tier3 units if you see super soldiers and go straight for spaming SU-85?

    We each had about 50/50 map control throughout the game.

    My Game Build order: Conscript, Mortar, Maxim, Conscript, Molotov, Maxim, Medic, Tier 3, Guards, T-70, T-70, Guards, Tier 4 and then a few AT guns before defeat.

    Guard Motor Coordination Tactics

    What do you do in this scenario and how can you predict it?

    Edit: In watching the reply the first guy to get tanks waited with 3-6 units to get a Tiger tank, and only went for 1 volks 1 sturmpioneer and 2 Obersoldatens. Is that the meta in teamgames? Don't do anything, just build and conserve your resources for call ins and let your teammates carry the weight?

    He had 1,200 manpower and 230 fuel while waiting for command point 9.

    Suggestion? I really do want to improve I just don't know how?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Help with build orders for newly purchased commanders

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:13 AM PST

    I just bought the overwatch doctrine for okw and the Vanguard Operations for british (Should've bought mobile assualt tho :(. Can i get some help with build orders for both of them? They feel a little difficult to play with For eg. With the vanguard ops, the glider costs 540 mp and i dont know when to get it and when to get commandos, never seem to have enough mp for them And with the overwatch, i think the highlight is the goliaths and theyre awesome to play with but i dont know the build order like get jaeger light recons or volks or get what and so on.

    Help with these please.

    submitted by /u/adishr_
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    Idea for the next CoH: Model-based veterancy

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I was playing a match where a lot of my infantry got down to 1-2 squadmembers and realized something: there's possibly design space in assigning experience not to squads, but to models themselves.

    With this, squads would vet up the same way, initially, but once they drop a model, that model's XP goes away, the squad's entire vet goes down equal to the XP that was lost. Once the squad is reinforced, the model or models that join get a % buff to XP gain equal to however many veteran squadmembers are in a squad.

    Ex: 5-man Riflemen get in a fight, lose two members, but the rest of them magically get enough XP to individually get a rank of vet

    They get back to base, reinforce from 3 to 5 models. Since the 3 members are veteran enough, they give their two new squadmates a 6-12% (2-4% each) buff to XP gain. Vet 2 could give them a 3-6% buff, Vet 3 could give a 4-8% buff (dunno what would be balanced, so I gave a range)

    This could even introduce a new mechanic of splitting squads at a manpower cost (half the squad?) to spread out veterency gain across your army

    Could even give XP gain a per-model value; cons get a lower individual vet gain, Volks get a variable vet gain (as some are cons, others are recovering wounded)

    Or, this could needlessly overcomplicate things. I dunno

    submitted by /u/Girdon_Freeman
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:03 AM PST

    what brand and what type of mouse is best for playing RTS games?

    submitted by /u/thom92Pf3105
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