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    Friday, February 7, 2020

    Company of Heroes YEET!

    Company of Heroes YEET!


    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Im sorry...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:41 AM PST

    Couple hours ago I lost a game and then came to this subreddit. Im sorry to all of you. I will become better person and will respect you all. Thank you for your opinions... That russian howitzer is still op...

    submitted by /u/mglo1
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    UKF winter balance preview patch 1.1 feedback.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Starting off with the heavy tank changes. I believe Crocodile is still 9Cps which is curious since all other true heavy tanks got CP increase. I'm not exactly sure if this is an oversight or intended. If this was indeed an intended change I would like to argue that the Crocodile has similar performance to other heavy tanks and deserves an 11cp unlock instead of 12.

    On to Sections.

    I see a lot of people being concerned about Section blobs being relevant again but I'm not so sure. Fundamentally Sections haven't changed in playstyle from the current patch. They still need to stay at long range in cover to get maximum effectiveness. Cover to cover is a lot better now and so is closing however keep in mind Sections lose to almost every unit in close range. The biggest change is probably more chasing potential for wipes which all other mainline were able to do from the beginning. Slight RA revert is also appreciated. Section combat performance still stays the same across the board but their utility went up which is a big bonus. Good change

    Assault Sections and Tank Hunter sections.

    I had a problem with tank hunter sections not getting a manpower adjustment in pair with the Sections purchasing decrease from 280->270. This fixes the problem, essentially Tank Hunter Sections cost 300 manpower spawning at 5 man. For a regular section upgrading to 5 man after bolster 270+28=298. Essentially the AT rifles are free. Assault Sections in the past weren't very good without 5 man either so this is a definite positive. Tank Hunters performance stayed the same ofc but it's generally a weak unit in a rather buggy doctrine so people won't be picking special weapons too much. Assault sections, on the other hand, perform quite well with vet. Their early game isn't spectacular due to their 1RA, In fact, charging into Grens means a lot of model lost. They can't be competitive vs Sturm Pios in the beginning either but that's okay it's not supposed to. Just like most brit units, it's about scaling. Although, I fear this unit will become sort of a noob trap because quite honestly this unit needs a lot of babysitting and it is in a subpar doctrine. I'll talk about lend-lease in another paragraph.

    Example game of Assault Sections and officer combo gameplay: https://youtu.be/ZPcuJYqMmtY

    Assault Officer

    This addition is quite honestly fantastic. Just like the assault section, scaleability is key. I've done some testing of Officer vs PGrens (two assault units that arrive around the same time with simular model counts) THe results are quite surprising. Officers have Commando Sten stats which means 18dps at ranges 5-15 and then absolutely no dps beyond 15. Panzer grens have much better damage curves and better RA at Vet 1. Assault Officer lose quite hard to Pgrens at vet 0-1 close, mid, and long range. At equal Vet 2, Pgrens lost vs Officer at close and mid-range closing to close range. At equal Vet 3 Assault Officer destroys Pgrens. Keep in mind too this is vs an elite infantry unit. The assault officer wipes the floor with mainlines. My conclusion? Assault officer is an excellent defensive unit that prevents other units from closing in which was a big problem Brits have. The synergy with other units is quite insane too. Newly aspiring brit players may I introduce to you? On me ability into-> Commandos with Elite brens. Having the officer be cqc in doctrines like Royal Engineer and Tatical support will be able to bring those doctrines into competitive standards too. Good change

    And no, this unit isn't overpowered. 1: Starting performance is quite poor 2: Limited to one 3: Recon pass is 50 munitions which is competing with a lot of other munition usages such as Wasp: Pyro sections: Assault Section upgrade: mines : Brens: etc.

    I strongly advise against giving Elite Bren tags to this unit for overlapping purposes with Commandos.

    Wasp armor up

    Just a straight-up armor revert to previous UC values. Good change. Won't save the Wasp from a 222 but vs infantry, it's just fine.


    Synergy with the Assault section goes through the roof. It's cheap healing but more expensive than you think. The healing is also quite slow since these medics don't get sprint towards units. Sometimes it's also very buggy when healing multiple retreated squads that stack.

    Coordinated Barrage

    It's uh... good? Not sure who is really spamming this ability.

    HQ Glider

    This is where I talk about Vanguard. You can't put accessible Commandos in Vanguard. Vanguard is already being considered as one of the best British Doctrines in the game atm. Giving them Accessible Commandos will only reinforce that fact and push Brits Meta into a stale state. Currently, the faction has Commandos for 390 manpower, 9 CP Croc, Skill planes, and also Repair. No one uses raid but it's honestly not too bad either. This means Vanguard has 4/5 meta abilities. However, look at some of the other British Regiments. Special Weapons is rarely used because 2 abilities are 250 munition sinks and 2 others are non-meta units. Hold the Line is super inconsistent too. Lend Lease has 4/5 units with repair being the only ability. Commando has 4/5 munition sinks. Advanced Emplacement is dead. Tactical support is just a lesser version of Vanguard in 1v1s. HQ Glider has too much overlap with Commando Doctrine's 390 gliders. Vanguard will patch up Brits mid-game much better with cheap Commandos and supplement their late-game by quite a lot. This is a bad path. (Edit forgot Royal Engineers and Royal Arty which have their own Niche uses which are pretty nice I use them often)

    Suggested changes:

    At Sections get a double Piats upgrade for 100 munitions for some scalability.

    Raising Croc CP to 11. (Look at Cps for AVRE and Sturmtiger too although those aren't so problematic.)

    Cromwell MG buff (I've been asking this for a long time now it's just so bad)

    HQ glider needs a sort of price bump: 450 Manpower for the Glider and Commandos alone is a good price because you can spawn future commandos or buy FRP/medics. Cheap Commandos shouldn't be in doctrine with access to such a strong late game. There must be a trade-off!

    Edit: ( ASSAULT SECTIONS CURRENTLY HAVE THE SAME UNIT ICON AS REGULAR SECTIONS! Players have reported people can't tell from first glance) They need their unique Unit Icon

    submitted by /u/Along_Came-A-Spider
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    Molotovs in a nutshell

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Is the T-70 or the AA halftrack better overall?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 09:40 PM PST

    People often swear by the T-70 in their infantry killing ability, but I've noticed that they're easily panzerfausted, engines damaged, and killed. I've had more success with AA halftracks in suppressing infantry and then killing them, stopping spams and blobs. Is the trick to use these exclusively defensively? I mean the T70 has more armor to get in and out right? Its never worked for me in multiplayer since one panzerfaust makes them a giant target when they slow to a crawl.

    It seems the AA halftrack is better since it can shoot down air units always guaranteed (always too late) and it quickly suppresses infantry and pins them. However, I know this can only be used defensively if they're charging with blobs.

    I'm just not sure which is ultimately better. How do you use the T-70?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Hacks capable of moving/killing your opponents units?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    A while back I had a match where I was getting all kind of odd signs from the other player. I became suspicious and hid a squad behind a building, which he found a naded. There were times my units started to act wierd. The biggest oddity was twice a countdown appeared over a unit of mine. Like the 10 count from when you could self destruct OKW buildings. Except much faster. IIRC it caused my (escaping) AT gun to die & decrew.

    I don't mean to draw attention to such hacks if they exist, but I do want to know if they exist so I can spot the signs.

    Or maybe I was giving some absolutely shit commands in the heat of the moment. Commands like dive my tank at the enemy base. IDK what the countdown numbers might have been if not a hack. Accidental display of a countdown in the de-crewing process if the AT gun was legitimately de-crewed by the chasing volks?

    submitted by /u/thefonztm
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    [1v1] Kholodny Ferma vs OKW

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:31 PM PST

    Is it just me or is this map heavily skewed to favor OKW. Every time I face against them, either as USF or Soviets, it seems like an uphill battle. With all the hedges, hills, and obstructions, it feels as though they can easily park their trucks behind some cover and thus have very advanced support, and then rain on you with the Le.ig. Also sturmpios seem at an advantage for the same reasons as they can quickly pop out from behind a hedge and deal heavy CQC damage.

    Not to mention the fact that starting on the right seems like a distinct disadvantage due to the cutoff being more accessible.

    Thoughts? I could be completely wrong and need to just be more aggressive myself, but something feels off about that map.

    submitted by /u/im_dalegend
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    I would like to hire someone to help me improve

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    I want to be a top 250 player for Ostheer. I will pay someone to coach me. Who is interested?

    submitted by /u/LazyPokerPlayer
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    is there something wrong with the game these past 2 days?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:31 AM PST

    lost connection during game, 2 second lags every 2 minutes. it is quite frankly unplayable in 1v1. what the frack is happening??????????????? can a game get any worse? i reinstalled the game, same issues. help me out here Relic, a game is suppose to get better with time, not the other way around

    submitted by /u/gmyt2123
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    what you mean for army composition?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Soviet Motor Coordination Tactics

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Before the new patch roll out, can we have a bug fix for Soviet auto tank repair feature so that we can cancel the repair if the tank is damaged while repairing?

    submitted by /u/Argensa97
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    How to cue?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Does anyone know what the cue means? When you can cue your units orders?

    submitted by /u/eljefe2171
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    Any update to Brits?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Just played 3 games, lost all three. Dropped rank. Same old same old. Tommys melt. Not enough damage output. Green cover just delays the inevitable a bit. Couldn't hold fuel. 2 P4s - twice, against different players. I tried different strats. Seemed like I was winning against a less experienced player but now Panzerfusiliers ha ha bye bye Tommies.

    When's the patch? Or do I uninstall permanently this time?

    submitted by /u/SoForAllYourDarkGods
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    Where to report players

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 08:02 AM PST


    I am sorry if this information is obvious and I should know where to report players to. Sometimes when I am utterly kicking some guys (who's names usually are just a bunch of numbers) ass, they surrender and i just get connection lost and the game never registers anywhere. I am kinda wanting to say it might be a drop hack, so where should I report it?

    submitted by /u/Oujaiaas
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    Bug with Replays URGENT HELP REQUIRED

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Hi there CoH community.

    Ive got an issue with CoH2s replay system, Where currently only some replays will show, but others wont. The reason this is such an issue is because i'm a caster on the upcoming CoH2 KotN tournament.

    I've already tried a reinstall as well as a verification of game cash, as well as the files themselves - Clearly not them as they work for the other casters.

    But the issue is weird, Like I'll be able to watch one file that someones sent me but not the other game in the series?

    So I come to you guys, Anyone come across this before?

    I'm trying to keep some of the info about the specific match ups out purely for privacy of the Tournament.

    submitted by /u/Midgeman
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    Stug vs P4 for AT

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:52 AM PST

    What are the benefits/disadvantages to get them, when should you get either of them or when not to get them.

    submitted by /u/adishr_
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    Wierdest stuff you witnessed

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Share wierd or funny stuff.

    For me something pretty strange happened. A player left the game and the bot started to attack ground on a OKW HQ truck and never stopped firing at this location.

    submitted by /u/Gifty666
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    New competitive map! Interview and Scrim with WhiteFlashReborn

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:30 PM PST

    what programs can i use to find out rank of player b4 match starts?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 02:06 AM PST

    what programs can i use to find out rank of player b4 match starts? besides going to Leaderboards website and typing the name of the player i am matched to?

    submitted by /u/gmyt2123
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    4v4 or 3v3? Which makes for better team games?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    How do you get really good at this game?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2020 12:38 AM PST

    I think I would enjoy this game more if I was better able to multitask but I'm having a number of issues:

    1. Hotkeys and squads- Average I'm average, I always use them for tanks and reversing, but I haven't mastered them yet. I'll rapidly hit W if I know an enemy will walk into a mg arc. Additionally I know how to queue orders by shift. In fact you can cue a retreat by shift right clicking R while capturing a sector.

    I don't use number hotkeys as much as I should but I assume that evey unit should have a number and you should immediately start assigning them. Double clicking forces the camera over there which is helpful. With squad hotkeys you can handle multiple engagements simultaneously.

    Is there a way to cue a repair command and click on their icon?

    1. Eminent Squad wipe awareness- Poor

    I don't know how you can react quick enough when you're micromanaging units and your other unit is about to die is it just me or are you guaranteed to get squad wiped 4-5 times in a match? With grenades this seems especially difficult since you need to gauge how dangerous it will be. However I haven't figured out what German unit's grenades are the most dangerous, I'm not sure when to retreat or when to move out of the way?

    1. When to retreat- No idea

    When do you retreat? Especially since there's no numerical measurement of health that's observable in game? In multiplayer it seems retreating needs to happen more or else you will die quickly by your opponent going for a squad wipe. Sometimes I try and 'get in' a grenade first and then loose the squad because he can't throw fast enough.

    I almost have 200 hours in game and I have no idea how to retreat.

    1. Build orders- yes or no? I still can't quite tell, I assume you should have some idea. Should I get a build order timer? When do I need to build tier 3 or tier 4?
    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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