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    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Company of Heroes “You can’t get me I’m too small!” Just Golaiths things...

    Company of Heroes “You can’t get me I’m too small!” Just Golaiths things...

    “You can’t get me I’m too small!” Just Golaiths things...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    soviets be like

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Let me whine on Reddit

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Usf howitser Hell Yeah

    Brits Mortar pit oh boy

    Strong soviet 6 man mortar so chad

    120mortar damn son how you gonna counter this?


    Usf & brit mobile howitser damn man WOW and it can move!

    But son axis is op they got

    4man mortar, uhm yeah okay

    lefh howitser it´s so cool but uhm yeah its static so it scouted and dies

    what we got left?

    mortaar halftrack? more like i hit like a wet noodle and sets me 30 fuel back, while being in the crappiest commanders.

    son , you boy okw is rocking the stuka defuss

    that is true though, but using 100 fuel sets you quite back in the whole game

    and lastly 4 man grens

    Okay im done

    submitted by /u/DerKuhlmann
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    Soviet vs OST doesn't feel like a fair matchup

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT


    - Aggressive mg play from the OST can easily win early engagements so getting an even/more map control than the SU isn't really a problem especially if ostruppen and pioneers are being spammed at the same time

    - The 222 and flame HT come out pretty early and are both really good at plucking away at conscripts with the only real counter at this time in the game being a zis gun which again costs you more map control

    - Panzer grenadiers, again these guys also come out pretty early in the stage of the game and are not that op but at this point in the matchup, the SU player has like 4 conscript squads a zis gun and a team weapon of choice. If its a mortar to help flush out the mg you lack the defensive capability to hold of the 222/half track + panzer grenadiers + an aggressive mg play. If you built a maxim then how do you push against the mg? you could use the barrage of the zis but then you also just let the other player know where your AT giving him free rein everywhere else with his 222/flame HT

    - By the mid-game, if the SU player has managed to survive with reasonable map control they will build the only thing that can turn it around, the T-70 or maybe even the half track but it seems to be on a roll only for a p4 to roll out of the gates very soon after and proceed to send it packing.

    - At this point in the game the SU player is well behind in VP's most likely and is again on the backfoot, from here the OST player is just gonna spam p4's which are effective well into the late game against both SU infantry and armor

    - Even if the SU player does build a SU-85 which does hit real hard it a) doesn't even have a rotating turret so it can be flanked effectively b) requires t4 plus another 130 fuel when you just spent 70 fuel on a LV that has now been handicapped by 1-2 p4's for the last 5 minutes.

    I get that SU is probably the best late-game faction with conscripts becoming gods when they hit vet 3 with 7 dudes, su-85's smacking axis armor around from range and late-game abilities such as anti-tank overwatch but at this stage the OST player has most of the map with mg's, p4's and mines everywhere whilst the SU player has little VP's left where he has to dislodge the mg's clear the mines and push back the axis army all at the same time.

    In summary;

    reading this back to myself it sounds like a rant but I feel it has some validity. It just appears to me that the OST loadout just seems to have everything at the right time to handicap the soviet player into a certain build which only stops them from being rolled back into their own base whilst not giving them room to be aggressive.

    I think even some small changes are all that is needed to give the SU some life in the early game like the speeding up the Molotov animation (the number of times where he gets suppressed half throw and now suddenly it's out of range is bonkers) and buffing the ptrs rifle against LV's only (honestly hits like a wet noodle) a bit would be all that's needed.

    if you think I'm full of it then let me know that I am in fact just a noob and I will won't bother this thread anymore with balance opinions.

    submitted by /u/knobinson
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    Blob Crushing + Predictive IL-2 strike followed by shrieks of victory

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Dearest CoH 2 masters, spare me wisedom on the foul faction of OKW

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Let me explain myself to thine honor first, I am a novice commander with 56 hours of battle experience with mixed factions. Yet I try to master myself with the OKW faction as I find it beautiful but so hard to command. Yesterday was a bad day as I literally got humiliated in the battlefield. The enemies of mine knew every weakspot of an average OKW player, therefore pinning me down to my base. Literally just spamming machine gun squads everywhere whilst I can't even spawn one because of no headquarters converted yet! I was terrified because my heroic teammate was literally an Erwin Rommel holding both players yet advancing through their lines. Meanwhile I was just surpressed and couldn't do anything to help him. I made a plan, sortied some 75mm infantry support gun to take those out of their holes. It went well as I bombarded the hell out of them thus getting their mg teams to retreat. Then I got arty-d, dealing great damage to my troops but not stopping my advance. But of course then came the british crusaders literally butchering the remaining men of mine, there was no chance but to retreat. I accept my mistake here as I should'v foreseen to get some raketenwerfer with me incase of incoming armor. I shall not waste thy time since we eventually lost because of me being pinned to my base and the damned british just spending every resource possible to keep me pinned to my place.

    Spare me wisedom o' the masters of axis, give any possible tips in order to be victorious like thee

    submitted by /u/TheTrueMan68_r
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    OST vs USF base-invasion blob crushing

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    Does search light half track is that trash

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    I used to love it and use always but HOLY CRAP UPDATE! and never even tried to use it since then.

    submitted by /u/piuro2
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    Close the Pocket - Does it Need Sight?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    Does 'close the pocket' ability need sight, or just the sectors cut off from hQ?


    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Top 3 for fun doctrines?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    curious what you guys pull out when you just want to have fun! I'm looking for more fun myself!

    Whenever I get bored and want to have fun I go:

    PPSH Penals (soviet) [which badly need a buff]
    Advanced Fortifications (british)
    Panzerfusiliers + Sturm Officer (cant remember name)

    What are ya'lls?

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Wikinger mod vs vanilla

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Now i can't call myself a veteran of CoH2 with around 300-400 hours on the game, i have spent a lot of time on CoH1 and most of the time is in blitzkrieg mod. I just find the wikinger to be superior to the vanilla coh2. What's your guy's opinion?

    submitted by /u/I_Bang_Toasters
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    UKF Commanders

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Hi, when do you go for which British commander?

    I usually play 2v2, sometimes 3v3 with Soviet team mates. I only have the 4 starting Commanders atm

    and I usually play royal artillery, unless it's an urban map then I go for royal engineers. I've tried commando regiment as well and it doesn't seem to bad. Is any of the other commanders worth buying once I have the coins needed?

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/qweqwruoiuewr
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    Jäger for OKW

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I think they should be able to spawn in buildings again.

    submitted by /u/TheRedBaron912946
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    Tips for the soviets?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    New to COH2 and I really enjoy soviets after testing all factions against AI. Problem is that I end up losing most of the time and I'm not sure why. Any advice? It doesn't matter what game wether it's 1v1 or 4v4 I just need tips lol. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Epicrevolutionary2
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    Need help with getting coh2 running in manjaro linux

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    So, I want to play coh 2 on manjaro using proton (it has a native version but nobody plays it), I managed to remove the freezing by enabling d9vk and disabling esync, but I still get audio looping and crackling even after editing the sysconfig.lua file (I didn't find any configuration_system.lua file).

    Any help would be appreciated.

    EDIT: I found and modified the configuration_system.lua file, but after some time in battle mg sounds start to disappear and appear randomly, at least I solved the looping

    Here is the location of my configuration_system.lua:

    /home/YOURUSER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/231430/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes 2/

    submitted by /u/OhScheiss
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    Your fav. OKW Build path

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:58 AM PDT

    I play mostly Okw 1v1 to 2v2 and I'm looking for some new tactics /builds.

    Rn I'm rushing Obers Most of the time

    1 Volk with kubel or 2 Volks

    Followed by heal and AT

    MG or another Volk

    Followed by Obers ASAP

    And then depending on situation tank hunter or heavy tank

    What is ur fav build path ? / build ?

    submitted by /u/Joiny757
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    Been reading this r/ for some time, allied players are always b*tching

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Now, don't get me wrong, it's interesting to see what challenges allied players have against axis players and how they can counter them, but after all the nerfs (Okw it's being abused at this point) to axis factions do you still complain? Why don't I see wehr and okw player complain about jesus troops, 120mm mortars, kv-8 flame spitting tanks, b4 howitzers with pin-point accuracy (not very consistent tho), american BAR blobbing, M36 spamming, sim city and other allied bulls*it?

    Please put your thoughts in the comments below, I'm really curious.

    submitted by /u/OhScheiss
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    Week but used right can crush anything .

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:16 AM PDT

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