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    Company of Heroes Late game 4v4s be like

    Company of Heroes Late game 4v4s be like

    Late game 4v4s be like

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Didn't Know Cancer could come in Supply drops. >.<

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    3v3 & 4v4 unbeatable UKF army composition

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    If I can get to a very late game position I've found an unbeatable army composition for the British. You need to use the Vanguard Operations commander. See below for (1) number of units, (2) unit, (3) pop cap.

    3x Fireflies (48)

    1x Croc Churchill (20)

    2x Tommies (10)

    2x Sappers (10)

    Total pop cap I think comes to 88 (correct me if my data is out of date). Fill the remaining pop cap as you see fit. Another Tommy & sapper is nice, as is a centaur.

    What makes this so powerful?

    In the late game the Axis generally wins the match by winning decisive tank battles. Big guns, thick armour and lots of HP allows them to score kills against Allied armour then reverse out of danger for repairs. They get to fight another day until eventually Axis heavies outnumber their lighter Allied counterparts.

    3 fireflies, 1 with tulip rockets, can kill any heavy (except maybe super heavies) with 6 shots and 2 tulip hits. Because of that, I keep the fireflies in reserve as a wolfpack behind the front lines, staying out of view of the Axis units. Keep moving them around the back of the front lines ready to strike from an unknown location. Once you spot a nearby Axis tank on the front line send in the wolfpack. Having all 3 together and hitting by surprise is key, since this means you get a 3 shot volley all at once and, crucially, can land both tulips. If the 2nd tulip rocket hits then the Axis tank is stunned for a couple of seconds. Move the fireflies up a bit so that in the brief window the Axis tank can backpeddle they stay in range for the 2nd volley which kills the tank. Pull back for repairs; rinse and repeat.

    Doing this you can eventually thin out axis armour so much that you have armour dominance. When your fireflies hit vet3 they always hit on the move, always pen and do enough damage to always kill a super heavy in two volleys.

    What's with the rest of the army composition?

    Tommies at least vet1 get long range vision in cover. With brens they stay dangerous at long range too. Creep them forward from cover to cover to spot for armour kills. Cap a bit too!

    Sappers keep your Wolfpack ready to strike.

    Panzershrek blobs eventually appear to counter the hungry wolfpack, that's when the Croc Churchill comes to hard counter the counterattack. Bonus points if you keep a centaur in reserve to mop up the stragglers.

    The only thing I've found that can ruin your day is lots of AT guns. You'll be leaning heavily on your allies' arty to clean them so your Wolfpack can eat panthers and tigers all day long. One of my mates often gets 2 katys for this purpose. You also need to rely on allies to cap, although the "raid operations" ability helps.

    Lastly, you'll want to go for Hammer tactics to get your tanks out of danger, as well as to mark tanks with the 1st wolfpack volley for the 2nd volley through fog of war.

    Give it a go and let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Collosis
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    How I learnt to love the Kubelwagen ( A guide to killing it early game)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Hi y'all

    As an OKW main I've long used the standard 3xVolks opening and finding it underwhelming against UKF/US troops.

    But then.

    I discovered... The KUBEL.

    Use the two speed boost bulletins and make 3x KUBEL straight out of the gate and it POONS.

    Strategy is to rush enemy points asap, don't cap, usually double team one side with your teammate.

    It's fantastic for killing brit MGs before they get setup in buildings and kiting infantry sections.

    Needs some micro but it's not too hard to keep them alive. A lot of noobs I verse don't know how to deal with them, forgetting to focus fire or better yet rushing to kill retreating kubel only to be shut down by its two friends.

    Once you force enemy inf to retreat you can quickly cap front points with 15 percent extra cap speed and use your Pio to rep quickly. Great for scouting early game as well to find mgs in buildings etc...

    Pairs well with firestorm I find.

    Don't be afraid to experiment my fellow OKW's!!!

    submitted by /u/DankMemelord25
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    Guys i need help

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    I was just in match and a dumbass with the nickname "Manitou" killed all my troops destroyed me and my teammates bases. We were in the same team. I have recorded the game can you help me get this bastard banned from the game. I really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/huseyin_t_kaya
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    Sherman tank needs a buff

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Everyone liked to talk about the Cromwell being meh. But in reality, it is the standard usf tank.

    For basically the same price as other mediums (excluding tech) the standard t34 almost seems better. For 90 fuel, you know what you get. A good mg and rng main gun plus ram.

    The Sherman stats look decent - on paper. Having too ammo types is actually a hindrance as neither actually excels at its role as what a medium tank put to do. A generalist tank with minor specialization that doesn't really seem like a buff.

    I've seen time and time again where the HE ammo lands right on target but doesn't do much. I've played the game long enough to know that if it were any other medium, it would be nigh wipe.

    Ap really doesn't won't pen much. Once the ost p4 gets vet 2, it's armour will be too strong. Having to switch between ammo types during combat very well might have cost one the engagement.

    My proposal is that one of said ammo types needs to fulfil its role. Or get rid of it and standard the ap round with better accuracy vs inf, but less aoe, or higher pen. At max range, it currently has 100 pen, 10 less than the both axis p4's yet less armour than both. (The buff to p4 pen was because it was "bouncing off the t34 too much. Which btw is the only medium with under 160 armour)

    Should it be a HE buff, then decrease the damage (to prevent full health wipe), increase accuracy and aoe so it actually lands more often with consistency.

    Not all mediums need to be a panther, but they should be decent enough to actually purchase.

    submitted by /u/Thattwinkboy
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    I love spearhead.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    I am pretty new to the game(50 hours,25 from both campaigns)and i love the multiplayer aspect.I usually play against AI.Like a standard and hard ai vs me with a standard ally.

    I love the atmosphere,the workshop skins(i thing i downloaded 50)spearhead,love that "commander?(hq thingy)with the war criminals(as ostheer).strauf division(?).i love the fast time to kill,but i am not ready for human gameplay,nonono.

    Anyway,i love this.Used to play coh 1 back in the day,and tbh i like this just as much(except the campaign,coh 1 had that in the bag,awesome)

    submitted by /u/Eugene1936
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    Remember Morale Bar for infantry units from another game? No thanks.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I just remembered a game (Dawn of War: Dark Souls) sorry for irrelevant post.

    Having this morale bar would have suck very high like having Panzergrenadiers with Panzershrecks equip but nearby ally or 2 of the units die and they suffer poor accuracy and battling a Sherman Tank.

    Much worse if they got pinned by MG (think of it being pinned and not moving and less morale and poor accuracy is already stupid or redundant).

    submitted by /u/eddgar47
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    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Adding to my Morale Bar post, would you consider having a melee combat? Good idea or Nope? ��

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Again, we have long, medium, close combat in the game already but would it be more exciting if melee combat? Like having "Oorah" ability for the Conscripting and adding with bayonet in rifles and really charge the enemy?

    submitted by /u/eddgar47
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    COH1 hosting is not working

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Hosting on COH1 is currently bugged, some people cant host anymore, games dont show up and most games now are skirmish games.

    What the fuck?

    submitted by /u/twitchsopamanxx
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