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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Company of Heroes When you're fed up of those MG42 wounding your friends

    Company of Heroes When you're fed up of those MG42 wounding your friends

    When you're fed up of those MG42 wounding your friends

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Made a post a few days ago about getting 2 obers with a demo. Same spot, same tactic. Its like they can't help themselves! Sorry for bad quality btw, 2 mgs though.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    What’s the difference between the OKW jaeger light infantry squad, and the OST jaeger command squad?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title, I noticed they had different titles, and I'm wondering what the difference is between them

    submitted by /u/DrHerbs
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    coh 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 automatch is broken, 100+ germans in it, nothing will match, has been broken for weeks

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    quickest way to get ahold of relevant people?

    submitted by /u/CBTomatoes
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    Bit of a tangent, gut am I the only one guilty of attempting to "angle flat box-tanks from britain and Germany occasionally?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Okay, so I play Warthunder too, and I've caught myself trying to angle in this game sometimes, not turning the tank towards the enemy, but rather have it face it slightly traversed off to the side.

    Of course, in this game, that does nothing, and with the seemingly jank hitreg on armour zones, I've eaten some "rear" shots from it too.

    submitted by /u/_Jawwer_
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    I don't know what to do

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    This is gonna be a bit of a rage post. I'm a soviet main and I love big team games but I keep running into a wall. Mixed axis teams where the okw infantry pushes me out of the fuel/vps and then wermacht uses mg42 and bunkers to lock it down and then I just can't seem to break through after. I try to use support weapons but of course you've got those awful okw blobs and there don't seem to be enough conscripts in the world. Try to get t70 and hes got 3 sturms with shreks. I'm consistently behind now and usually bleeding so heavily trying to break through that I can barely get out an AT gun for the axis medium coming. My main builds are 3 cons 1 support weapon into t70 and on, sometimes ill throw in guards or shocks. What am I missing?

    Edit: and this is immediate lockout. They race sturms over there to push me away and the mg is right behind them.

    submitted by /u/datboi_jc1994
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    Soviet Commander Suggestions ?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi. I'll soon get enough supply to buy a commander, and I'm interested in getting a soviet one. But there's so many that I'm not sure which one to buy.

    Do you have suggestions ? I'm looking for a solid but fun commander.

    submitted by /u/Sour_Goo
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    Your favorite COH1 Doc?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I dont even have the expansions, so im mildly unaware of them, even though i can counter them most of the time.

    For Wehr, its always been Blitz. There isnt a more flexible doctrine when you're attacking or defending than it. Blobs? Stugs. M10 spam? Tiger + Stormtroopers with shreks.

    For Amer, armored doc is still the best just because of the sweet calis. AWM is still amazing (originally it replaced ALL vehicles destroyed during the ability, so if you lost 10 shermans in 30 seconds you got 10 shermans back. It didnt last long), but IMO vehicles dominate the lategame.

    It is funny to think about blitz, as it has been derided a lot over the years and just recently its gotten a comeback.

    submitted by /u/twitchsopamanxx
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    Gonna be honest guys, I'm thinking of playing this game more competitively, and because ostheer is the faction that has been sh#t on recently cause of balance patch i'm be playing it the most. I found blitzkrieg very fun and old relaible! ��

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Need some help [if you have decent hours in the game you could help]

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    This will be long and i do really need any advice you guys have it would be appreciated.

    Hello i need some help about Coh2 and some factions i am not new however i have about 950-1000 hours and i still cant find a faction for me. I have tried all of them and have a game ine 2v2 and 3v3 and 4v4 in each i think the only one i never liked till recently was OST and that's because i wasn't big into a faction relying on a MG but it works, there not my favorite faction but i get some fun out of them, i also play OKW its what i would call my favorite if i didn't suck so hard as them lol, i have a superior amount of games played in them and i have every commander was even coached by a guy and i still suck really really bad as OKW i mean in so many areas except armor and Light vehicles i just cant use OKW right, seriously i thought volks were a medium range unit for 3 months when i started playing them. My next contender for Favorite is an allied faction now and its a fight between USF and SOV i like the Soviets way more then USF because there easy to use and over all are very fun... late game early game they are very frustrating to use and over all is the only faction i don't have fun doing those early fights with, i play them pretty normally con maxim con con but cant seem to win early and only win late with T-34 spam or a Heavy like a KV-2 and or a ISU-152. USF would be here but i decided im to meh with that much micro i cant, i seriously would switch to HE in my shermans and never switch back because i forgot ;-; UKF is another one i didn't think would be fun until i tried them more and man they are also fun, commandos are beasts and AEC is unbalanced as fuck right now so i mean what's not to love. My only problem is there armor or should i say lack there of, seriously the people at Relic working on this game right now are all brain dead because more and more i see them just buff the shit out of something when we complain so they nerf it and no complaints and being such dick weeds to not send out your textures for others to make from what you couldnt is just wrong. (sorry small rant) so i will leave my build orders at the bottom for each faction there pretty standard.


    Volk-Volk-Volk-Volk- Halftrack out- Set down as T2 usually and get Medics and Flak track then when i can i T4 and get an Ober if i lost a Volk at all and if i didnt i dont get one because i didn't loose a volk and then i get a P4 off the bat because a Panther is a bad early choice according to one of my Fritz, then from there i get a panther next and just get tanks as i would using Obers to patch up any Volk losses.

    SOV (second favorite comes in second)

    Con- builds T2-Maxim-Con-Con (maybe another if its OKW and i need the numbers) then i Tech molotovs and AT grenades and then T3 and i usually don't get any light vehicles except the occasional T-70 if they are wrecking me with a 222 or a Luchs and they have no AT, then i T4 and get a T-34 off the bat always and then if needed i go for a SU-85 if not i get another T-34 if i loose them both to Tanks i get SUs and start spamming the FyUCk out of them until whatever dies, and Katy's if blobs or SwS

    OST since its my third and only other with a chance of being on my list :p

    MG-42-T1-Gren-Gren-Gren-T2 222/251(depends on opponent) Pak (maybe 2-3 if needed since i lack in fuel or something) and then i get T3 where i usually get a P4 and then Another P4 before T4ing and getting a Panther and or a Brummbar.

    Here are my commanders for each faction i usually use
    OST Jaeger infantry and Jaeger armor are 2 i use Spearhead and Lighting war are 2 as well as Elite troops are Assault support and Storm

    Soviets are weird for me but here they are
    SOV Counter attack Guard motor Shock motor heavy Urban defence NKVD Anti infantry Mechanized support Shock army and terror

    here are my OKW ones
    i actually use all of them mixing them into my selection pretty well accept scavenge and Fortifications i even use Feursurm for the memes sometimes.

    Hello thanks for reading all that please leave tips for units tricks things to do for practice (except for fight AI i can already beat 2 expert) and i also want to know any good build orders or tactics that i can use for the factions, I play mainly 2v2 and 3v3 but OKW is the one faction a 1v1 with and i do quite well with them in there but nothing else ;/

    here's lango i used if you don't get it (cons=conscripts) (Volks=Volksgrenadiers) (T something was next base so T1 is your main base T2 is your second i really hope you get this one)

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    Since I'm going to main ostheer for a while (coming from USA ���� main) I downloaded the ostheer flag and put it as my phone �� lock screen wallpaper. I gotta admit the flag looks more menacing than OKW Flag! ��

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Do Multiplayer Slots determine where players are in team games?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    As title says, and if not is there a way to do so?

    submitted by /u/Shmichaelish
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    Well if the match wasn't won before it certainly is now.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    Guys I need help

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I just broke my keyboard due to rage but Im having huge issues with USF. This is not a balance post and not entirely a rant but USF needs some work in current state.

    I genuinely got outplayed I wont lie by an OKW micro nutjob who managed to use a single jeep to bleed me of so much manpower it is insane. Followed by blob volks it was a early GG. Ending K/D of 4-27. Polwalta map (sp).

    I genuinely dont understand how I feel that I can get more bang for my buck using conscripts as a russian player and get a better performing unit. Conscripts. Every other faction the infantry can hold their own in the beginning, but riflemen. Those m1s fill such a niche role its utterly useless against any axis player who knows what they are doing. Focus damage bleeds you so much, that assaults arent worth it. Any ranged engagement is futile, and a well micro sniper or jeep is something you have to rely on mid game tech to counter. Tech is another discussion entirely of USF that its essentially a gamble of what the enemy will use. Between the MP bleed, and insanely high tech costs for niche equipment its rage inducing. Zooks arent reliable at all, BAR turns your riflemen into an attritional unit, and LMG is doctrinal. And they wipe so easily.

    OST I have to watch for flying nades. OKW p2 and halftrack wipe the ground with riflemen.

    Im honestly at the point where Im viewing the USF as unplayable, not when conscripts are so much better and cheaper...and the snare is so much more reliable.

    Please help. Im at the point Im about to start advocating for springfields instead of M1.

    TL;DR USF not worth the time and energy to play and the faction is garbage.

    submitted by /u/UponAWhiteHorse
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    Is there any commander focusing on mainley goliaths

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I dont realy care if modded or vanilla

    submitted by /u/WAFFEL_E-100
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    Just read about the Battle for Itter Castle: Looks like Mixed Teams ARE historically accurate.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Just joking, but still this article was a wild ride, thought this sub might find it entertaining.


    Partisans, USF, and Wehr vs 3*OKW in coh terms lol.

    On that note it would be interesting to get a dedicated Partisan faction in a hypothetical Coh3.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    No Pop Cap for Game Pass Complete Edition

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:45 AM PDT


    I own CoH2 for Steam (I fucking preordered it, too, like an idiot..) and never really liked it, but since it popped up on Game Pass with all DLCs, I thought I'll give it a try on there, and to my surprise I very much like it in that state and with more units to play around with.

    Just one thing that's bothering me, the Pop Cap. CoH is mostly a game I fuck around in, no competitive play or anything. So I'd like to raise the Pop Cap to fuck around a bit more freely. I know that on Steam there are a multitude of mods and the dev mode to achieve that - Has anyone found any solution yet that works with the Game Pass version?


    submitted by /u/TetraDax
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    How to transfer maps from BKMod to Vanilla CoH1?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    BKMod is unplayable for me. The lag worsens as the game progress and will eventually crash after 10 mins or so (bugsplat). I like the maps in it so I would Like to try playing it in vCoH1. Or is there any way to fix this issue?

    submitted by /u/mindfyre
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