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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    Company of Heroes ML 1v1 Streamer Cup this Saturday from 2pm GMT!

    Company of Heroes ML 1v1 Streamer Cup this Saturday from 2pm GMT!

    ML 1v1 Streamer Cup this Saturday from 2pm GMT!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:20 PM PST

    This Saturday you'll see eight of the finest CoH2 streamers/players facing off against one another in Master League Streamer Cup.

    All matches played live on Twitch with web cams, under Master League rules with the loser of each series hosting the winner, until we have two streams left standing!

    We'll also be using the balance mod so it will be one of our first chances to see how the changes play out under pressure.

    The matches start at 2pm GMT and the tournament will be completed in a day.


    1st: $200 - 2nd: $50 - 1st-8th: 5x sub gifts ($33 each)

    (the event is funded via the Master League in a joint effort to raise awareness of the league's patreon, and the player's streams)

    Eligible players:

    The following players accepted invites/ were available on the day suggested:

    the eight players that check in first on the day will be entered into the brackets

    Brackets to be made on day of tournament: https://tinyurl.com/1v1StreamerCup

    submitted by /u/Account_Eliminator
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    Addressing some forgotten units and some much needed balance changes

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:30 AM PST

    With the current WIP balance changes shitting on the allies without meaningful buffs I wanted to draw attention to some criminally underperforming units that aren't being addressed and some potential fixes to the allied lineup.


    Partisans: Woefully off meta due to piss poor dps, and high reinforce cost. This would all be fine exept they're an ambush unit that has no ambush bonus until VET 2!!! There is no reason they shouldn't have this bonus as default or latest vet 1 to reward strong plays. They also had their explosive trap replaced with a garbage concussive trap which conflicts with their playstyle, the traps stun dissapears almost immediately compared to german stun grenades and reveals that a squad is nearby removing the option for an ambush greneade. This trap change should either be reverted or buffed.

    Penals: Everyone knows they fall off in power when given AT and they lack strong infantry killing power in the late game with just their rifles, A lot of this comes from closing distance with them. I'd suggest they get back their sprint ability by default to allow them to close more efficiently and they loose it when they get AT, that way they cant chase down and satchel tanks. (It also makes sense thematically)

    Conscripts: This is a minor gripe on my end but it's inconsistant that the germans get an extra man as well as the combat bonuses provided AND keep their weopon slots. If people want a slight buff to the soviet mid game allowing them to even keep 1 weapon slot for kit found in the field would go a long way.

    ML-20: I'm aware the soviet howitzer is supposed to hit harder and be balanced with slower rate of fire and less accuracy that the Lefh. But in reality anything hit by either howitzer is going to have a bad day. And here's the problem, the Lefh can actually hit it's targets and has another barrage ready far, far faster than the ML-20. This makes arty battles especially one sided toward the germans. A slight buff to the accuracy and rate of fire of the ML-20 are really needed.

    Soviet Fuel Drop: Another piss poor ability compared to the german counterpart. For the huge cost of 100 munitions for the chance of 20-30 fuel, there is no reason for the plane to be shot down by one burst from a pintle mg, and even less reason for the plane to approach from the enemies base. I'd change it to come in from a map side and have to drop in a munitions or fuel point. Also make it's armour at least cardboard up from paper.


    Heavy Cav smoke barrage: A common sentiment of the sub is how subpar this ability is compared to the german stuka smoke, the stuka smoke being cheaper, more effective, providing vision and being able to be called into the fog of war. Theres no reason this reason this smoke strikes cost shouldn't be dropped to at least the same as the Stuka smoke, while being given the ability to drop without vision.

    Greyhound: This vehicle has no place in the current game, too weak vs vehicles for the cost compared to a stuart and fairly bad against inf as well while being punished for aggressive plays since it lacks smoke. Its one bright point used to be the cannister shell but that got nerfed into the ground a while ago and is fairly unusable. It has to get into snare range, take an unreasonable time to aim, then do mediocre damage if the enemy hasnt just walked slightly to the left. This unit really needs a total overhaul but at the very very least it should be given the M20's smoke to make plays with it less punishing, especially since most light vehicles and sometimes every Wehr vehicle get smoke.

    Rifle Company Sprint: Simple change, this should kick in at command point 1 rather than 2. The Wehr ambush camo that grants sprint to everything as well as a whole host of bonuses kicks in at vet 1. The Americans shouldn't have to wait till 2 points for just a rifleman sprint.

    Armour Companies 240mm Howi Barrage: As an expensive ability it achieves nothing, rarely even zoning since the impact area is so huge. As a railway arty equivilant the first shell should be pinpoint accurate like the germans so at least one point has to move and the muni's aren't completely wasted.


    Advanced Cover Combat: An unused ability due to it's obscene cost to A: make units fight normally temporarily or B: Give units a slight temporary combat buff. For what it does it should absolutely see a price drop so that it gets used.

    Some final thoughts on the curren't balance previews-

    American Jeep: Removing it's crew is going to kill the unit, if the balance team are determined to make this change AT LEAST give it the brens crew repair ability though I think even this would be too harsh since US is already the most muni dependant faction.

    The T34 ram changes I think are almost unanimous in being ridiculous, T34's already take a lot of babying to build up veterancy over time to eventually be worth a damn. And now Soviet players will have to take all that effort and investment and just throw it away!

    The quality of life changes are amazing but the balance changes are so questionable. The weakest factions are having their only strong points hammered down while the strongest factions are getting buffs to already good units. The panzerwerfer being a good example with it's new low angle ability, don't get me wrong I love new stuff like that being added but the werfer was already amazing and it's just getting better. (Rate of fire nerfs are irrelevant since they apply to all rocket arty)

    Personally I was looking forward to some tweaks on the German side, not nerfs necessarily but anything that shook the meta up from G43 Spam with either Ost or Okw, but I guess thats here to stay.

    Edit* Just remembered the Panther Accuracy buff, this to me seems like lowering the skill requirement for fielding panthers. If you're pressing S to stop moving before each shot, then you get full accuracy even if the tanks still in motion. This just struck me as a really unnecessary buff to one of the strongest units in the game.

    If you made it this far through my rant thanks for reading, just wanted to shine a light on some units that no one really talks about but definitely deserve some love!

    submitted by /u/AnimatedPepe
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    The further nerfs to USF seems unfair to me.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Let's nerf the USF's MG, Pack Howitzer, and WC51 (which I think needs a tiny armor boost to replace it's reduced range since it's armor is nonexistent) because they are punishing, but leave the MG42 alone which is every bit as punishing as the units I've mentioned. The utility car buff is still ineffective since the utility car is no match for a 222.

    Also letting Sturms have Shrecks and Detectors on the same unit is going make mines less effective against OKW.

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    New OST player; Need advice

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST


    the title is pretty selfexplanitory, new OST player and I really could use some pointers how to actually Play this damn faction.

    I've already figured the might of MG42's paired up with pios and I tend lean towards getting 1/2 HMG's right out the gate and i've had success when I run them with strategic reserves (Love those ass grens early game) and that's about all i've been able to muster so far.

    Even if i completely faceroll my enemy during infantry stage, they always seem to come back with solid counterattacks and I get pushed back to my base, after this they suddenly have full map control and vehicle support where as i'm still rolling my few inf squads from early game. I've tried to be aggressive and i've tried to bolster my defences, but no matter which I opt to do I get hard countered and pushed back.

    So here's some questions

    1. What's a good early game comp and how should I play inf stage?
    2. How do I tech up if I win/lose the early game? - i.e If i win, should I try to get T2 asap and so forth.
    3. How in gods name do I counter Freedom blobs with BARs and zooks?
    4. Any general tips against every allied faction would be priceless!
    5. What are my prio cp's as OST. I'm guessing fuel and potential cutoffs, but anything else?

    This is getting really disheartening guys, I heard that the Axis are this ''ggez'' faction that would help me get the hang of things without too much worrying, but if that's the truth, I have to admit the fact that I'm way too bad to play this game. All help is appreciated, have a good one and thank you for reading :).

    submitted by /u/FinnishBread
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    Idea & Tweak that i hope got add in the next patch.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:03 AM PST

    General Gameplay

    • Light Cover & Heavy Cover contruction.

    Light Cover - Infantry Section,Rifleman & Volkgrenadier will be able to build light cover (use new model like some crate cover with net i guess) build time 13 seconds.

    Heavy Cover - add ability to build sandbag for Soviet's Combat Eangineer,USF's Rear Echelon.

    • Tank Prioritize for Handheld AT weapons.

    We all know that pain when we chase that Panzer 4 with double bazooka,stop,fire only for it to aim at infantry and got wasted, This concept prove to be very useful in Baoliang balance mod.

    • Creeping Barrage for Mortar's smoke barrage

    To ensure consistensy and make smoke barrage more useful.

    • Building defensive structure will no longer block line of fire.

    For the pleb who play with Expert AI alot of time you see Pioneer/Grenedier you have to go around and kill them instead of shoot them over the stucture that they are building.

    • Global Ability Tweak
      There are alot of ability that are very good compare to the cost so i hope it got tweak so please don't send some hitman to kill me (also i can't remember the munition all ability use but it should be range around 75-80) and most of this ability either have 2 effect at the same time like better accuracy and movement speed or 3 like UKF's assault that provide recon,better accuracy and movement speed.
      Assault - Adjust to 100 Munition.
      Raid Operation - Adjust to 40 munition
      For the Motherland - Adjust to 100 Munition.
      Combined Arms - Adjust to 90 Munition ( buff.)
      Assault & Hold - Adjust to 100 Munition.
      Counter Attack - Adjust to 30 munition (also buff.)

    Valiant Assault - Adjust to 100 munition.

    This is the hardest part for me because i can't remember all ability in-game. I believe there are alot of ability either didn't worth the cost or very cost effective *caught\* infiltration grenade *caught\*

    USF tweak

    • AT rifle greanade.
      Change animation to use Grenadier's rifle grenade for better feedback.
    • Pathfinder, I&R pathfinder
      Change from call-in to Construct from barrack.
    • Captain
      Supervise ability now work with infantry - Infantry can contruct object faster when caption is supervising them (maybe 25% faster,if more all rifleman is going to spam mine for sure).

    UKF tweak

    New Unit - Vanguard Officer (340 mp,counterpart to OKW's Sturm officer)

    Use the vanilla Assault Officer model but have Better Lee-Enfield with stat identical to Ober

    and be able to upgrade with 2 scoped Lee-Enfield with 60 munition. (i propose this because while UKF have alot of long range unit, They don't have Elite unit that can hold their own against Axis counterpart like Ober,Jager and Panzergrenedier with G43)

    • Assault Officer
      Change bodyguard model from Infantry Section>Commando and make them be able to shoot Bren on the move.

    For the Axis...... i only have terrible idea that either will break the game or already addressed in general gameplay sectiion, I might suggest another part if i can think something useful.

    submitted by /u/myidgame01
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    New meme video

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:32 AM PST

    improvement ideas

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 10:40 AM PST

    (1) Fixy fixy pathfinding. Pathfinding is not bad... until your tank hits a resource point. Remove point flags, just leave the circle on the ground?

    (2) Unit icons could show what the unit is doing currently: repairing, attacking, idle, walking, picking nose,...

    (3) show all squad weapons, not just one

    (4) panther cannot knock down a small tree...

    (5) can't read what i wrote here... XD Feel free to substitute an idea yourself!

    (6) HQ doesn't show what it currently researches, as seen on map

    (7) arty, ATguns and HMGs shouldn't all have the same icon on minimap...

    (8) don't change icon position due to tank-commander being shown or not: if tank has a commander, I wanna see it!

    (9) reconnect to last match if agreed

    (10) How come a single hand grenade can destroy an entire building? oo

    (11) Real grenades don't work as they do in game...

    (12) Remove capture point. Caches can be built anywhere in the circle. Capture circle is clickable now on minimap.

    (13) All attack circles on minimap are not red, whether ally or enemy... Also, they don't scale with map size, so you cannot tell if your unit is outside the attack circle. Such as, say, plane attack circle.

    (14) make each squad member able to obey move orders, such as, say, "don't stand out in the open due to bad design, go behind that rock instead please, thank you".

    (15) When a selected squad in the control group dies, all the control group members are selected, which messes the retreat up.

    (16) Write the detailed stats next to each selected unit icon as in COH1.

    (17) Color smoke icons as well on map and minimap.

    (18) show emplacements effectiveness in end screen stats after a match

    (19) Introduce ability "Attack infantry" similar to the already existing "Attack tanks"

    (20) can't make sense of this one... "select enemy commander"....

    (21) When grouped by cntrl, indicate what each squad does currently: retreats, scavenges,...

    (22) Don't diselect a squad from cntrl group when it retreats

    (23) Don't reset vetos on game mode change

    (24) show decrewed vehicles icons with hp indicated

    (25) give all units with AT capability the "Attack vehicle only" button

    (26) Fix houses: guys inside can only shoot through windows, but guys outside can shoot through walls. Retarded much?

    (27) Show recharging timer on icons

    Thoughts? Additions? Comment!

    submitted by /u/schtruklyn
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