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    Friday, December 11, 2020

    Company of Heroes V2.0 Patch Preview Winter 2020/21 - Ostheer, OKW, British

    Company of Heroes V2.0 Patch Preview Winter 2020/21 - Ostheer, OKW, British

    V2.0 Patch Preview Winter 2020/21 - Ostheer, OKW, British

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 01:54 PM PST

    V2.0 Patch Preview Winter 2020/21 - General, USF and Soviets

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Tiger I & KV-2 Something beautiful

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:03 PM PST

    (4v4) OST lategame infantry feels weak

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Is it me, or do grenadiers massively fall of lategame compared to BAR Rifleman/paratroopers, 5-man infantry sections /w Bren, 7-man con squads or guard infantry? I always equip my Grenadiers with G-43's to give them a bit of a chance in early game fights.

    Should I instead accept weaker infantry early game and give them MG42's? Or should I sacrifice them so they can be replaced by panzer grenadiers or stormtroopers? Or should I just accept that OST infantry is just weak lategame and only use setup teams/vehicles?

    submitted by /u/Sylanec
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    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    I feel like I'm tired already, I keep getting bugsplat even though I deleted appache, deleted from my documents the folder, verified the game cache, what else can I do?

    submitted by /u/ProductOfMyMind
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    Adler Kanal | Company of Heroes 2 Realism

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Bots, their use, and why they are bad! A Tutorial.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Hello all,

    I made another post recently that got a lot of criticism and one of the most stand out items was folks not understanding why bots become tedious to play against once you have a few thousand hours under your belt. I want to shed some light onto the differences between the AI and human players in a hope that it is helpful to some people who are currently playing against bots and moving over to multiplayer and what to look out for! These simple points are important regarding gameplay and getting better. Fire up a game after reading this and see if you can spot any of these plays in action.

    Bots HAVE their use: they are good to practice against to a point and are helpful to get started learning the game, the factions, and unit composition. Once you can consistently beat bots and you want to head to multiplayer it's a whole new world. The multiplayer is the reason so many players like me have clocked in thousands of hours in this game.

    Why bots are not good opponents:

    • 1. Retreat! Veterancy is arguably the most important part of this game. Keeping your units alive is the single most important thing to focus on, followed by troop composition, not floating resources, and a few other things. But let us stick with veterancy for now. Bots do not know that this is the most important part of the game. It may seem like retreating means you are giving up ground, but it is so much more important not to lose your squad. Bots almost always do not retreat in time. They can't tell that the 4 conscript squads against their one volks will wipe their squad if they wait too long to retreat, and they always do. And there for any good player will have massively vetted troops vs bots, and the bot will do nothing but spam fresh squads over and over creating a giant game of boring whack-a-mole. The most annoying thing that bots do is send 1 unit to every control point over and over. You then send a unit to wipe their unit rinse and repeat. A decent player will have vetted troops to go up to bat with yours! Allowing for some excellent fights, with flanking, troop composition, etc. that the bots simply aren't programmed to do.
    • 2. Once you can consistently beat bots and have a grasp on a faction's units and starting strategy, the jump over to multiplayer can be daunting. The whack a mole strategy no longer works against veteran players, you must keep your squads alive, and tactics, strategy, and teamwork start being very important! It will take some time to learn the ins and outs of this, I probably didn't really start getting a good grasp of this until about 500 hours in, and even then, I could only consistently perform with one faction. At a few thousand hours in you can play any faction and you know what the enemy will likely do. Of course, some people are better than me and have likely mastered these at lower hour-counts, but my point is the multiplayer does take some time to get good at.
    • 3. Defense vs. offense: Another important thing regarding bots is defense. Playing against bots allows you to play defensively, which can be very fun and sometimes you want to create a nice wall of defenses and let the computer flop around as it gets destroyed over and over. It is fun. And that is what skirmish games are for! I used to play bot games in Coh1, we would take over the bridges, and proceed to shell the computer for an hour and laugh. It was fun! But eventually it loses the appeal because you know there is no way for the computer to beat you. Once you move over to multiplayer and face opponents who know how to play aggressively, you won't have time to setup a defense because the enemy will be sending sturms all the way across the map into your behind at the very beginning. There are many examples of where the strategies fall short regarding bots, they follow a very simple strategy every time. All of this is to say that the strategies that work for bots often can cause you to lose in multiplayer!

    All in all, the best thing to practice for almost every new player is learning when the health of your unit is too low, and it's time to retreat, and then learning how much damage the enemy squad(s) are capable of. It's a balance between the models left and the health of your unit. If you have 6 models of your conscript squad left but the health is very low on the unit, the chances of it getting wiped are very high, so don't play as aggressively with that squad until you are able to heal it up. It doesn't mean it needs to stay in your base, but maybe send it to back cap while your HQ is building the med station (as an example). Or for another example, it might be ok to engage with an enemy engineer squad, but if you see an ober squad get out of there! Unexpected things DO happen! And if your squad is very low, they might get killed on their retreat path, or a single grenade might take the entire unit out. Keeping your squads alive and not letting them get too low in health is so paramount, and loosing a squad is always a giant "aw shit " moment. And we haven't even talked about cover, which is for another time. I hope this helps some people and gives some idea of what a roadmap to becoming a veteran player looks like, and why a lot of us no longer enjoy playing against bots as our Coh2 career continues. See you in game!

    submitted by /u/mikecrash
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    (Wehrmacht) How to use scout car and halftrack properly?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I have almost 1000 hours of playing in this game, but I have never used units of T1. I usually just skip to T2, sometimes to T3 and go with tanks.

    Since I want to try some new tactics:

    How to use scout car and halftrack (both normal and the flamethrower-upgraded one?)

    What are the best combinations of units with them

    What are the best commanders for their full utility.


    submitted by /u/MedicsGoToHeaven
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