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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Company of Heroes How you gonna get 1 kill against EASY AI?!!!

    Company of Heroes How you gonna get 1 kill against EASY AI?!!!

    How you gonna get 1 kill against EASY AI?!!!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:02 AM PST

    COHlympic games 2, COH2 casual tournament

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Hey hey everyone,

    The COHlympics are back! For those that are unaware The COHlympics are a fun and casual COH2 tournament for people to have fun in a semi-competitive environment that would usually not be able to play. Games details will be as followed:

    4v4 games set in a double-elimination format, each team will play until they lose 2 games. Semi-finals will be decided as a best of 3 game and the grand final will be a best of 5 game. Prizes will be a $30 for 1st place, $10 for 2nd and $5 for 3rd per player

    Each team will be able to veto 3 maps. Games will be started with a coin flip, winner of the flip will choose their faction and the looser will choose the map. In best of 3 games and best of 5 games this will alternate between games.

    In regards to teams, the plan is to as many lads in as possible also with no entry price! The only requirements being all team members must be part of the discord to participate. . Round 1 will begin mid-February so have your teams organised and locked in by the 31st of January. Each team will nominate a team captain, your duty will be organising your team within the tournament and be the point of contact for me.

    Each team captain will need to be organised however you'll get a fancy rank and bragging rights over your team. Each team will need to have a team name as well so get brainstorming. Team captains submit team members and team names to me over discord PM by the 31st of January so I can get the roster organised! If there are any questions pop them in the questions chat below. Hope to see a lot of lads joining in!

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/tWfmPM7YuJ

    submitted by /u/_Digital_Wizard_
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    Perfectly balanced.. as all things should be

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:07 PM PST

    A CoH game in the Pacific Theater in WWII

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:06 AM PST

    I understand people wanting the Pacific Front receiving more attention and it does look like a good idea at first glance; I myself have been campaigning for more games set in the Pacific wars of the 20th century in other games such as Sniper Elite and Ghost Recon; and other people really keep asking and receiving support for it. With that said, I'm afraid this is unfeasible in Company of Heroes for the reasons I am going to explain.

    1) A game in the Pacific would have to be in a different genre, since CoH2 is far too focused on the vehicles and there was little of that in the Pacific due to the terrain. Most Japanese armour was concentrated in China to fight the Nationalist KMT, the British in Burma and later the Soviets in Manchuria. This is simply unfeasible. Yes there were a few instances of Japanese tank charges (here and here, for example) but one would be hard-pressed to get players to accept playing in such an inferiority framework. The Japanese did try to make it work, but that was too little too late (they even tried to bring in German tanks for study). A better Asian setting would be the Korean War, and China trying to shame South Korea last year was just hilarious.

    2) Your idea of amphibious hooks is great but it would have to happen in a larger scale than in Company of Heroes, that focus on small unit actions with micromanagement. The game in the way that it is already is bloated with the amount of heavy armour the OKW brings to the late game. A Pacific game would have to focus primarily on the infantry and, while I'm all for that, most people playing this game want a gimmicky vehicle-based experience.

    3) The Pacific war had levels of barbarity that can be easily classified as medieval, the Japanese being barbaric to the point of getting nuked twice, with the addition of an almost schizophrenic negationism that would make a Neo-Nazi blush. This is particularly the case among the Japanese, with the Chinese and Koreans doubling down on the guilt-train. An example was Japan dropping out of joint military maneuvers because South Korea wanted to force them to drop the Rising Sun flag in October 2018.

    A few brain-dead people kept whinning about the CoH2 Soviet campaign to no effect except two or three clickbait articles and nothing else (the Russians love CoH2 and play it since it came out), but a game set in WWII in Asia would be a complete clusterfuck. The Chinese would try to force Relic into following their CCP fairy tale version of how the war happened, with Chad/Chairman Mao leading the fight against the semi-demonic Japanese while the virgin Chiang Kai-shek did nothing and the Americans and British "sort of helped but not much". The Japenese will scream and kick they never committed a single war crime and never enslaved "fellow" Asians into forced prostitution in wartime brothels, and the idea to show Japanese soldiers as "evil" would just be impossible.

    - x -

    With that said, although I don't know if Relic even plans on making a Company of Heroes 3, if they did I would love to see more on the other combatants, with Italians, Finnish and Romenian units. The same with Free Polish, Free and Vichy French, and African and Middle Easter Theaters.

    submitted by /u/FilipeREP
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    Feedback on CoH2 by Hannhwa on Steam (still relevant).

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Poste by Hannhwa at the Relic feedback section on Steam, 9/jul/2017.

    As someone that was hyped for this game, and purchased / played it from release, I'll state my view on things here as it's a bit of a sad state on how the game has became like this.

    I did not like anything particular about the first COH except for the campaigns, especially Tiger Ace and the different game modes (Stonewall, Panzerkrieg etc)

    On gameplay I prefer COH2 due to how it's enhanced realism appealed to me,

    (Things like units dying very easily outside cover, new units arriving off-map at entry points instead of spawning into existance at buildings etc.)

    and overall it felt it needed more "real" strategies and tactics to win.

    Which is an excellent thing for an RTS game.

    I'll get to a general assessment of COH2, this will not fully fit the criteria listed but I sincerely hope the COH2 team actually reads this, as I really do not want to see this game go down the drain (though at the moment it's already halfway there if you ask me)

    Lack of bravery and faulty community feedback issue

    The COH2 dev team should not compare COH2 with COH1, because they started off with different focuses albeit belonging to the same game series.

    And, the way forward for COH2 is not to look back and copy COH1 which the dev team has been doing with their recent patches (nerfing mines, units spawn from buildings etc)

    In my view, the main issues and mistakes that caused COH2 to be so lackluster compared to the first one is due to the new features not given enough attention, and a developer team too scared of "the dissatisfied playerbase" to do the 'right thing' and continue on to refine what was initially a new direction for the game, which also led to lack of "new" and the FUBAR-balance problems.

    Which also brings me to another major point, the (vocal) community on COH2 is a big problem, and Relic has made a major mistake in listening to these players, and whatever players that may be on the balance feedback team in deciding game direction and play.

    I remember when the game first launched everyone was crying about the Soviets being "underpowered", with arguments like a single T-34 cannot go toe-to-toe with a PZ IV among many others. (even though with how the game was designed then, you weren't supposed to engage with just one T-34 head on against a PZIV)

    Though there were a lot of issues with how the Soviets were on release, the direction taken was right in that it focused on numbers against quality.

    It's natural for the community to protest against what feels so 'different' from the first game, but keep in mind there are also players who are simply just bad, and those who follow the bandwagon without actually knowing or understanding anything about it.

    And as the outcry from legitimate issues and bandwagon-meme jumpers and/or bad players alike started getting louder and louder, the patches started to deviate from that.

    I'm not saying the dev team shouldn't listen to the community, but there was a brand new direction for COH2 that was neglected, thrown away just for the sake of appeasing the playerbase.

    And this led to the game feeling lackluster, average and unstable as the balance had to keep changing depending which faction camp was crying the loudest at the time.

    Funnily enough most issues are problems with skill, regardless if the players believe so or not, people tend to blame other things for their faults instead of looking at their own shortcomings after all. (I've said this on the forums before the L2P meme came along)

    While listening to the community is the 'right' thing to do, it sure isn't the best thing to do in this case, when there are so many players that are just simply not doing the right things, or jumping the "lololo faction X is unbalanced lelic pls nerf" bandwagon who generate pointless outrage and outcry.

    In short the real issues are getting overwhelmed by outcry, and sadly (or unwisely), the developers listened to the outcry instead of creating a new direction for the game in their original vision.

    Lack of imagination

    Many of the new mechanics introduced in COH2 are good ideas, which were either executed very lacklusterly, under-implemented, or immediately rolled back after community knee-jerk reactions.

    Cold, mud, vehicle abandoning and so on are very good features to be had, but there is simply not enough focus on them to make them "wow" or worth any attention. Due to either lackluster implementation or not enough maps featuring them.

    Take blizzards (which are now disabled by default because COH1 didn't have blizzards right), they could have been very good mechanics were it would impact gameplay much more instead of becoming something akin to a toliet break from the game.

    Instead of only lowering LOS, making ice form faster, disabling artillery and airstrikes and making infantry wish they were in Africa;

    Why can't blizzards slow down and a chance to immobilize vehicles, and impact the accuracy of all units, and disable certain crew weapons? That would've made for a lot more impact on the game.

    Same for mud, why can't it have a chance to immobilize vehicles, by both chance, and if the vehicle was left on it for too long?

    And for both above suggestions, immobilized vehicles will have to be dug out by engineer units.

    This is just one example of improving and refining on the 'new' to make them have more impact and "wow" in the game, instead of leaving them in a corner or removing / disabling them outright.

    The ToW packs also suffered heavily from lack of imagination and creativity.

    Operation Barbarossa's pack had unique missions, like Officer Assassination and Schildkröteberg, but the subsequent packs were basically skirmish missions with minor tweaks to either the AI or what units were available. Nothing special.

    And a personal pet peeve of mine and many other COH1 fans, the ToW mission "Tiger Ace" features just a generic Tiger. Many were expecting the actual Tiger Ace crew from the first game, as apart from "Tiger Ace" being the name associated with them in COH, and how awesome that campaign was, it was also mentioned they first saw action in Leningrad, and so that was also a major letdown.

    The lack of alternate game modes is also a factor in how 'boring and monotone' the game is.

    Bad artificial balance (or why you should not play god)

    The balance biased towards realism on release, which was a new direction compared to arcadey COH1. But some of it was gradually undone and the focus shifted to artificial balance due to reasons stated above. (The game is still more on realism than COH1 is though)

    It had its problems but it could be refined instead of ditching it and returning to COH1. Many of these new ideas and directions spiced up the battlefield.

    An example being flamethrowers on initial release (which are now toned down) being extremely effective and also having friendly fire, which was great in making flamethrowers the big threat they were, and required players to pay attention to where and how it was used.

    Compare that to how flamethrowers felt like you were spraying confetti on the enemy in COH1.

    Reality balances itself, and though a game is obviously "not real life", basing game balance on it is a good way to ensure things "stay in place" instead of purely using artificial balancing which tends to go off-the-rails and screw things up ala the current game state.

    Aside from that, many factions and units started off with quirks that made them different, like the OKW receiving less resources by default and having to prioritize either munitions or fuel.

    Many of those were subsequently toned down or removed entirely, which is just wasted potential.

    The DLC issue

    Commanders are a nice thing to have, but it's pretty apparent it has some factors of "P2W" more or less in some. I would suggest letting players assemble their own 'commander' to fit everyone's unique playstyles (this has been suggested before)

    And some premium commanders have units that are already in-game, in the campaign or ToW missions, which to me seems very scummy.

    Another specific issue in my opinion, is that I felt some factions felt delibrately balanced stronger for purposes of sales, then get the nerf hammer after the 'golden period' of sales are over. (Case in point: Brits)

    TL;DR section and conclusion

    Personally I have a lot more ideas, suggestions and feedback I would love to provide, but those would probably require a whole new thread(s) on their own.

    All in all, COH2 started off with a new direction but that was undone by community whining, lack of imagination in usage of the new features and lack of bravery in pushing in a new direction and trying new ideas on part of the dev team.

    The dev team should stop trying to switch back to the "good old" ways of COH1 (plus, that's why this thread is even here isn't it?) because COH2 was obviously initially designed and more suited to a different mindset from the first. Not to mention that it would never be truly "COH1".

    Listen less to the whiny community, get more creative and logical people on board who understand how these armies and units worked in reality, and review the original direction, ideas and mindset COH2 had on initial release, or maybe even pre-release. The answer lies in there, not in retreading COH1.

    submitted by /u/FilipeREP
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    Theater of War 100%- Operation Barbarossa

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:42 AM PST

    I finished all missions in the operation Barbarossa on general last night. The other ToW are at 100%, but not Barbarossa...stuck at 61% I'm guessing the bonuses need to be completed to get to 100% or is this a known bug??

    Anyone have experience with this ToW. It's like my pandemic grind mission to do these!! A bit crazy, but they are like my warm up before MP.

    Thanks for any info!!

    submitted by /u/Sedawkgrepnewb
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    USF Blob counter?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    Been playing Wehrmacht and having fun, committing warcrimes, but recently USF has kept blobbing and erasing my units. What do?

    submitted by /u/No_Product_2135
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    Wehrmacht or OKW

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    I've got a few hours and I've completed the soviet campaign and I'd like to try the axis should I play OKW or Wehrmacht

    submitted by /u/MusiX2019
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    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:26 PM PST

    As OKW, I often fall behind in damage

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:22 AM PST

    We´re a group of 4 "senior gamers" that play coh2 for years in 4vs4 team games.

    While we are having a lot of fun MOST of the times (and even win like 50% of the games) some things still bug me (us, to a degree)

    1) I am the only OKW player in our group of 4 and I often fall behind in damage. The Ostheer can get the panther and p4 faster and their standard Inf. often has better survivability it seems.

    2) we almost always lose against teams that rely heavily on katyusha and have off map arty to kill our arty in one strike.

    I won´t say "this or that is OP!!!11", but I want to put it that way: I might be doing something wrong, because everything has to be balanced in this game.

    1a) Right now, I tend to build 2 Sturmpio, 1 Volks, 1 AT, Battlegruppe HQ and then what ever I THINK is needed. Like, 2 mortars, OR 1 extra AT OR 1MG ... or if we have map control, go directly to Schwere Panzer HQ to get Obers and P4/Panther.

    2a) We just lose too many troops to Katyusha fire and the RNGesus and can´t counter it; our Arty gets bombed right away (no sightline needed for seemingly most of their off map strikes?) and tanks / inf cant reach the 2 -3 Ky because they of course have mg and AT ready. So how to counter it?

    I really would like to get some input.

    submitted by /u/n8mahr81
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    The best Elephant game I had in a long time

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:14 AM PST

    What is the best large/extra large map? CoH1

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 12:17 PM PST

    Churchill AVRE feels kinda useless

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:43 AM PST

    Is it me or the churchill avre is kinda useless on any game modes? So far my friend would prefer the churchill crocodile over the avre. The avre feel kinda slow. The ability is very sluggish, and the turret rotation is also slow. if players are fast they will avoid the tank aiming animation before it can fire. Somtimes, (i do not know if rng exist) the avre's ability is very incosistent. Somtimes an mg on an open area (without moving) survives a blast from a motar face. If i am wrong is there a guide to teach me on how to use the tank? If there is, then teach me.

    submitted by /u/LLELEF
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