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    Company of Heroes I found this funny

    Company of Heroes I found this funny

    I found this funny

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:07 PM PST

    [2v2] How to kick ass as USF in late game (long post)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    [2v2] How to kick ass as USF in late game (long post)

    Are you tired of playing as USF and handling yourself great in early and mid game just to be ripped away from victory in late game thanks to axis super heavy tanks and stock rocket artillery that seems to hard counter everything that USF has, especially in more narrow maps.

    Well you're in luck! Here's my guide for USF in 2v2s that details how to punish axis in late game. I've used these tactics to climb from rank 8 to rank 13, where I'm sitting at currently. Now someone with better micro (which I arguably suck at) could honestly take these tips all the way to the top.

    So commander choice --> Recon support company. I honestly think this is the single best (and borderline broken) commanders for USF (possibly the entire game). This commander is also the most trolliest commander there is, especially in late game. I've tried other commanders from time to time, but then I just fall down a couple ranks without ever achieving anything tangible. This guide is broken into 2 parts: early and late game. If you are newish player go ahead and try to read the entire thing (even though it'll be pretty long most likely). If you're an experienced player, then skip ahead to part 2, since there's the real meat of this guide.


    Opener: Rifle --> rifle --> ir pf:s --> captain --> ambulance and aa half-track (depends which one u need first). If I'm facing real hardcore campers I even go for 1 pack howie before aa halftrack.

    So everyone knows how early game goes as USF: Pick your fights, be aggressive, try to outmaneuver your enemy. The pathfinder squad should really help with that, especially against Ostheer. For less experienced people who are really struggling with mg campers, there really isn't any other effective answer to these situations than pathfinders and their extended vision range. Thanks to that fact alone I find any other faction and any other commander other than airborne pretty much unplayable. This game is really all about positioning and the extended vision range enables that in a way that nothing else can. I'm not going to dwell beyond that regarding the early game, since these points are obvious and done to death.

    So when the aa ht gets on to the field is when things get interesting. This build's early / mid game depends on great usage of that thing. Here are some things to keep in mind, while using it:

    - NEVER lead with it. That's just asking to get it snared and killed. Always screen it your infantry, preferably pathfinders.

    -Some people suggest to keep it stationary in order to maximize its firepower. I actually like to use it oppositely: I just pop in and out of infantry engagements for short periods just long enough that the enemy infantry gets suppressed. Contrary to popular belief, the halftrack does suppress while on the move. It's the 37mm cannon that deals most of the damage that's offline while on the move. Those 50 cal's are firing happily while on the move (and they suppress pretty quickly).

    - Relating to the point above, here's how a typical engagement goes --> eg volks and rifles engage. aa ht fires from behind my lines. OKW player brings his raketten forward (now I can only see this because I have vet 1 pathfinder among my rifles). I move my halftrack back. He has to move his volks up, if he wants to bait my aa ht or just spot for his raketten, while all this time my inf is firing at his troops from optimal positions (at this point usually 1 or 2 enemy troops are suppressed winning the engament decisively for me already). It's honestly hilarious to see rakettens try to chase this thing when I keep just backing away slowly never giving it a chance to fire off.

    -I equip my RE's w dual bazookas and sweepers, they must be your halftrack's butt buddies. They screen from mines and also support it against light vehicle rushes.

    -Thanks to its mobility, you can use it to quickly go support your ally in engagements for example while your main force is healing in base. It's a great supporting weapons platform and in my opinion the best true light vehicle in the game.

    After punishing the enemy with your halftrack, it's time to transition to late game. After getting major I try to get my late game comp into action ASAP and in the order that is needed. Before that we can also take advantage of the pack howie drop if the situation requires it.

    But enough about early and mid game


    At this point my army composition looks something like this: 3-4 bar'd up rifles/officers/lmg-paras, vet 3 ir pathfinders, double jacksons and double scotts, few team weapons including pack howies if they've survived to this point.

    Now the most important thing to keep in mind before and during the late game is to get your ir pf's to vet 3 since pretty much this entire late game guide hinges on that. They also almost single handedly HARD counter any and every late game axis tool. When these babies get to vet 3 they become honestly the most brokenly op thing about this game. At vet 3 your pathfinders get mobile cloaking akin to snipers. Combine that with their other abilities and enormous sight range, it allows us to engage in all sorts of f***ery with our enemy:

    - Obvious things first: Hang around the mid VP and provide sight for your team's mg's and tank destroyers) while dropping fake flares occasionally to confuse the living heck out of your enemies. By late game the front lines should be filled with craters so finding yellow cover to hide in / hop around is really easy. Works even better with abilities like AT-overwatch or units like ISU-152 on your team.

    - Try to use fake flares when your pf's are hidden and real artillery when your pathfinders are visible. If your enemy catches on to what you're doing, just switch the pattern around. This should allow you to get more wipes with your arty strikes.

    - Save your cluster bombs for at gun walls. They're really good against those.

    - Your ir pf artillery will one shot lefh's and pak 43's, that's an important thing to keep in mind. Sneaking your pathfinders near them shouldn't be too hard.

    - Here's a funny one: go ahead and equip your pathfinders with bazookas. You now have the ONLY reliable counter in the game against enemy panzerwerfers and stukas. Their range isn't that long, so even if they're hanging in their base, just hide your pf's behind your enemy's frontline and push a blob to mid vp. Watch the enemy rocket arty roll from their base just to be one-shotted (each bazooka deals 80 dmg and they have 160 health + at vet 3 those guys almost never miss) by your pathfinders as they are about to fire their volley.

    - How to kill axis heavy tanks (elephants and such): find your target w your pathfinders, sneak jacksons somewhere close where they can't be seen (beware of spotting scopes!), distract your enemy by attacking the abandoned vp with some stray infantry (don't distract in such a way that would concern the elephant and cause it to relocate), while the distraction is going on drop some sneaky ir arty on the heavy tank. That alone will take out 80-90% health off of it. It will also stun it, so your jacksons can finish it off with a couple of shots.

    - Needless to say, your vet 3 pathfinders are the most important thing to keep alive. But sadly accidents happen sometimes and you lose your pathfinders to some stray arty shots. But here's a super easy way to get your vet back on your new pathfinders. Just pop them inside one of your jacksons and go take some pot shots with it. Due to their ridiculously low vet requirements, you'll get them to vet 3 after just FOUR penetrating shots. You should also use this tip, if you don't have vet 3 on your pathfinders by the time you get your first jackson.

    - Hard to sneak around? Fire some random volleys with your pack howies and scotts to create more craters in which to sneak around. That should also really confuse your enemy.

    So thanks to you for reading all this wall of text. I'm going to end this guide here, but there are other miscellaneous tips from me down under in the comments. I just don't want to bloat this post anymroe.


    submitted by /u/northern_strike
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    What am i supposed to do with this?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:28 AM PST

    5 man squads or brens?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 02:46 PM PST

    Which one is better to get first?

    submitted by /u/chairman_mao2
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    Your thoughts on the 222?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:53 AM PST

    I feel like it's very squishy :/

    submitted by /u/balne
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    Light Artillery Barrage sometimes not working in multiplayer on Soviet AT gun?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 04:20 PM PST

    So I have been experiencing a pretty annoying issue. Whenever I play multiplayer with friends, be it against AI or against each other, the light artillery barrage skill of the soviet ZiS gun doesn't seem to be available.

    Screenshot of me in a 4v4 with friends against CPUs.

    At first I thought this may be a balancing thing for whatever reason. But as you can see in this video at around the 14:50 mark a soviet player is obviously just using it in a multiplayer match.

    After getting really annoyed about it I tried to replicate the problem but was unable to do so. In this 4v4 match with only bots aside from me in it the ability is available. I also was able to use it in a 2v2 against bots where a friend just joined to test it out. I also never encountered this problem whenever I 1v1 against people or a bot.

    I am at this point extremely confused about this ability and why the game does or doesn't let me use it. I am certain the ability is not tied to veterancy or a specific commander. I am certain that I always have enough ammunition whenever I want to use it but can't. I just simply can't figure it out and my google searches didn't lead me to any usable answer.

    It is really starting to bug me because I like playing soviets and this ability can really make a difference. Does it get locked in 4v4 matches with other human players? And if so why? Balancing? A bug? Some developer just pranking the players? It's starting to get on me so much that I'm thinking about playing less soviets because of that...

    submitted by /u/Laruquen
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 05:52 AM PST

    What's a good beginner faction, I've so far played the soviets from the campaign and the Wehrmacht from multiplayer

    submitted by /u/MusiX2019
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    Girls Und Panzer But with Company of Heroes 2

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Am I supposed to blob early game as allies? (Coh2)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

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