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    Wednesday, January 6, 2021

    Company of Heroes Is it time to finally return? What is the state of the game? Only pros play it or do I have a chance?

    Company of Heroes Is it time to finally return? What is the state of the game? Only pros play it or do I have a chance?

    Is it time to finally return? What is the state of the game? Only pros play it or do I have a chance?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    Puma or Luchs? (Or AA HT)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    Hi everyone!

    So i have been playing OKW in 1v1 recently. It's a lot of fun and I really like how the faction works but there is one critical choice I am not sure I really grasp, and that's "what light vehicule should I build"?

    I get that the luchs is kind of a "poor man's version" of the T70, deadly vs infantery and support weapons but it gets owned by most other lv. Wheras the puma is the best light vehicule hunter but is pretty inefficient vs infantery.

    Building both doesn't really make sense as it delays the p4 too much.

    I think meta is to build the puma. But I don't understand why.

    On paper, when light vehicule comes out the enemy army should be all infantery which would favor the luchs. Also it seems pointless to invest in a LV just to counter the otherguy's LV when a rakettenwerfer would do the same but scale better against medium vehicule.

    So I'd love to have your views on this and your answers on the following questions: When do you build a luchs? when is the puma better? how well does the puma scale? Is the AA half track a decent choice too?

    submitted by /u/Torkhalturambar
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    Need help with blueprints

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    So I registered for a relic account and got the free 30K supply I was wondering what bulletins to buy. (I play SOV)

    Edit: I typed Blueprints instead of bulletins my mistake

    submitted by /u/WaverlyBread
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    A third upgrade for the Universal carrier?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:29 PM PST

    The universal carrier was basically a taxi for infantry, the wounded and light to medium equipment. I have seen war films on YT showing how it was used and armed with Boys AT rifles, AA Brens and so on.

    Therefore, I would suggest a third upgrade for the UC which would be the 2" mortar variant. It would give the Brits a relatively early mobile mortar that is more mobile than an average mortar crew but has less of a punch. I think the cost of upgrading to the mortar variant would be the same or a bit less than the WASP upgrade and would be unlocked after building the Platoon command post as to avoid having T0 mortar and MG.

    I'm proposing this because all British platoons had a 2" mortar mostly used for smoke shells (sometimes HE, flares and white phosphorus...). Since the british forces are so different from any faction, maybe the UC could have a support role with the 2" mortar for delivering smoke shells, maybe a flare ability at vet1 (or not at all), and light HE barrage from a reasonable distance (less than other mortars since it is a small mortar).

    The 3" mortar pit would still be superior in most ways to the UC so to not make it obsolete if this was ever added. This idea goes well with the British "philosophy" in the game of having to choose what units they make (AEC/BOFORS (even though in the new winter patch you will be able to do both), comet/churchill), but in this case you can build both the mortar pit and upgrade the UC but they serve different roles. One is a powerful long range mortar which isn't mobile but has greater durability and a powerful punch, the other is a small mobile mortar with mostly support in mind (smoke, light HE barrage, flare(?)) and a shorter range than any other in game mortar.

    The pyro IS smoke ability is ok and it helps to counter MG to an extent, but it still costs muni per cast unlike mortar smoke (which is reasonable since it is a call in ability), has a shorter range than mortar smoke and it is on a global cool down which means there is only one cast of it in a given time despite having multiple infantry sections with the upgrade.

    The British still don't have non doctrinal mobile indirect fire, and since the emplacements have been nerfed to prevent the simcity strategy, they are more easily destroyed by artillery. If you have a mortar that is mobile and is under attack from other mortars or types of artillery, you can just move it or retreat it to keep it alive. The emplacement can't go anywhere, it can brace yes, but that brings it's effectiveness to 0, and it can still be destroyed while braced, and no one is a mad man to send sappers which are pretty squishy to repair something that is under constant arty fire and risk them dying too.

    The point is, give the British some sort of mobile mortar that doesn't force them to pick a certain commander if they need it.

    The mortar emplacement if detected is just a waste of manpower and fuel since most games the enemy just calls in arty on it, and it can't go anywhere. The fuel consumed by making it delays your own tank production a bit which means you have to invest in AT guns to protect it from a possible vehicle attack and keep them in basically one spot which is not favourable. In the new patch it will cost less at start but come with one mortar and it will have an upgrade to give it the second mortar. This has been done to make the mortar emplacement less of a commitment regarding resources but it doesn't solve the former problems.

    The concept I made would still give the liberty to the British to make the mortar pit if they think they can defend a point they choose without too many problems, but it also gives them the ability to have a "utility" mortar when the mg catches you off guard and you can't throw the infantry smoke. This concept also gives the UC a purpose mid to late game, instead of being an early game unit with a narrow window of usefulness.

    submitted by /u/mehguy23
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    Problem Playing with USF

    Posted: 06 Jan 2021 03:22 PM PST

    Hey guys, recently I was switching factions, because of my frustration playing USF 😀. Every time I play as the USF it is a struggle, even if I manage to win the early game, problems start with an early p4 or german armor in general. Another point is the split of the tech where you have to choose between an MG and AT. It is really hard to choose which one to get. I know this problem can be solved using the airbone commander but I don't want to abuse him all the time. So I'd like to ask you how to play as USF in general and which commanders to use. I play 2v2 most of the time and I'm about to start playing 1v1s. I really like this faction and it is my favourite in CoH2, so I'd like to know how to properly use them. I'm grateful for your answers 😃!

    submitted by /u/IcemaNation
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