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    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    Company of Heroes This game is InSaNeLy detailed.

    Company of Heroes This game is InSaNeLy detailed.

    This game is InSaNeLy detailed.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:00 PM PST

    US quality of life suggestion

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Firstly thanks to the balance team for the amazing Qol changes so far, really can't wait for them!

    Recently noticed how fucked the pathing is for retreating units around the awkwardly shaped US base. They run back, bump into the walls a bit, run around the edges then run inside sometimes, before finally needing to walk around the edges again to get back to the fight

    This isn't an issue any other faction has and means a lot of unnecessary downtime for US players.

    Would it be possible to have this looked at? A couple possible fixes that come to mind would be having the squads stop retreating a little further away. Or even a free forward retreat post on the Ambulance *IF it's parked in the base sector. This one obviously wouldn't come with the reduced reinforcement speed of other forward retreats but yeah, just a thought.

    Amazing changes so far though really looking forward to the live version

    submitted by /u/AnimatedPepe
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    Idk... public matchmaking in this game has made it literally impossible for me to win

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    As per the title. I wont say that I am the best player out there, I do screw up from occasionally. However, this game has become simply impossible to win! Literally 90% of every single game from 2v2 to 3v3 to 4v4 has seen me partnered against significantly lower level teammates. I know levels, ranks and hours played are not a fair indictor of skill but this has become a persistent problem (for me at least) a few month ago. The rare 10% are equally-skilled tough games which unfortunately means I lose most of them too.

    Prior, I was able to get enjoyable games. You win some, you lose some, its all good. At present, its a consistent 3-4 of losses every night and at best, 1 win ( most of the time due to player drop or sth).

    Before you go like "oh yeahhh there are toxic players every game who drop at first instance" or "low-player base causes this kind of uneven matchmaking" , yes these do happen but I have not experienced such prolonged unevenness in matchmaking for the past 6 years of playing COH2. At least not on such a scale where it has literally become increasingly impossible to win.

    I apologize for this rant. COH2 has been the one and only game that I have diligently played since its launch and having such a skewed and oppressed gameplay after every long day of work was something I needed to let out.

    submitted by /u/blimeyo
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    New soviet meta after winter balance patch

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Since soviet's conscripts will lose their +10% accuracy when reaching vet3, are they gonna lose their place as mainline infantry for late game? Penals are gonna receive a buff in the next patch, will they be the new choice for soviet players? Will mobilise reserves be enough to keep cons on the game?

    submitted by /u/wer525
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    Looking for replays to cast

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 08:41 AM PST

    If you have an exciting replay you want commentary on, please DM me a link to the replay file.

    1v1s are strongly preferred, but any skill level is fine.

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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    RNGesus Puma Edition

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:28 PM PST

    Help to explain some MG tactics to the noob

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Hi Guys,

    I am a new lvl 6 player (can you let me know what are the ranges of noob/intermediate/expert when it comes to rangs?) and I straggle a bit with MGs. I have a few scenarios that I would like some support/explanation with.

    1. USF Rifleman are in the wide building (a lot of windows). I've set up my MG to fire in front firing, and have my granadiers and engeers attacking them from the side/front in light cover. I thought that it will be very good engagement for me, but the riflements has killed a few units on my side (I think at the end he replaced the low health squad with another one. My question here is - if my MG is firing on the squad and they are in the building - it's always a good engagement for me? Should I put the other squad on the side of the building - like if they have 1 window on that side and I have a whole squad in light cover - it's positive engagement? And last question - the building is like a green cover - should I treat it like this, ir is it something else to that? Like - you can't be supressed inside the building (I know that when you're already surpressed going in the building doesn't help you.
    2. I was playing OST vs Soviets and they build 3 MGs. I know that in ideal world my engieers should see the MG first and with grenadiers I should flank them, but let's say my engeers where out of place, I have my grenadiers and I see the MG that is running to me and as soon as they see me they start to set up themselves and fire at me. What should be my line of thinking - I assess the distance, if I can go to the left/right outside of their range I try to run there and flank for them and if that's impossible I assess if I can soft retreat then soft and if not hard retreat? It's hard for me to assess, so like I've tried one squad go left, another got right and both got surpressed and I had to run away. Another thing - if I am kind of close - should I immediatly throw the grenade - just as I see them setting up? Sometimes I am too late, I get surpressed, but I think I am in range - I should be throwing the granade? When I am surpressed my range of throwing the grenade is shorter?
    3. 3rd scenario - I see the MG in the house, but they just came there and I have two squads. I've tried being on two sides firing at them and trying to run around but 1 by 1 my both squads got surpressed. What is the usual strategy here? Should I like do shift commands to go around the building, should I always look when the MG is looking, and just switch corners? One last thing - the grenadiers granade - I should always throw in this building, because it doesn't seem that effective?

    Sorry for quite a lot of questions, but it would be nice to know the theory, than just trying to figuring it out battling (like I do a lot, but there's a lot of things to think about :)) I don't see a lot of videos talking about such tactical engagement. Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/HaploTheGreat
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    [CoH2] Is it just me or do Soviets just suck in 1v1 and 2v2?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:18 PM PST

    I'm finding the balance a bit frustrating in 1v1 and 2v2, its almost like if I don't win in early-mid game as soviets then I just get into a long drawn out loss. Big team games I tend to do much better but they aren't my cup of tea.

    I'm not the best soviet player out there but I don't wipe very often at all nor do I bleed too much mp, atleast until the axis tanks roll out. Still I find myself losing 90% of games that don't end in 15-20 minutes despite not getting wiped all the way to lategame. Some games I cap almost the entire map and sit there laying mines and prepping for the german tanks as the german player just sits there waiting for passive fuel income from the 3 or 4 mp points he holds. Then the tanks roll out and I lose, not being able to finish off his tank and slowly losing ground. Or I get frustrated and dive the tank with t34 ram and penals backed up by su-85, sometimes kill it but lose the t34 and a penal squad or two.

    I've come to understand that killing tanks with soviets is a combined arms effort, except not every engagement is the perfect condition required for this. I find this particularly hard on wide open maps, its just too many approaches for an su-85 to watch and nowhere to hide my penals. I've had almost zero success using any of the soviet mgs to try to control the blob, the dshk is not great on open spaces and the maxim is mediocre.

    The most success I have is running shock troops early followed up by t70, ending the game as quick as possible. I feel like I'm forced to play like this to win as soviets, its getting frustrating, I just want good games that have a nice back and forth not have my opponent tap out in 15 minutes or me just losing any evenly matched lategame I get into.

    I'm not some perfect pro player, I can't always get those perfect tank engagements required to just kill one of those german tanks (yes even pzIV I struggle to kill, not as much as some other tanks but still). What must I do? Do I need to pay2win and get some of those commanders on the store to make soviets better in lategame? Do I need to just play only on urban-ish maps?

    submitted by /u/AardvarkSuch
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    [CoH2] USF commanders for 3v3/4v4?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Hi guys, I'm having some trouble on unit selection in big games and I believe maybe I'm not using the most adequate commanders for these modes.

    I'm currently picking mechanized, infantry and infantry companies. I stopped teching tier 2/3 and just get both officers, weapon racks and/or rush tanks.

    I find pretty hard to play without MG support, and AT guns seem to be the only cost-effective unit to fight enemy light/medium tanks until I can get a tank of my own.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/Nekrocow
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    1440p issue

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:39 PM PST

    I just got a 32" 1440p monitor today. COH2 sees the proper resolution for it. I don't think I'm imagining it but I seem to see less map when zoomed out than I did with my old 28" monitor. Is there any way I can fix this?

    submitted by /u/NaOH01
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    Can I run Company Of Heroes 2 ?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:40 PM PST

    Hey ! I have a Radeon R5 and an AMD A9-9420, can it run the game ? Thanks for the answers :)

    submitted by /u/CobenSki
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    Looking for advice on how to deal with assault grenadiers as the British

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 04:29 AM PST

    I got completely destroyed early game in all my engagements against them. I tried using rifles at medium range with a flanking universal carrier and lost both entirely. What would be most efficient?

    submitted by /u/etheren
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