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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    Company of Heroes You ever kill a Luchs with a flamethrower?

    Company of Heroes You ever kill a Luchs with a flamethrower?

    You ever kill a Luchs with a flamethrower?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:07 AM PST

    Preview Mod 5.0 - Winter Balance Update

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:10 PM PST

    Here are the latest preview notes

    Here is the link to the steam mod


    AT Vehicle and AT Gun Vehicle Prioritize

    The majority of dedicated AT units have received adjustments to their prioritize vehicle ability. They will now enter the battlefield with the ability active. Affected units are: Firefly, M10, M36, SU-76, SU-85, Jagdtiger, Jagdpanzer, Elefant, StuG G, All AT Gun squads

    All AT vehicles and mobile ATG squads start with prioritize vehicle active. Recrewed vehicles and recaptured team weapons default to prioritizing vehicles. Anti-Air Prioritize

    Non-Grid Hotkey from Z to H


    Wire is being adjusted so units will no longer get trapped in them until they are clear.

    Will only become impassable and neutral once the owning player has no infantry within 2m of the wire. Sandbags

    All buildable sandbags have been adjusted to have a small cover radius so they do not provide cover when they have been wired off.

    Adjusted cover radius of Soviet and all other constructable sandbags


    M4A3 Sherman 75mm

    The experience values of the Sherman are being brought in-line with its cost.

    Experience requirements from 2020/4040/8080 to 1780/3560/7120

    M15 AA Halftrack

    In AA mode, the M15 is still too strong compared to other AA units. Values for the machine guns have been lowered while the cannon has been restored to its previous form. If anymore adjustments are to be made on the unit's AA performance, it will be on its two machine guns.

    Machine gun AA chance from 15% to 8% AA mode 37mm AA chance from 20% to 30%


    Assault Officer

    The Assault Officer is having their experience requirements slightly lowered to match other officer units and to compensate for the unit's need to close the distance to be effective unlike most other officer units.

    Experience requirements from 720/1440/2880 to 680/1260/2520


    Due to its the reliance on speed to survive, the Cromwell's veterancy is being adjusted so its mobility bonuses come earlier. Hunt has also been modified to give additional penetration, improving the Cromwell's ability to finish off heavier vehicles that have been wounded. Experience values have been slightly adjusted to reflect the unit's price.

    Hunt ability: Now also grants +20% bonus to penetration during the ability in addition to +20% moving accuracy and vehicle detection through the FOW. Hunt duration from 20 to 25 Hunt munition cost from 25 to 30 Veterancy 2 +35% weapon traverse speed and +30% reload bonuses moved to veterancy 3 Veterancy 3 +20% reload speed, +20% rotation speed, +20% de/acceleration, and +20% maximum speed moved to veterancy 2 Experience requirements from 1820/3640/7280 to 1780/3560/7120


    The Comet is receiving slight adjustments to its AOE as part of a bug-fix and its scatter is being slightly increased. Furthermore, its high turret traverse is being lowered to be on-par with the M4 Sherman. Due to an error in naming and placement of the files, please note the previous change to White Phosphorous was already set to the correct value.

    AOE near damage now correctly set to 0.75 from 1 Turret traverse from 45 to 40 Scatter from 5.25 to 5.75 Ignore previous White Phosphorous change; value was already set to 2 in live.



    The Brummbar is receiving a slight reduction in its armor to reduce its durability against massed AT fired. Its high damage alpha against infantry will be retained to make it a desirable unit.

    Armor from 260 to 250

    Grenadier Veteran Squad Leader

    The G43 is being replaced with the Volksgrenadier StG 44 to lower the firepower of the VSL upgrade. The G43 gave the unit high burst damage when combined with Grenadier rifles due to each shot dealing 16 damage and significant firepower when on the moving. The weapon may be adjusted in the future to find a middle ground between both weapons.

    Grenadier G43 changed to Volksgrenadier StG 44


    Panzer II Luchs

    Recent testing shows the Luchs is too potent versus garrisons as it would deal damage to everyone in the squad. The damage value has been lowered to an area between the old and new value from the last update.

    Damage modifier to garrisons from 0.5 to 0.4


    The Raketenwerfer is being modified to be less prone to the deathloop when it losses a crew member. This is on-par with the Maxim, 50cal, and Dshka changes.

    Attach time from 0.7333 to 0


    Should now be more responsive when firing smoke.


    Mechanized Armor Kampenya

    Soviet tech costs are being adjusted with the Soviet Tankiovy Battalion having its price reduced while the price of the Mechanized Armor Kampenya has been increased. With the nerf to units such as the T70, there is no longer a reason for Soviet LVs to arrive much later than their counterparts.

    Cost from 240 manpower and 90 fuel to 280 manpower and 100 fuel

    Tankiovy Battalion

    Cost from 240 manpower and 85 fuel to 200 manpower and 75 fuel

    Penal Battalion

    Penals are receiving a slight manpower reduction to better match their performance, timing, and tech cost in the early game.

    Manpower cost from 300 to 290

    M5 Halftrack Quad Upgrade

    The AA mode of the Quad has been increased further to improve its performance against aircraft.

    AA Chance from 3% to 5%

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an issue where the Ostheer's Puma projectile did not display properly

    Fixed an issue where Commandos would become temporary invulnerable when deploying smoke on retreat.

    Fixed an issue where new Raketenwerfer crew members would be visible if the unit was reinforced while cloaked.

    submitted by /u/Chukonoku
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    Was trying to do tatsinskaya raid on general on theatre of war. I only had 1 kv1 tank left by the time the counter attack came and he wasn’t in the city. I went for the reinforcement point and the counter attack found me OOF

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:43 PM PST

    The devs are more willing to cater to Axis player's

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:10 PM PST

    Why are the grenades for the Brits being singled out with having their timer counterdown increased? Yet the Axis factions get their grenades for free (not requiring unlocks) and in some cases are superior. Panzergren/Ober grenades are over powered, can destroy full health squads trying to flee away and even damage tanks. How about a nerf for those grenades instead? Or the standard grenadiers that have a grenade that goes off INSTANTLY, which can wipe your squad before you can react, and has the best range. No one has better range than these guys. Also Volks get their incendiary grenades which can tilt fire fights since they're excellent for denying enemies cover. And now their getting buffed which is retarded.

    Can someone tell me how this is fair?

    Why is the Panther tank getting buffed when it's already an over performing tank destroyer but the Jackson is getting nerfed when the Jackson is more fragile and has no weapons to attack infantry. Even more annoying if the axis player has panzer taction, since it can make effortless dives

    None of the allies have tanks that can directly counter tanks on their own, this means more units are needed which means more required resources and a larger population strain just to counter one unit type meanwhile axis units are more flexible.

    Lowering the M20 utility car munitions price from 70 down to 50 is nice but still not that helpful. The 222. Scout car will still shred it.

    .50 cal nerf is also retarded when it's the most expensive MG and Axis has better support weapons. UKF has no direct way to counter MGs, and USF is required to spend extra resources for an inaccurate mortar and lay down fuel for grenades (which axis gets for free) to counter

    Also the Rear Echelon troops having their experience requirements raised is retarded because their useless in combat, so the USF player is starting out with a disadvantage. How about a slight combat buff so REs can actually pull their weight if you're going to make it longer for them to vet?

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Company of Heroes 2 - An imperfect great game

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Recommended. (Steam)

    Company of Heroes 2 (COH2) is a real time strategy game focused on small unit tactics in WWII. The gameplay is based on squads of infantry and vehicles, plus some constructions like bunkers and artillery, with a continuous stream of resources instead of resource-gathering. Combat is cover-based, with units having different stats and usefulness - like squad strength and range proficiency. The game never gives the player massive armies, employing a "less is more" approach to maintain micromanagement and proper placement of small units throughout the firefights. While it is possible to destroy the opposing base, the main type of victory is by capturing objectives: Victory Points.

    The core of the game is small infantry unit tactics and combat, with the terrain affecting cover and damage inflacted and taken by your squads, plus difficult to negotiate said terrain. Red cover is negative cover (your boys are in the open) and green is the ideal cover with the best protection possible, either a brick wall or a trench. The game places focus on the range firefights happen: submachine guns are good for close range, semi-automatic rifles for medium range and bolt action rifles for long range. This becomes more dynamic with the addition of machine guns that pin down units and mortars that blast people away from their covers.

    You can garrison your men inside buildings and they will fire back while protected, but only through the available windows (watch for blind spots). The vision takes into account geographical features that may block your soldiers' vision or sound perception. Garrisoned units can be flushed out by means of flamethrowers or explosives. Blasting walls creates more fields of fire.

    Your most valuable resource is the veterancy of your squads and vehicles, and the game is based on a system of retreating and reinforcing. Always avoid losing squads as reinforcing is always cheaper, and always repair your vehicles if you can.

    The war economy of the game is by means of a continuous stream of points: those being command, manpower, ammunition and fuel points. Points will flow faster or slower depending on performance, with a larger army hamstringing your mainpower flow, thus making a continuous tug-of-war where a player can recover from a bloody-nose. Command points are actually levels that unlock different commander powers. You start the game with a deck of three commanders, each with different powers and unique units (Shock Troops or Fallschirmjäger, for example); after picking one you can't go back and choose another until the match is over. The infantry is quite dynamic with explosive or smoke grenades, AT portable weapons and especific upgrades.

    The 5 factions work in very different fashion, with the OKW being the lasy overpowered one and the others being alright. Unfortunately, minor combatans such as the Italians, French, Romenians and Finnish are not included in the game.

    COH2 has its problems, starting with the toxic and whiny player-base that usually is very unskillful in actual game mechanics but has a delusional sense of their actual worth. It is very common for players to simply "pout" because the game didn't go as they intended (regardless of being just the early game) and refuse to help the team or just leaving altogether. The pathfinding is mostly okay but the units tend to bunch up in a game that punishes blobbing severely with high explosive ordnance flying around. There is no hand-to-hand combat, with the soldiers shooting each other at arm's length (and no Gurkhas for the British faction).

    Vehicles, especially tanks, is pretty much where the game gets broken since the manpower system doesn't properly cater to the logistical strain of supporting tanks in the field and the damage system is a mess; this is particularly bad becaue COH2 is home to the most exaggerated steryotypes of Wehraboos and the game is perpetualy unbalanced in favor of the German factions. This is due to posts being made by very angry players because their 4-man Panzergrenadier squad is not staffed by Ãœbersoldaten from Castle Wolfenstein simply stomping their subhuman enemies. The lack of logistical strain in suporting Tiger and the other super-heavy German tanks is ludicrous, with a very unbalanced late-game. Since the game has random vehicle problems affecting their speed etc, there should be instances of broken transmissions in the German steel giants (just like in real life). The main bright spot in COH2's vehicles is the important part the light tanks play in early-to-mid game.

    Constant pleading to the devs to keep buffing and nerffing the game has continuously broken and fixed COH2 instead of Relic just telling people to learn how to play the game. COH2 is also very reliant on building orders and timing, with a wrong call being mostly unsalvageable. This is compounded by the game itself teaching nothing on how the multiplayer works; thus relying in its community (with very mixed results).

    The game also suffers with technical problems, bad servers and very long loading times.

    The Ardennes Offensive DLC provided another campaign that's average. The US characters are plain and forgettable, and missions work in a boardgame fashion. The core mechanic is the bleeding of your units (just make sure to have the Rangers).

    The main campaign in this game is really great in its story but very mediocre in its gameplay. The campaign starts with disgraced Lt. Lev Abramovich Isakovich arrested by the NKVD in a Gulag in Siberia in 1952, where he is confronted by his wartime commander, Colonel Churkin who interrogates him about his experiences during the war through Lev's diary. This transitions between missions follow Lev's war from Barbarossa to the Reichstag and the dialog, scenes, themes and cutscenes are brilliant.

    The gameplay on the other hand is very crude and formulaic, with very little to do with the actual multiplayer gameplay (the bread and butter of COH2). The campaign is very easy, with few noteworthy moments, with the sniper mission in the blizzard and the sniper mission with the Polish resistance being my favorites. The Fall of the Reichstag was very underwhelming. The story begins and ends well, being a true Russian tragedy. Players that read Sir Antony Beevor's "Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege 1942-1943" and "Berlin 1945: The Fall" will catch many references, with the campaign taking inspiration from "Life and Fate" by Soviet war reporter Vasily Grossman.

    submitted by /u/FilipeREP
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    Counter volksgrenadier spam early game as Soviet

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:07 AM PST

    As title says. I'm quite new to the game (100 match max mostly 2v2) and I can't figure out how to counter the volks spam. By that i mean 3 volks plus the sturmpionier squad that you have by default. All of this concentrated in one capture point constantly wiping out my conscripts. Even if cons were in green cover and i used molotov heavily. It was too early for a mortar, and i know about svt drop crate but I don't wanna build a whole game around that commander only for surviving the first 5 minutes. Am i missing something? Should i start out with penals or that's too slow?

    submitted by /u/wer525
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    [2v2] Dealing with Elites+Ostwind+Brumbarr/Sturmpanzer spam

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    Almost 8 weeks ago I posted asking for help on how to l2p after 1000+ hours.. The responses I got were fantastically informative, and we progressed quickly from rank 6/7 to 10/11 (in 2v2 and 1v1). Yes, he can be taught.

    In the last couple of weeks I've run into something new which so far seems unbeatable:

    Axis team builds an ostwind each (sometimes two), then build a brumbar or sturmpanzer, and back it up with an AT-gun or two and a couple of squads with shreks (for a total of min 2-4 ostwinds on the field, min 2 brumm/sturms), but no p4s or 5s.

    The ostwind and the brummbar drive straight at our at-guns and wipe them without taking any significant damage (even when snared). The ostwind and then shreds any infantry and light vehicles in the area while the shreks and brummbar deal with any vehicles (t34s etc). About this time they're also getting vetted, upgraded infantry on the field, so even with rebuilding this is basically gg (or "noob ez" is what we really get).

    So, how do you deal with ostwinds and brumms when they are the hard-counter to AT-guns and AV infantry? I ran up against this tactic 4 games in a row with random opponents.


    submitted by /u/dream_fragments
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    Is the "searching as allies/axis" number actually true ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:39 AM PST

    It seems random to me.

    submitted by /u/Davidsal2908
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    Company of heroes 2

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    I want to buy one of the company of heroes games however IDK if my laptop can run it il be fine with either

    The laptop I use is the Lenovo think pad with i5 intel CPU

    submitted by /u/MusiX2019
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    Essentials for pushing a fortified point?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:32 AM PST

    I'm not the best player but I'm not a total newbie either, but I've been having a lot of trouble pushing onto points with even a few MGs or ATs on them.

    This is a problem in the mid to late game especially, when they're all set up and sat on the VP. Usually, when I try to push, I'll have a MG set up a little base of fire while pushing with mainline infantry, and if available, once LoS has been established, send in a bit of armor to help support to push.

    Am I doing something wrong? What's going on in your mind when you're pushing onto a fortified position?

    submitted by /u/ptolem1s
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    OMG Theres a VTuber who plays this game check him out!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:23 PM PST

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