• Breaking News

    Friday, February 26, 2021

    Company of Heroes 2020/2021 Winter Balance Update NOW LIVE

    Company of Heroes 2020/2021 Winter Balance Update NOW LIVE

    2020/2021 Winter Balance Update NOW LIVE

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:07 PM PST

    The Winter Balance Patch is now live!

    A special thanks to Miragefla for leading the balance team, test mod implementation, and patch integration process.

    Of course, a big thanks to the rest of the community balance team; Sander93, Sturmpanther, Tightrope, JibberJabberJobber, Aerafield, Stark_PL, and Whorunbartertown, with mod and UI support from Osinyagov, and Janne252. These folks have invested a lot of time and effort designing, discussing, testing, and surfacing your feedback for consideration.

    A massive thanks to the wider community for engaging in discussion, testing mods, and providing feedback. Much of this update is informed by community input, and we're confident that this patch will freshen up the game and result in a more enjoyable experience overall! Again, thanks for your continued passion.

    We hope you enjoy the update.

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    Has german science gone too far?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:52 PM PST

    So today we were working on the computers at school and I got bored so I made this

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:38 AM PST

    Wire changes working a treat on the new patch

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:40 PM PST

    Loving this MG mortar meta

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:43 PM PST

    Just played a game 4v4 against wehr where they did nothing but spam MGs and mortars. British tried to build a mortar to counter them but the pit got rekt like it was nothing

    Maybe let's not let a bunch of amateurs balance the game? And no, I dont give a shit how many hours they've played the game, this patch is garbage

    submitted by /u/crash18867
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    Additional things to include in Monday hotfix

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    1. wires still can't block sandbags. proof : https://dcimg6.dcinside.co.kr/viewimage.php?id=2eb2d8&no=24b0d769e1d32ca73fec83fa11d02831682d835f2980fd236d5e1d9c2919dabd82cc07b048e53608107a457476f67f26f24255377c64e2629a1edd5610eb9b
    2. Tank Hunter Doctrine's mass anti tank grenade ability is still extremely clungky. I thought the distance patch should've fixed this too (it's probably the biggest and the most frustrating flaw of the commander) and was excited to test it out, I was really disappointed.
    submitted by /u/dmdbqn
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    Why is this game not updated with more content with such a large and steady player base?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:26 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 05:40 PM PST

    How many games am I gonna have to lose because of this lol. Why change them? Idk about anyone else but the usf hotkey changes is ROUGH.

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    I've dropped about 800 places in ladder across the board since 64 update.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:42 PM PST

    Thank you non stop bugsplats, thank you insane lag, thank you 20 second freezes. All this effort put towards "balance" that effects about the top 30 players in the world, an absolute fucking shit show for the rest of the players. Awesome.

    submitted by /u/kosmonaut_hurlant_
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    Making the UC cost fuel is dumb.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:57 PM PST

    Because it's the UKF only way to counter MG spam. Especially in urban maps. It already costs fuel to unlock grenades and Brens (which is needed if your enemy teched something like german infantry, or panzergren/G43 blobbing. As well as secondary unlocks like the AEC which is again, crucial in the early game to push back things like scout cars or luchs.

    I don't know why people bitch about, the thing's armor is non-existent, and German fausts have good range. Making the UC player have to pay fuel costs only serves to put the Axis player in the advantage since it's more costly and punishing to counter your 4 plus MGs all over the map

    PS: lol @ the high iq idea to buff the panther when it's already the most over performing tank killer in the game totes mcgoats fair and balanced !!

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Bugs and glitches Update

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:53 PM PST

    Had to make a half track so my Ostheer ally could reinforce. We won, but he still couldn't make stuffs.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Lengthiness6170
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    Questions about the recent patch/update...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:59 PM PST

    I've been playing for less than a week. I do not play multiplayer and have only been playing Ardennes Assault.

    I skimmed through the patch notes but there's some things I'm not sure about.

    Do these changes effect Ardennes Assault forces? Was the Pathfinder bug fixed? Do I have to start a new campaign (Ardennes Assault) to see the changes?

    I saw something about the Pathfinders beacon being fixed but I didn't specifically see if they're able to be used in Ardennes Assault now.

    submitted by /u/Pacho2020
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    Borgward IV Cinematic| Company of heroes 2 Wikinger mod

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:50 PM PST

    Zombie Tanks?! Company of Heroes History Blitz Edition

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST

    What a shameful fucking display, you know? It just proves that they haven't even played a single game before releasing this already long belated patch.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:02 PM PST

    Talking about the OKW truck reinforcement bug.

    submitted by /u/dmdbqn
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    My Player Card and Leaderboards are empty

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    What's up with this?

    For months now, whenever I click on my player card or the leaderboards I see nothing at all.

    I still get into games and go up and down in rank.

    Any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/_ImperfectAction
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    Does the IS2 have any impact?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:13 AM PST

    I'm not saying anything about how good or bad the IS2 is, Ive got mixed feelings about it since I usually go for the ISU.

    Its just I've noticed and I'm not sure if its just me, whenever the IS2 Hits a tank there's no impact whatsoever, the health bar goes down or a I can see a bounce, the tank doesn't react at all from being smacked by an IS2.

    submitted by /u/Kestrel102
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    Difficulty selecting garrisons

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Is it normal that you can only select garrisons by clicking on the part of the roof that faces you? I cannot select the garrison if I click on it anywhere else, IE sides, windows, roof facing away from my perspective.

    submitted by /u/kosmonaut_hurlant_
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