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    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Company of Heroes NO ESCAPE!

    Company of Heroes NO ESCAPE!


    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Cheeky Panther kills

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:21 PM PST

    The future is now, old man

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    How to Crossplay?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:38 PM PST

    Hello there!

    I just hopped into the Reddit. I picked the game up on Game Pass, loving it. However, it seems dead with their version. I read that it is Crossplay now with Steam, but I have seen zero change. Something I am missing out on or need to make some change?

    Thanks in advance on the help!

    submitted by /u/GenericName1442
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    Is It just me or is American Veterancy really hard to get?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:15 PM PST

    I swear no matter how much i pull back the squads and keep them alive, spending time building triage and medic centers, none of my troops ever reach a single level of veterancy, maybe its just that my opponent normally just garrisons buildings with MG's and turtles for most of the game preventing me from scoring any kills with non vehicles but even then i feel that my vehicles don't get any veterancy either

    whats the deall??

    submitted by /u/TheXenomorphian
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    Do Commandos receive command benefits from Lieutenants and Captain?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 08:45 AM PST

    I see the stars above the Commandos' emblem but the fandom wiki states that Commandos do not receive the benefits. Is this true?

    submitted by /u/gd2go2
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    Comet vs Churchill

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:28 PM PST

    I was just looking at the stats of the two tanks and I can't seem to understand why the Churchill would be any better against infantry.

    The comet has the same damage, more penetration, and a larger AEO. Likewise, the turrets on the tanks are identical, and both have grenades. So it would seem to me that the Comet has better anti-infantry capabilities based on its fast reload and better AEO.

    Am I missing something? Is the Churchill cheaper? What does the Churchill do better than the Comet?

    submitted by /u/arieger
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    Sniper balancing suggestion

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:25 PM PST

    Snipers are annoying little shits that are hard to balance. They are currently over-performing in some matchups (SOV vs Wher, Wher vs Brits), but the currently-suggested change on the balance patch seems to neuter too much it's ability to counter MGs. After thinking a bit about the subject, I came up with an alternative solution, and I'd other people's thoughts on it.

    Remember how the soviet sniper had 2 models? Do that for every sniper. One unit is the spotter, and the other is the sniper. Each has only 40 HP (or if for some reason it's not possible to have infantry with 40 HP, have them with a really high received accuracy so it behaves as if they have 40 HP). If both are alive, they behave like the current sniper. If one dies, it's always the spotter, and the unit receives -50% vision range and enough of an accuracy debuff so that it misses roughly 50% of its shots. Reinforcing the lost spotter is 200 MP. Losing the spotter should be a significant loss, hampering both the player's economy and offensive capabilities. I also think the reload time should be slightly increased (about 20%) so that snipers are less efficient at draining manpower, and sight should be slightly increased, so they can have more utility being full-time spotters.

    submitted by /u/abrazilianinreddit
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    When your Shock Troops becomes Vehicle Destroyer

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:21 PM PST

    Is there any way to mod the beeping sound that the "attack here" creates?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 10:44 AM PST

    It just lasts way too long! I have adhd so playing this game is a serious exercise in concentration for me. But the "attack here" beeper really breaks my concentration and gives me a headache. Sometimes people use it sparingly and responsibly. And sometime certain players want to be generalisimos and try to micromanage every other players gameplay, using the beeper every 20 to thirty seconds, and it drives me nuts! I often just back out of those games because I can't deal with the noise when I'm trying to play this difficult but fun game. So is there any way to change the beeper sound to be less obnoxious? Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/Wormhole-Eyes
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    Why my skins not showing up on gameplay?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:57 PM PST

    What's wrong with this game?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:39 AM PST

    What the hell is wrong with this game? I've just had three matches in a row where I got disconnected after 15 minutes of playing. In automatch vs players screen the Start searching button turns off on its own as a result I need to to start matchmaking again several times. Multiple times when the match starts all that happens is I get the Defeat notification in the upper side of the screen. The matchmaking radar sound bugs out all the time and is audible unless you restart the game. Is it even possible to play this damn game?

    submitted by /u/Important_Tomatillo1
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    match stats in after game summery completely different than whats shown in ladder recent matches?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Does anyone else constantly see completely unrelated stats in these two areas? I just played a match, I see in the after game summery 76 units killed, 60 lost, damage of 12,011. In the ladder summery under the leaderboard tab, it says a K:D of 0.62 and damage of 14,150. In the match before, I see post game summery of 6 units killed, 4 lost, with a K:D of 0.50 and post game summery of 711 damage, compared to the leadboard stat of 910 (this match was super short because teammate rage quit after 1 minute).

    How are these two things so completely different? They aren't even remotely similar....it shows negative K:D when I'm sure I did not have that poor engagements and gives me more damage than I accrued. I am absolutely positive that I'm not mixing the numbers up and attributing my losses as units killed. I've read about mines and arty not being counted before in stats, but that doesn't explain the second match I listed where it was so short there were no mines placed or arty used.

    Just played another one, says I killed 208 with 134 lost, but the leaderboard match stats say 0.48 KD.

    submitted by /u/kosmonaut_hurlant_
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