• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 27, 2021

    Company of Heroes One of the biggest imbalances in COH2 that you probably didn't know existed

    Company of Heroes One of the biggest imbalances in COH2 that you probably didn't know existed

    One of the biggest imbalances in COH2 that you probably didn't know existed

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:54 PM PST

    This community isn't as toxic as you think.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST

    This community isn't as toxic as you think.


    I know we talk alot on here about how "toxic" the community is, but I wanted to share an experience of how awesome our community is as well! COH2 has been out since 2013 and I have loved the game ever since it's release. Sure it has had it's problems, but ultimately the community has been one of the best I have seen. Please take in mind I come from SC2 which is super competitive and no one really cares who you are unless you are a top tier Korean player. CoH2 however is different and the community is one of the main reasons I was l decided to stream during my downtime as a hobby and enjoy the game in a new light. Yesterday I streamed all day instead of working (don't tell my boss ;). The one zoom meeting I did get on I received a message from a prospective client asking if I was the "suit guy" from COH2 (note I have 16 followers). I was stunned I mean I have only streamed and posted on here for like a month as the "suit guy". This community is not toxic in my opinion we have great players at the highest level willing to answer question on twitch chats, reddit posters who give comprehensive guides and tips to people struggling, etc. I am truly impressed my this community and how well it has done over the years. I hope each and everyone of you is enjoying the new patch and the game.




    submitted by /u/Kilobravo20
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    Patch changes made Brits so OP

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:28 AM PST

    I'm UKF main and after the patch early game completely changed, royal engineers in basic HQ make a big chunk of work when flanking mgs, AEC note excluding bofors opens up more aggressive playstyle and 3inch mortar with lowered cost turns around game completely when I need good early defense...

    Your feelings about patch other british mains?

    submitted by /u/_a_taki_se_polaczek_
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    Games feels worse post 64 update

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Every weekend I login something is broken....

    But what's worse is that getting a 3v3 or 4v4 game where someone doesn't drop during loading or within the first 10 minutes is hard work.

    It's getting to the point where it takes 30 minutes just to get a game going as there are 2-3 false starts.

    Stability needs to be looked at but also some type of leaver penalty!

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    Why can't they just add a reconnect feature to the game?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 09:50 PM PST

    can we list mods that add a new army in coh1?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:46 PM PST

    what i'm speaking about is mods like the ww1 mod and the zombies mod... are there other mods like this that add a new army?

    submitted by /u/Commrade-DOGE
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    Coh 2 okw med truck not working

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Post patch i cant replenish dead soldiers in OKW med trucks. Is it a bug or desired change? It makes med truck pointless

    submitted by /u/Araghast666
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    Replays not saving

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:13 PM PST

    What's the workaround to save replays? My replays are always deleted after I log out of coh2. Sad! Wanted to review after playing some other games and it wasn't there anymore. Lots of posts from years ago talking about this issues. any solution or do I get 3rd party software?

    submitted by /u/Sedawkgrepnewb
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    New OKW 1v1 Meta?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:33 AM PST

    *Disclaimer: I have not tried this build in a real match yet. Results are not guaranteed.\*

    After reading the patch notes for OKW, I came upon a very specific line:

    "Sturmpioneers: Panzerschreck and minesweepers no longer mutually exclusive with each other."

    This will be the focal point of a new build order I will be suggesting to all you fellow OKW mains out there.

    The Build

    The build I will be discussing is a Grand Offensive opening right out the gate, starting with 3 Volks and 1 Fusilier squad into Battlegroup HQ. After Battlegroup HQ is upgraded, a Flak half-track should be deployed, and a Raketen should be produced afterwards (if timing is all good). Once the Battlegroup HQ is fully unlocked, the Panzerfusiliers should receive their G43s first, and the Volks receiving their StGs second. However, once the Flak half-track gets out, always be prepared to upgrade the Sturmpioneers with a Panzershreck to dissuade light vehicles from chasing the fragile Flak half-track. Next, continue play as normal, but when T4 Schwerer Panzer HQ is set up, get an Obersoldaten squad if manpower allows. Upgrade this Obersoldaten squad with IR StGs instead of an MG34 (G43 Panzerfusiliers already take the role of long-range on the move infantry), as you'll need it as a flanking squad to replace the Sturmpioneers. Finally, save up for the Panzer IV, and crush what remains of your enemy's opposition. If the game survives to late game, the Tiger can always be requisitioned, and the Panther can always be upgraded with a Panzer commander to turn it into a deadly tank destroyer.

    3 Volks > 1 Fusilier > Battlegroup > Battlegroup upgrade (and medics) > Flak half-track > Raketen > Infantry upgrades > Schwerer Panzer HQ > Obersoldaten > Panzer IV > Panther (I suggest Panzer commander for increased sight and accuracy, which is very helpful on the move) or Tiger


    -Overwhelming early game with 4 powerful infantry squads that can snare

    -Panzerfusiliers with G43s make up for the poor timing of Obersoldaten

    -Flak half-track + Sturmpioneers with minesweepers and a Panzershreck will make a potent combo that causes massive manpower bleed to your enemy, but is still safe against light vehicles due to the combined screen of the Panzershreck and the 4 snaring squads

    -If done correctly, you will snowball, adding Obersoldaten to the mix, and topping it off the Panzer IV

    -If the game drags on to late game, you will still have many options left to choose from

    -Even if the Flak half-track is destroyed, you will likely still field overwhelming anti-infantry presence on the map


    -If the early engagements are executed poorly, this build can cause you massive issues with timing and manpower bleed

    -Only 1 Raketen means that this build will not be particularly effective if you are behind

    -This build is strict and leaves you with little manpower in the bank to buy anything off the build needed for a specific counter (i.e. LeIGs)

    -Expensive on munitions

    -Strong lack of indirect fire throughout the game

    General notes

    In your commander roster I suggest you use Grand Offensive, Feursturm/Special Operations/Luftwaffe Ground Forces, and a third commander of your choice.

    Try it out and tell me how viable this build is!

    submitted by /u/SpoofTheFirst
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    Any tips on beating the Wehrmacht as the British? (Hard AI)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:32 AM PST

    I can beat the Wehrmacht as the British on standard with little difficulty, but today I decided to face them on hard and it felt almost impossible. I managed to get a good headstart, capping territory and taking control of a lot of the map, but eventually it felt like there was nothing I could do against the onslaught of pioneers, grens, and panzergrens. However, trying it the other way around (Germans vs British) I absolutely destroyed the AI on my first attempt. I was actually surprised by how easy it was.

    Anyone got a good build order? I typically go for two infantry and engineers (used to use medics but with the new patch you can't get them until the next tier) with the inf heading to the front line and the cheaper engineers running around capping all the points near my base. Then I normally try to get a forward base with the tent (not sure of the name) and the mortar up, and try and get the armoured car to rush to defend any points the AI is attacking. But normally before I get the car the AI has built up to an insurmountable force and just steamrolls me.

    Also, how do I beat the AI's godlike grenade micro? Feels like the second I look away from a squad there's a grenade at their feet and the stupid bastards sit there staring at it instead of doing the sensible thing and running away. I listen out for the voice lines that indicate a grenade but I often can't react until it's too late.

    submitted by /u/MonoMemero
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    Easiest faction in 1vs1 PVP for a complete beginner?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Just started playing and loving the game!

    Which faction and commander would you recommend?

    I'm prepared for a learning curve! 😊

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Health80
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    When your teammates don't get along .

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Make the OKW upgrades last, after redeploying the truck that was destroyed.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Once you do the Pz Auth/Mech Battlegroup Supp they should last to the next truck in case the original was destroyed, or at least let them cost less in the 2nd time or make them be applied faster, because it's a pain to lose the Panzer HQ in the middle of the game, only to wait 2 minutes to be able to have another tank, rn the trucks are better in the base rather then on the battlefield (how they were concepted to be made)

    submitted by /u/ghosty0310
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    How to watch/convert replays

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Every update removes replays recorded in the previous version from the in-game replay viewer. However the files are still saved on my computer. I want to watch/convert them but nothing seems to be able to open them. VLC says it can open them but it won't and when I try converting them it just creates a 1kb file that won't play either.

    Anyone know how to get around this?

    submitted by /u/The_Gospel_of_George
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    The very best game from Patch 1.2! Ahenian vs Aniketos on Semois

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:42 AM PST

    Has Relic finally outdone itself? COH2 feels even more unplayable now

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:48 AM PST

    Is it just my bad luck or COH2 is even more unstable after the latest 80mb patch? I tried playing 6 games and not one of them lasted 5 minutes without someone or me dropping

    submitted by /u/PenilePain2674
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    USF builds.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:06 PM PST

    So far the only USF starter builds I am familiar with is the 2 Riflemen. Are there other starter builds?

    submitted by /u/Big_Yee-Howdy
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