• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 25, 2021

    Company of Heroes When someone in your M8 yells his foot is stuck.

    Company of Heroes When someone in your M8 yells his foot is stuck.

    When someone in your M8 yells his foot is stuck.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Penal Battalion ability = dAmaGe HAcK

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:44 AM PST

    Further Quality Of life/Visual Feedback Part 2

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    Part 1 Here

    To be honest, i only expect them to only tweak sandbag,fix multiple Sturmtiger bug and Paradrop AT bug in this state but here we go again.

    • Update Conscript's Sandbag 1% hp model because it look like dirt but it still provide green cover, This is not a big deal in Vanilla version but in Winter Patch Balance you will see this often because of PTRS upgrade now is projectile.
    • Update UKF's Forward Observation Post Sandbag (yes, the one in weapon rack) to provide green cover instead of yellow cover
    • Add Gunner Critical icon when Tank is in White Phosphorus (If you don't know, it disable main gun)
    • Add description to USF's Fighting Position that it will increase Line Of Sight after you upgrade 50.cal and garrison unit there.
    • Add icon to Ranger in grid order to make sure people know Ranger have 3 weapons slot (Technichly Guard Rifle have 3 slot too but it kinda hard to drop PTRS) .
    • Change capture team weapon icon from "Capture Point" one to "Pick up drop weapon/Supply Crate" one for rare instance it drop on the Neutral/Hostile point
    • Better description for 223/Opel Blitz when you set up at a resource point, you get 200% of the resource on that point (Hell, if lord A_E who organized pro event didn't know this then i don't have any hope for new player).
    • Hightlight mine through the Building/Wall when using mine sweeper and add cursor icon when you are pointing at enemy mine (I insult my friend for this because i thought it will work the same as you pointing at barb wire, sorry boss)
    • Update UKF's Sapper Remove Emplacement's description so it tell people you get 100 MP refund.
    • And If possible Change Radio Intercept Voice line to their faction choice, i know Ostheer voice is legendary but i want to hear complete OKW voice to know the situation and reading is for nerd.
    submitted by /u/myidgame01
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    beginners advise

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:35 PM PST

    hi all ! we start playing coh2 with my cousin (me okw and him ost) and i would like some advise about how play well in team and wich commanders play ?

    i usally played fortification but i lack of tactics in my offense , so i tried panzerfus and i mostly like it !

    i'm open to all kind of advise :) basic strat , order of construction in okw , how to well combine with ost ...

    the only youtuber i watch for learn an increase my map awareness is HelpingHans.

    If i come here to ask is because coh2.guide hasn't so much recent guide and a lot of patch change a lot of things ... so if you can give me too some good place to imporve my game !

    thanks all for your answer and also for make live the game still !

    submitted by /u/Hopefullture
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    The Battle of Lorraine! Company of Heroes History Episode 4

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 11:25 AM PST

    Ardennes Assault - How do I make a backup save? I saw different answers when I looked it up...

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 07:31 AM PST

    I don't want to start the campaign over every time I make a mistake or learn that Relic disabled a unit I was looking forward to using.

    Company of Heroes 2/save games...I have 11 "save" folders and don't know which to use.

    I also saw something that said the saved games were in a hidden Library folder in a Feral folder.

    Would someone please clear this up for me?

    submitted by /u/Pacho2020
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    Looking for1v1 Map Pictures.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    Are there any links Hi-Def Map pictures of 1v1 maps? Everything online looks like garbage imo.

    Thank you


    submitted by /u/Kilobravo20
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    CoH2 - Ardennes Assault - Without Pathfinders is there another way to reinforce Airborne squads? Was a reason ever given why they were removed from the Ardennes Assault?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2021 12:32 AM PST

    I saw information that Pathfinder's being disabled was a "bug," since I just got the game a few days ago and they're still disabled...has anything ever been said about the issue from Relic?

    Is there another way to reinforce Airborne other than with an Ambulance? It looked like they could heal when next to a building but I'm not 100% if I saw that correctly.

    Is there another sniper-like unit available to the US? I saw Rangers had something about 'recon' but I don't know if it makes them snipers like the Pathfinder's were.

    submitted by /u/Pacho2020
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