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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Company of Heroes CoH2 and CoH2 Ardennes Assault are Free to Keep

    Company of Heroes CoH2 and CoH2 Ardennes Assault are Free to Keep

    CoH2 and CoH2 Ardennes Assault are Free to Keep

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    CoH2 and CoH2 Ardennes Assault are Free to Keep this weekend so be sure to claim them! If you need to round out your collection, we're also running a huge Steam Sale across the whole franchise. https://store.steampowered.com/curator/36333614/sale/CompanyOfHeroesSale

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    Basic Guide for Standard USF Infantry

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    Basic Guide for Standard USF Infantry

    There are 5 different basic infantry for the USF. The Rear Echelon, Rifleman, Lieutenant, Captain, and Major come onto the field in that general order(with some flex between Lieutenant and Captain). When using these units alone they generally have some fighting potential but the USF infantry truly shine when used together.

    REAR ECHELON - This is the standard engineer/pioneer unit for the USF. Armed with m1 carbines and terrible accuracy they are not particularly useful in combat but have a few useful support abilities to highlight. One last thing to consider is that since they should not be used for most direct engagements they can (and probably should) be armed with Bazookas + Mine sweeper to help with vehicles. This will leave them with only 1 M1 carbine and they should no longer be used to engage infantry.

    The most important part of their kit for combat is the all important smoke grenade. For the cost of 15 munitions you can make a MG not a problem for a bit or if a tank is sitting still you can direct impact it and make it unable to see for a short time and move slowly. It also can be very important for contesting points that are otherwise suicide. When fired onto the ground it lasts for 20 seconds and when fired onto a vehicle it blocks sight for 8 seconds.

    The only other combat ability is Volley Fire. It is not worth the 20 munition in my opinion. Bazookas make this ability literally do nothing. I have heard that giving the unit Bars can make this somewhat useful but have never tried it.

    The last thing that should be noted for Rear echelon troops is their numerous construction abilities. Tank Traps and Razor Wire can both be very useful and a fighting position allows Rear Echelon troops to fire unlimited rifle grenades while inside. The M7 mine will act as a stun if a vehicle hits it and does minor damage.

    RIFLEMAN - This is your mainline fighting infantry. They are armed with the potent M1 Garand. In theory they should be used at medium range for maximum effectiveness but I have found that it is more important to attempt to use them at the range the enemy squad is least effective at. For example against AssGrens(armed with SMGs) you keep them at max range and against Volks(armed with bolt action rifles) you attempt to SAFELY close to hugging range. They should generally not be upgraded with Bazookas but instead be given Bars. They generally have 2 potent combat abilities.

    The Mk 2 Frag Grenade is a standard infantry grenade. It can be used to damage any infantry unit that is hit by its explosion radius. Frags have great utility at flushing squads out of cover. Within a short radius around the Frag it will instantly kill even full health members of a squad. The only exception to that rule is when used against a squad in green cover where it will not instantly kill full health models. Be careful about how often you use them. They cost 30 munitions and a few botched throws can cost you Bars and Bazookas.

    The other ability Riflemen have access to is the Anti Tank Rifle Grenade. It does a small amount of damage to vehicles and will damage their engines making them much slower until repaired. This ability is very important for properly engaging armor as it allows you to the vehicle off before it can get away. At a cost of 25 munitions make sure to only use them to damage engines or take out the last sliver of health of a vehicle.

    LIEUTENANT - The Lieutenant shares some similarities with Riflemen but some very important differences. You are only allowed 1 Lieutenant. He is armed with 4 M1 Garands and 1 Thompson. The addition of 1 Thompson makes the Lieutenant better at close to mid range fights than a standard Rifleman but keeping the Thompson in mind its engagement ranges are still similar to the riflemen. You might have some extra success against a close range squad closing the distance. All officers have 2 key things to point out about veterancy. First is that officers do not need direct combat to gain experience. They gain experience from nearby squads being in combat. Secondly at the third star they gain a sprint that is always active while not in combat. What you arm a Lieutenant with from the weapon racks is up to you but you always have the ability to upgrade him to have a bazooka if the need arises. The Lieutenant has 2 abilities that I have covered above.

    The Mk 2 Frag Grenade is a standard infantry grenade. It can be used to damage any infantry unit that is hit by its explosion radius. Frags have great utility at flushing squads out of cover. Within a short radius around the Frag it will instantly kill even full health members of a squad. The only exception to that rule is when used against a squad in green cover where it will not instantly kill full health models. Be careful about how often you use them. They cost 30 munitions and a few botched throws can cost you Bars and Bazookas.

    The smoke grenade. For the cost of 15 munitions you can make a MG not a problem for a bit or if a tank is sitting still you can direct impact it and make it unable to see for a short time and move slowly. It also can be very important for contesting points that are otherwise suicide. When fired onto the ground it lasts for 20 seconds and when fired onto a vehicle it blocks sight for 8 seconds.

    CAPTAIN - Again the Captain shares some abilities with Riflemen. It is armed exactly the same as the Lieutenant so you can read abovehow to use it in combat and the note about veterancy is exactly the same. The 2 big differences are that you always have the ability to upgrade him to have a Bar if the need arises instead of a Bazooka and the abilities are slightly different.

    The smoke grenade. For the cost of 15 munitions you can make a MG not a problem for a bit or if a tank is sitting still you can direct impact it and make it unable to see for a short time and move slowly. It also can be very important for contesting points that are otherwise suicide. When fired onto the ground it lasts for 20 seconds and when fired onto a vehicle it blocks sight for 8 seconds.

    \"On Me!\" is a decent free buff to a squad and has a key importance. A squad will Sprint(and I mean URAHHH) to the captain. It also gives that squad more accurate fire and better resistance to small arms fire for 8 seconds. It is useful for pulling a squad back from MG suppression or pushing a squad up to get a grenade on a MG. While the squad will sprint to the captain on activation you can select the squad and move it wherever you would like without losing the sprint or the bonuses. Requires Vet 1 to use.

    Supervise is a non combat ability. Can use if you are reinforcing while building something new tho.

    MAJOR - The major is as bad as a Rear Echelon squad in combat. Armed with 2 M1 Carbines and 1 M1911(a pistol) it is not meant for the front line. It does have the same Veterancy note as the other officers though which helps it gain veterancy. You should keep this safe because its abilities are the real deal.

    The Recon flight costs 50 munitions and allows you to select a direction you want 1 or 2 (depending on veterancy) planes to fly in and give you some vision. They go fast so make sure to pay attention. It can help line up some off map abilities you couldn't otherwise use.

    Same as above but if you are using your Major's smoke grenade something stinky has hit the fan.

    Allows you to redirect soldiers to the Major on retreat instead of the base. Useful to bring squads back to the fight faster. Set it up next to an ambulance and make a little first aid station. If you want to turn it off it has a very long cooldown.

    Rapid Barrage is pretty cheap for what it is. At 60 munitions your major can call in an artillery barrage. Most useful against structures and other stationary things. Vet 2 adds 3 more shells to the barrage.

    Fake Rapid Barrage makes the same red flares as Rapid Barrage with 100% less explosions. It costs 20 munitions and is as useful as the regular barrage. It will scare other players to move units away from where they are and can win engagements when used well. Just make sure the enemy player notices the barrage flares. Requires Vet 2.

    bonus MED TRUCK - Because it is such an important part of the Majors Retreat ability and also keeping squads in action I'm going to mention that you should try to keep this with your forces so they do not have to make a full retreat. Try not to lose it but especially in the early part of the game keeping it with your infantry can make you invincible. Just be careful of manpower bleed.

    Ok I went over all the different infantry and how they work but the real potency is when you combine them together in your big infantry lasagna. The general idea is to keep the Riflemen up front and the officers behind. You might think that is not using the Thompson to its maximum effectiveness but the battlefield is always changing and its good to throw them in after the main engagement has started. I generally go with 3 riflemen in front and well spaced apart with the lieutenant and Captain slightly ahead of the major(unless he is acting like a forward retreat on a large map(but don't waste him like that if you can help it)). Remember that your officers have smoke to disengage a losing fight and pull back to a nearby med truck. If they chase then you take the fight on your terms without their team weapons ready. Also remember the Captains "On Me" it will save you in many situations where a squad would otherwise need to make a full retreat. Even better use a Recon plane and don't get in those situations in the first place. If you are still having trouble with all the smoke and grenades you are using remember that you have a Major to back you up with the big boy barrage. Throw a few team weapons of your own into the mix (or better yet take some of those German ones they just left laying around for some reason) and you should be able to handle all but the largest of threats.

    Make sure to stay mentally flexible and you will be thinking of more ways to win than your hand can accomplish.

    Let me know what you think of all this and thanks for reading

    TLDR: Using the different USF infantry together can overcome all threats.

    submitted by /u/actualsen
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    If we are going to have an influx of new players, can we pin some beginner resources?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Just a quick thought to help get new players started.

    Some references could include Youtubers and things like Tightrope's Beginner series

    Serealia is a patch out of date, but a great way to get hard numbers on unit stats and weapons, as well as a visual representation of unit DPS at various ranges.

    A veterancy guide to let players know what kinds of buffs they can expect on their units as they rank up.

    This ability guide to give players a clear picture of exactly what each ability does.

    Stein's Stat Sheets is probably a few patches out of date now, but still mostly up to date. They have a lot of useful (and often obscure) information that can be hard to find elsewhere.

    submitted by /u/Into_The_Rain
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    anybody got this unit call in bug? unit when call in the same time stuck with each others

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Just bought CoH2 and I don't know if I have everything. Help!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    Sounds stupid, but I'm serious and tired because it's after midnight.

    Just as the title says. I noticed that Coh2 was on sale on steam and bought it, but because there are about 80 dlcs and additional stuff I don't know, if I have everything for the basegame/campaign mode. (Excluding skins and additional visual stuff)

    This is what I have now. Is this enough?

    Company of Heroes 2


    Ardennes Assault, Standard Game, The British Forces, The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West, The Western Front Armies: US Forces, Case Blue Mission Pack, Southern Fronts Mission Pack, Victory at Stalingrad Mission Pack

    submitted by /u/Clonetrooper_C4
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    What did the Panzergrenadier says?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    I think he says this after killing an enemy unit:

    Shutzen MinaKill ??


    The enemy is Kaput?


    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Bowl-505
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    How to counter pioneer spam as USF

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    I played a match and this Wher player spammed engineers and chased all my rifles back to base and wiped everything I had. He had about 8 or so pioneers and skipped straight to flakpanzers. How the hell do I counter this or is it just a busted meta and I got deranked because USF sucks.

    submitted by /u/Mausben_Pro
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    Fresh meat for the grinder is on the way

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:16 PM PDT

    When conducting an attack, how do you coordinate flanks?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    When i conduct an attack, i usually have at least two groups conducting the same attack from 2 different angles. Obviously it's important to have them arrive at the target at about the same time so it's not just a trickle-in attack. Since it's so much to micro, i tend to send one group a little bit out, spread the units out behind cover, and wait while i send out the second group a little distance. Then I'll move the first group a little further, stop, and move the second group a little further, and so on. Basically kinda stopping and going before reaching the enemy so they arrive at roughly the same time. The only issue is it takes a while to reach the enemy, is there a better way to coordinate or is this normal?

    submitted by /u/Fez98
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    DLC and balance

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    I'm looking to try the game, but have heard some mixed opinions from friends who played previously about balance. Some of them (and some steam reviewers) insist that DLC grants an advantage in some situations and is therefore pay2win but other friends who played deny this. Is there a community consensus on whether dlc ever influences the outcome of pvp play and if so by how much?

    submitted by /u/blad3mast3r
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    Should I buy Company of Heroes legacy edition?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Is it worth it for the content? I have around 4.5 hours on the game and have played only the main campaign and haven't looked into any other aspects of the game. Would you recommend buying the legacy edition?
    And also, how would you recommend I learn the game more?

    submitted by /u/Grand_WT
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    i got officially f-d by relic

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    yesterday i got a promotion on steam, for case blue and victory at stalingrad, for only 5 dollars, for me as a polish teenager 5 dollars is a lot, but i still bought it, AND NOW, EVERYTHING IS 34189320942890 TIMES CHEAPER F YOU RELIC

    submitted by /u/ProduktywnyMidlaner
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    Do you know mod that allows every factions to dig trenches?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    I like to turtle in trenches, I like to create my frontline in ww1 style, with trenches, mortars, sandbags and barbed wire. I know it's not the ideal tactic but I enjoy doing that in casual matches against AI, anyways only british troops can dig trenches, is there any mod out there that allows every faction to dig them? (for both coh1 and coh2)

    submitted by /u/TheComm96002
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    Possible to annihilate standard AI with AI team in COH2?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    I decided to try out COH2 since it's in the Xbox gamepass, and I'm pretty surprised how broken the ally ai is. I played the first game a long time ago and I really enjoyed just playing against the AI, but the friendly AI in this game seems completely broken. Unlike in the first game, they don't really attack or assist in anyway. They kinda just stick tanks in random spots while the enemy caps.

    About five times over in a 3 hour 4v4 game, I pushed into the enemy base on one side and destroyed all the buildings, and the map even showed a skull and crossbones on the map. Yet, for whatever reason, pioneers appeared from nowhere and resurrected them while I went to the other side of the map to kill the other two off.

    Any time I wreck an enemy base, my AI teammates start to pullback and and mass their units at their own base. I even tried to ping spots on the map to make them attack, but they would only move up to the halfway mark on the map and stop before pulling back again. It's just so weird to me because the enemy pushes hard into our territory constantly, why doesn't the friendly AI do the same? They're all standard level too, shouldn't their tactics be the same?

    submitted by /u/commitmepls
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    Your go to commanders for each faction?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    I'm interested in reading your opinions about your go to commanders, how you play with them and in which gamemodes?

    submitted by /u/CommercialIcy1658
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    Modding support for COH 1 on mobile?

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    I see a lot of mods on MODDB and wish for them to be in COH 1 mobile like the massive one that adds a lot of factions like the Japanese... but I'm doubtful that feral (the guys who are porting it) will add mod support.

    submitted by /u/Commrade-DOGE
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    Player Inetionaly crash the game

    Posted: 27 May 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    yes you read it right , a player know a exploit or a bug that he can make the game crash while in a multiplayer match

    idk how he did that but this is his name https://gyazo.com/995f8631493e37d1ed15a9810202878b

    and this is his id 78762345902145789 , if anyone know pls contact relic

    submitted by /u/RommelHamieh
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