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    Saturday, May 8, 2021

    Company of Heroes OKW Last Levy Commander

    Company of Heroes OKW Last Levy Commander

    OKW Last Levy Commander

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Listening to Sabaton's 'Hearts of Iron' got me thinking of about how a potential very late war / fall of Berlin commander would function and this is what I came up with.

    3CP - Knights Cross Officer - 4 Models (Same as Sturm Offizier) all with STG's at a slightly higher dps then PGrens. Functions similarly to SOV Commissar having abilities to buff other squads, particularly hold the line. Access to smoke and basic stick frag grenade.

    - For 150 Muni's can call in a unique heavy arty strike (The Assault Artillery from Breakthrough without the smoke follow up) can only be used in friendly sectors and the barrage auto targets the officer)

    3CP - Field Defences

    4 CP - Volksturm: Partisan levels of received accuracy stats if not worse outside of cover, in cover they become about as sturdy as ostruppen. Poor accuracy on all weapons as well, meant to be spammed cheap to reinforce and an annoyance to remove while being poor at all ranges.

    • 180 mp cost
    • 15 mp reinforcement (Reduced to 10 as part of 9CP Last Levy)
    • 7 Models - 1 x STG, 2 x MP40, 3 x K98, 1 x G43
    • Access to Pz faust
    • Can build Trenches and Bunkers
    • Models are a mix of civilian, partisan, fusilier, volks and ostruppen to represent a civilian force pressed into combat and given a random uniform.

    8CP - Pak 43

    9CP - Last Levy:

    1. Fuel starved PZ4 J Becomes available - Costs manpower only, no fuel. Very fast build time. Once built has a 2 min timer of fuel before it becomes immobilised and will remain so until it is refuelled by any infantry for the full fuel cost of a PZ4 J, at which point it functions as a normal PZ4 J
    2. Volksturm reinforcement cost reduced from 15mp - 10mp.
    3. Youth Squad Becomes available -
    • 160 mp cost
    • 12 mp reinforcement
    • Passive speed buff out of combat (Similar to current radio silence buff)
    • 6 Models - 1 x STG, 5 x K98
    • Access to very short range Satchel Charges both standard and AT (Throw range is half that of Penals)
    • Can Booby Trap points
    • Models are a mix of Fusilier and Volks

    As always just a bit of a fun hypothetical, that being said I'd love to see some new weird and wonderful commanders make it to the game!

    submitted by /u/AnimatedPepe
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    Imo, the balance team is neglecting 3v3/4v4, and this isn't fair.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    The commanders patch is a chance to right the 4v4 60/40 situaton. For Reference:

    4v4 is the most popular game mode. Its unacceptable that the balance team tiptoe around it because it doesn't affect their elite 1v1/2v2 scene.

    The excuse of 'its just a for fun game mode dood don't complain' cited by balance team affiliates all the time when players complain about 4v4 balance is imo not fair. The balance team is abusing their position by ignoring the balance and play experience of the majority of the playerbase.

    Also its clear that axis specifically benefits from the balance team turning a blind eye.

    I think we've had enough posts recently outlining why 4v4 is a mess right now for allied players, so rather than complaining any further, I'm offering a solution.

    Imo, the solution is to have a set of commanders designed for 1v1 and 2v2, and another set designed for 3v3/4v4.

    The balance team needs to take a hard look over 4v4 commanders and balance them so that they have specific roles and strengths.

    This means that, while unit stats between modes remain the same and thus intuitive, both small modes and larger modes can actually be balanced seperately from one another, and something resembling a fair play experience for 4v4 players can actually happen.

    1v1 and 2v2 are much more early and midgame oriented, while 3v3 and 4v4 are much more late game oriented. Even now, practically speaking, there are small and large game commanders, its just not a formalised thing.

    Finally, I'd like to see the balance team Formally say that they aren't forsaking large game modes. Far too often their language communicates otherwise. This is extremely disheartening, for obvious reasons.

    An appeal to close this off...

    Can the balance team PLEASE not forsake 4v4? It is literally the most popular mode. That the balance team seems to give it only passing attention is unfair.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Fairly new to coh2, need some help. Please

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    I've recently started playing COH2 and have been doing fine (i guess) with German (not OKW) but I'm trying to play with Soviet and seem to get my ass handed to me fairly quick.

    I can't seem to get the right composition... I know it's situational but I like to have something for everything.

    It's the early game that I get shat on, unlike German with their MG42, omg I love that.

    I'd really appreciate if could get some tips to play with Soviet. (preferably for the early game)

    submitted by /u/SaltyDuckk
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    Couple questions to seasoned players

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    1. Is KV-1 worth it and how does it's value change depending on game size (1v1 to 4v4)? I've been experimeting with Counterattack (correct me if I'm wrong, the one with B-4) doctrine and Guard combined arms (the one with ML-20, Guards, PPsH and IL-2 overwatch) and since KV-1s are a part of those doctrines I'vew decided to try it out, it perms meh but the vet-1 ability proved to be surprisingly useful

    2. Is there a way to play OST like OKW or USF? What I mean by that is that I struggle at good support weapons play. I'm more of a heavy infantry style of gameplay, winning early engagements by proper flanking, positioning of my Rifles / Volks / Cons and I was wondering if there is a commander that supports that style of play for OST, Grens are more of a long range stationary unit, they are 4 man only so they are fraggile too.

    3. Due to my style of playing I've learnt to manage my inf squads properly, I am capable of not losing them stupidly and I've had a "problem" of sorts playing USF where I go for 3x Rifles start into an Officer which makes 4 squads, that really pulls me away from calling in elite infantry like Paras or Rangers because managing 6-8 squads gets a bit hard for me and I feel like it's just a waste of resources, should I focus on USF Doctrines that don't include Elite Infantry if I'm good at keeping my Rifles vetted and alive throughout the game?

    submitted by /u/ResolveAlternative
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    Questions for seasoned UKF mains...

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    1.is there a better way to deal dug in ostheer players other than building a mortar pit? I find building the 210mp +250mp too expensive for a (basically) useless unit and a static mortar, and it slows everything down. Tbh I use emplacements doctrine atm just so I don't need to build the sapper.

    1. Are there any viable engineer builds?

    2. Is there an ideal late game comp to deal with German armour (panthers)? I seem to lose out no matter what I do... Usually Churchill's and fireflies or a couple of comets.

    submitted by /u/TheonlyJienno2
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    Is USF Elite crews till bugged?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    *Ahem I meant Still bugged.

    Last I checked, there was a bug where the crew lost their repair bonus and veterancy bonus upon exiting and re-crewing the tank.

    This bug has been around for ages. Will it ever be addressed?

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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