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    Sunday, May 9, 2021

    Company of Heroes why are people like this and why is it always okw players?

    Company of Heroes why are people like this and why is it always okw players?

    why are people like this and why is it always okw players?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Insignia/Color question

    Posted: 09 May 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Been searching workshop, and frankly it's pretty hard to believe so I gotta ask: there's really no way to change your team color or insignia (like on point flags)?

    submitted by /u/OccultStoner
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    USF Special Recon Company

    Posted: 09 May 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Call in support from a nearby OSS detachment. The Office of Strategic Services lends technological support to surveille and disorient the enemy.

    0 cp

    Radio Intercept (passive)
    - Intercepts enemy radio transmissions, providing valuable intel on enemy actions.

    0 cp

    Black Ops (passive)
    - Lt. and Cpt. squads gain "Casualty Interrogation," plus a passive "Radio Net" at Vet 1, which gives a slight buff to nearby infantry (i.e. sight range and reload speed, like the Sherman radio net)
    - Lt. and Cpt. squads' Garand rifles are replaced with Grease Guns

    1 cp

    SR Pathfinders (airborne call-in) 320-mp
    - Basically an air-inserted Pathfinder squad with 4x carbines and less vision range, but same vet bonuses
    - Passive buff with captured enemy weapons (like 5% better cooldown, reload speed, and accuracy)
    - Upgrade to 2x stolen STG44's for 80 munitions
    - Can place up to 3 hidden "Broadcast Beacons" which will periodically cause nearby enemy units to report contact with phantom troops at the fringe of their LOS. These phantom units briefly appear like real units on the minimap and tactical map.

    3 cp

    CQB Package (ability) 90-muni
    - Airdrop of 3 crates
    - 2 crates contain Thompson SMG's that can be equipped by any unit
    - The third crate grants a stun grenade ability to any squad that picks it up

    4 cp

    Mole Network (ability) 120-muni
    - Gain brief LOS from every ambient building on the map, even if it contains an enemy garrison
    - Buildings with enemy garrisons will ignite as if a molotov was thrown inside

    submitted by /u/spatialflow
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    Why Does the Dev Team Hate Brits?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Having cooled off and tried the beta patch, here's a Spirited Defence of the balance team's efforts in balancing 4v4

    Posted: 09 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    For Reference: my previous scathing post regarding 4v4 state of balance.

    TL:DR: The balance team DOES care about 4v4. Sorry, and thank you for the effort. Hopefully this post makes you guys feel appreciated.

    TL:DR: New beta balance patch basically addresses all of my and community concerns with 4v4, so my rant was pointless and I should look before I leap. Also, most 'the balance team doesn't care about 4v4 lul' posts seem to be coming from vocal 1v1 elitists. The balance team is half teamgame players, and every patch some 4v4 only changes are made, so it cannot be correct that they don't care.

    Having cooled off, gone for a hike, and tried the beta patch... upon realising it actually exists and is testable RIGHT NOW (I'm a fucking idiot), here's a defence of the balance team's efforts in 4v4.

    I feel like my previous post was made in some anger, which I apologise to the balance team for. The new patch will actually shake up 4v4 quite a bit and its clear that many of the changes are directly aimed at trying to bringing the allies into line with axis in terms of 4v4 capability.

    I think there is actually an issue with people respecting the fun of people in different game modes, but obviously, that's not the balance team at fault. That previous post was more or less the culmination of 2 years of dealing with bullshit (mainly lefh) as allies in 4v4 and getting "Its just the for fun mode bro" as the justification when trying to make balance suggestions for 4v4 on reddit and forums, which eroded my faith in the balance process over time. However, new patch renews that faith quite a bit.

    First off, I'm going do defend and explain myself, because I am selfish, and then I will defend and explain for the balance team, because my former post is unfair on them as they have actually been making some large attempts to balance 4v4.

    Positions I am still defending, with a caveat:

    Mainly, these are actually attitudes held by some 1v1 players, not necessarily the balance team itself. As such the following is a defence of 4v4 as a mode, not an attack on the balance team.

    -4v4 deserves good balancing: Most of the player-base plays 4v4, and we have a balance team. Part of that balance teams responsibility, logically, is to provide balancing support for 4v4, the most popular mode. People saying that 4v4 should not be balanced at all because its the 'for fun' mode are both counter-productive to discussion and are disrespectful of the fun of the 4v4 playerbase. The balance team is half team game players, so this is really just a dumb argument between 1v1 players and 4v4 players. This isn't a real issue.

    -Despite being the fun, casual mode, 4v4 still should receive balance attention: 4v4 has quite a few problems on both sides of the park that harm the fun of the mode. These are....balance issues! They are largely caused by the relationship between allied and axis 4v4 commanders. British Cancer doctrine, spotting scopes elephant, and Lefh counterbarrage are the main offenders...which are getting fixed by the balance team next patch.

    -4v4 IS Balanceable! : At least to a basic extent, a LOT of bullshit can be avoided by some basic changes to 4v4 commanders. We can see this, by the fact that the balance team are fixing tons of bullshit in the next patch. This can be done without harming 1v1 and 2v2, because 4v4/3v3 commanders are typically awful in 1v1 and vice versa. As we can see in the beta patch, this is true. 4v4 commanders are being altered in ways that will not harm 1v1 and will help 4v4.

    Positions I am retracting and raising support for the balance team:

    -The new patch addresses most-all of my concerns. While the last 2 years have honestly been a shitshow for 4v4, with the exception of the MG and mortar smoke changes, which have helped immensely, this new patch is actually very good for 4v4. This shows a clear decision by the balance team to make a major effort to support 4v4. This might simply be because 1v1 is more affected by small changes, which they usually do as they are easier, while 4v4 is much more affected by sweeping Commander Patches, which are more rare due to limited programming resources.

    -60/40, not for long: The new patch might actually shift the balance of power and winrate much closer to 50/50 for 4v4 and 3v3.

    -More variety: the new patch is generally shaking up a lot of doctrines, especially meta ones.

    Here's a list of semi-confirmed, major nerfs to 4v4 axis meta doctrines that will probably make allied mains rejoice:

    -Lefh lost Counterbattery (confirmed). First off, now axis cannot win by getting to an easily accessible win condition that causes them to suppress allied artillery, mortar, and even Zis gun support across most of the map. This is a massive change, because it also allows allied players to use non-nuke doctrines. Often times, at least 1 allied players are forced to -pre-pick anti-lefh doctrines just in case lefh's gets built by 1 of the enemy players at some point in the match, to prevent an auto-loss to counter-barrage.

    This wasn't a huge problem until the balance team removed Nukes from key soviet doctrines (alongside wehr, which were less affected because they didn't have to deal with counter barrage), but after the fact, lefh's became unintentionally empowered by this.

    Honestly, I would support all Static arty getting a Brace ability, now that Lefh's don't single handedly turn games anymore, they and equivalents can gain some tankiness to compensate.

    Allied Players are no longer forced into anti-LEFH doctrines in higher level 4v4 (confirmed): This is huge news for soviet players, which currently have very limited options when it comes to doctrines that can nuke Lefh's. For all allied players, in organised 4v4 teams you typically have to have at least 1 player, and at best 2, on anti-lefh duty, and this limits their choices quite a bit.

    -Elephant lost spotting scopes (pretty much confirmed): This means that the elephant is now quite blind without another unit to scout. In order to use spotting scopes well, the elephant now requires a micro'd spotting vehicle to achieve 70 range snipes via the scopes. Even if this is a cheap-ish scout car, a scout car is a killable thing that can blind the elephant. This means, for example, you can direct broad arty fire where the elephant is for a good chance at fucking up the scout car. Otherwise, the elephant needs infantry to spot for it, like the ISU and Jagtiger.

    -Soviets are (possiby) getting Bazooka teams: This means soviets can doctrinally react to panther/P4/Brummbar massing via zooks rather than hoping the enemy will stray into a mine. Previously it could be very difficult to counter panther dives without hoping that they would fall onto one of the mines that didn't get destroyed by artillery. This gives soviets a real option outside of the very flankable or arty-able AT guns and SU85.

    Overall this is a heavy blow to all the meta axis doctrines and much of the butthurt that resulted from having to consistently fight against them in higher level 4v4.

    Here is a confirmed healthy nerf to 4v4 allies:

    -British Sim City doctrine is being reworked to be more fragile and less of a straight upgrade.

    This is pretty good IMO. Sim City was, admittedly, pretty fucking cancer, and if axis are losing all of the above, then brits can also afford to lose simcity.

    Already completed changes: these came too soon because of the lefh, but now make sense:

    Powerhouse soviet doctrine nerf:

    The two Soviet ISU doctrines lost their nuke plane. While in the awkward intermediary period, this left soviet players high and dry against Lefh's. However, with planned Lefh nerfs, this makes sense. This also disallows this already strong doctrine from using Nuke planes to kill tanks, infantry, and OKW HQ's.

    Range nerf on ISU HE: Again this makes sense, the balance team were overall trying to tune back SuperTD doctrines.

    Calliope nerf: The calliope was made weaker to allow it to be countered by panther dives or clever Super-TD's if it was recklessly used for short range barrages. This is IMO a good change.

    TL:DR balance team cares about 4v4. Big changes incoming.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    What leads people to believe soviets are op?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    I find ost to be way easier and way less micro intensive, but others disagree.

    submitted by /u/firepit0501
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    The AFK problem

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    I usually refrain from getting snippy, insulting and yelling at my teammates who are bad at the game unless they themselves start getting toxic because that doesn't feel fair. But if it's one thing that can get me tilting are people who are completely AFK from the start and this is very common in this game for some reason and it baffles me. IF YOU'RE NOT PLANNING ON BEING PRESENT AT THE START OF THE GAME, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU QUEUING UP AN AUTOMATCH!? I understand the wait time can be a bit long sometimes and I myself usually tab out. But it's very easy to simply check on the taskbar frequently and you will notice when a game has been found.

    It's a thousand times worse than having the AI replace a teammate because at least the AI does something. Today I had a 4v4 where literally half my team was AFK for the first 10 or so minutes, my sole other present teammate dropped pretty quickly understandably. When the other 2 finally showed up I called them assholes and then quit which is really uncharacteristic of me. If you can't be there at the beginning of the game, please, for the love of god cancel your automatch search.

    submitted by /u/fanvapinsamt
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    Shock Troops with K/D of 86. 86 kills, 1 Loss

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    Best 4v4 Map?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:26 AM PDT

    [USF] How to queue order for vehicle crew to repair and jump in?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Whenever i jump the crew out, the cursor change to repair icon, then when i press the tank to repair it, press shift amd try to jump the crew in, the cursor always take some time before it can change to the capture ( get in tank ) icon, is there anyway to make it faster? I felt this problem has made my experience with the USF very sloppy

    submitted by /u/Lappodamy
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    Battle report from the usf frontline

    Posted: 09 May 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    (Note: this post is meant to be a follow up to my past post asking tips about Usf, you can see it here, though the past post is not needed to understand this one https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/mr914c/transitioning_from_ost_to_usf_any_up_to_date/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share )

    Day 6 The landing was good for us, thanks to Lady Luck and the ferocity of my men fighting for one another ( win ratio 9 to 4 out of 13 games ). Krauts were caught with their pants down, and they were easy pickings to us ( 8 game win streak ) . That said, when they are regrouped, they put up hellova fight... 6 of my men was gunned down by an mg when they were radioing for armor support, least the boys under me know when to flank and shaft them to bits...these boys have some fight in them, i just wish they were better train for this meat grinder ( dont know which commander to use ). Its gonna get worse the closer we move into their territories, i gotta believe in my men if we want to survive this hellhole. ( currently at rank 7, dont know what to expect from the opponent and the matchups here )

    ( the script was meant to be read in Vastano voice, i made it to have something different from the usual "ask for tip" :)), my problems and infos on the journey are in the parentheses, read it without the parentheses for the story only )

    ( Note2: right now, the commanders i have are airborne comp, armor comp, inf comp and urban assault comp )

    submitted by /u/Lappodamy
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    The day has come, wiped CoH 2 off my harddrive after having my first game again in 1,5 years

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    "You wont be missed dipshit" sure, fine, I´ll be around for CoH 3 again anyway. Here are my takeways for what they will need to fix for the next game after the match:

    1. The game is negative and little rewarding; you get constantly told that your units are dying and even if you are winning there is little positive feedback. This feeds into all the negativity from players too in-game.
    2. The balance is total rubbish for most players (competetitive might be different) in team games. Axis are way OP. They can make blunders and get away with it.
    3. The game performs poorly. Even though its over 5 years old, it still lags at peak battles.
    4. There is too much useless macro required. For years, you had to redirect the Jacksons to shoot at vehicles again after you had them exit to repair their vehicles. This got fixed, after years, but there are many other examples. This makes the game uncessarily complicated.
      If you play other games, then come back to this, you realize how it´s basicly designed to 1) stress you out, and piss you off. I did enjoy the many hours with all of you, and it was worth it, but these are some of the things I hope Relic looks at for the next game.
    submitted by /u/ScroodgeMcDick
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    Fix COH 1 Server Bug

    Posted: 09 May 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    Is there a way to fix some of the bugs in CoH 1 online skirmish games? Sometimes I play with my friends and for some reason we have different things happening on our screens. For example, my base could be destroyed on my screen but on his screen I am still attacking him. I really like to play CoH 1 but these bugs are frequent and I am going mental.

    submitted by /u/kc1ts
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