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    Company of Heroes Warning, Blob Alert!

    Company of Heroes Warning, Blob Alert!

    Warning, Blob Alert!

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    How should i play USF?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    People say USF is really strong in early game but i have not jet figured out how or why.

    I dont claim to be a good player just a passioned one. (USF main)

    I am currently improving my game and i am rank 5 so far and i increasingly match with people that use either grens from cover to cover when ostheer or a kombo of volks-pioneers-küberlwagen from cover to cover when okw. Wich is something that i could not jet find an answer to.

    It really troubles me when i fight a player that uses cover well with grens and volks and that utillises rifle grenades that are hard to spot in time (wich often wipe one of my riflesquats) or fire grenades to denie good cover. That combined with the fakt that the lieutenant takes for ever to spawn puts me in a bad spot since while the lieutenant is in the making i lack firepower and my opponment meanwhile usually gets 2 extra squats like 1mg and 1 gren or volk. This often leads to my opponment at least taking a extra third of my territory with either fuel or ammo. Not to speak of continues manpower drains and model drops.

    g43s and stg44s upgrades dont make matters easyer.

    My build order is rifles>rifles>lieutenant (with a little resources to spare). I allways try to go as fast as possible for either m20 scout-car or a mg50cal but if its a good player that i am up against it is likely allready to late. Then ill go bar-bazookaupgrade wich i kind of feel like is weaker in comparrison to double stg44s (even if i get double bars) but whatever.

    This is not a rant but i dont see how i could beat that.

    I am actually better late game, i had some exciting comebacks.

    pls help, ill take any advise.

    submitted by /u/romschky
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    Best USF Commander and tactics?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm still relatively new but I've got about 100 hours in the game and I've seen plenty around saying people don't really like the USF and that the Axis is OP. Does anyone know what the best/most reliable USF doctrines are?

    submitted by /u/Mausben_Pro
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    Im new to the game but i play dota 2 and sc2 competitively and these winrates are outright unacceptable are the developers of this game high?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    How to double shot with sniper in coh1

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Always forgetting to invest resources

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Hello guys whenever i play (specially during mid game) i get carried away with managing my sniper and mortars and i end up forgetting to use my resources. Generally i look down only to find out i have like a 1000 mp just waiting to be spent. Is this entirely bad? How much mp should i have on reserve? What units should i buy if there Is no nerd for a hard counter?

    I only play ost for The time being. Scuse my poor english i am not a native speaker.

    submitted by /u/actunpt
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    Should Assault Officer have Commando Brens?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:56 AM PDT


    For reference, when Commandos pick up Brens, they do nearly double the damage that tommies do with the Bren, and can fire while moving. The main reason for this is to allow for Commandos to be turned into a Ober-like squad if giving them 2 Brens.

    Assault officer used to have this skill back when he was in a Commando Doctrine, but lost it when he became a core unit.

    Usually these days you just keep him with the SMG's, as its not really worth Brenning him.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    I need Advice for Micro

    Posted: 03 May 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    I played a decent amount of COH2 a while ago, but is topped playing after some time. I want to get back into the game, but one of the things that puts me off is the fact that the game is so micro intensive. I have never been good at RTS's, so I want to know how to get better at micro. Early game is fine, but once I am just holding a flank and fighting late game, I start to lose track of units, and leave thighs lying around, or I don't notice an attack and end up losing territory. How can I get better at this part of the game? I would also appreciate some generally tips for getting better at the game in terms of strategy as well, because I feel like I fall behind late game when compared to my allies often.

    submitted by /u/Captianofcats
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    [SOV] Struggling with Axis infantry spam

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    I play Soviets around Rank 6 in 1v1, so I don't pretend to be a high-level player. However, I have a good grasp of different units and their capabilities. I start with normal conscript openings, but I find dealing with mass Ost or OKW mainline infantry difficult.

    I know the counters - maxims, Zis barrages, scout car if they don't have snares, etc. - but not how to use them consistently. Grens, Volks and Panzerfusiliers are my main problem units; they're cheap enough to outnumber me (eventually) and strong enough to outgun me. They also scale well with their weapon upgrades. If I don't deal with spam fast enough, it's straight into a Pz4 and then a loss.

    I know that for me it's a L2P issue, but at this point I should be able to counter this better than I am right now. What are the best strategies to counter this consistently?

    submitted by /u/Ryzenator_
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    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    They seem to be the worst team in 1v1. You have to micro so hard in order to win.

    I just played vs. OKW. Panzerfusiliers, according to their description are supposed to be good at LONG range. Well, they beat my riflemen at close range even when I have one BAR.

    The fucking Sturmoffizier beats my riflemen. Why is their officer better than my core infantry unit?

    The Panzer IV is pretty good against Shermans and even anti-tank gun.

    Once a panther comes out, the only thing I can really rely on are the M20 mines (which are great, but the only really excellent thing the USF has).

    Tank destroyer has a terrible line of sight.

    I've seen people acknowledge before that Allies have to work much harder to win than Axis. It's just frustrating.

    Edit: People always say the USF is strong early game. They're not. German infantry is better than US infantry early game. Germans can counter everything the USF puts out early game. If anything I've found that it takes me a bit to find my footing, so they seem to be strong MEDIUM game and then get wrecked by German heavy armor late game.

    submitted by /u/ExtensionFeeling
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    Half made sandbag??

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    Do sandbags that are half made ( in progress but not completed yet ) still give unit behind it light cover?

    submitted by /u/Lappodamy
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    Please buff Volkgrenedier's veterancy.

    Posted: 02 May 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    After i argue with alot of people about how Volkgren is shit (with mixed answer) late game now i have logical answer now.

    The general rule is mainline infantry vet 3 will recieve something like this.

    Eastern Army Facton : +40% accuracy , -30% recieve accuracy.

    Western Army Faction : +30% accuracy , -40% recieve accuracy.

    There might be some exception here and there like Penal got +50% accuracy and -20% recieve accuracy instead and some elite might have another bonus at vet 2 but mostly all mainline follow this rule.

    But by the time Volk got to vet 3 Volk only recieve +30% accuracy but only -25% recieve accuracy.

    Please buff Volk :(

    PS. UKF's veterancy might not follow this rule (ex.Commando got only +30% accuracy,-10 recieve accuracy) because most of the unit stat is quite already high and i'm OK with that.

    Also i'm not stat master, i just make i guess by playing the game.

    submitted by /u/myidgame01
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