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    Monday, June 7, 2021

    Company of Heroes Allies OP

    Company of Heroes Allies OP

    Allies OP

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:02 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    I played a 2v2 earlier today, me and an AI against two of my friends, it was on this one map where there was a depression in the middle with woods and a Fort towards the north east, I was the Germans and had been under this insane hail of rocket fire for awhile now. (Not knowing that katyushas existed) I was baffled as to what could be hitting me from so far. Anyways, I went on to orchestrate this push into their base (we were playing annihilation) and I made it! I was right on the border of the square, they had 2 other territories the my allies were fighting to take, and then they used their absurd number of katyushas to destroy my entire army. I was barley able to hold onto the fort in the north as these rockets make it near impossible to concentrate your forces, how are you supposed to counter a unit that is halfway across the map from you, and when you get close has seemingly perfect accuracy? (I got this game on the free weekend and haven't played very much so excuse my ignorance)

    submitted by /u/Client-Gold
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    How to be a sneakyBoi: School of scumbaggery

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm not the best player but my best plays always come from deception and mind games. After playing around 1200 hours this is the summary of my notes of the most enjoyable and effective sneakbyboi techniques.

    • Put mines next to their mines, if enemy hits yours it sets off both mines.
    • Mine their door on buildings
    • Demo charge the edge of a valuable point and leave it completely unprotected. Set it off as soon as the point starts to decap.
    • Fake your grenades if you know your opponent is paying attention - it costs them more DPS because fire while moving is brutal penalty.
    • Sandbag/wire off their entrances of buildings and mine the other side
    • Put down a health pack on top of a mine close to middle of map and let them discover it when they push. You can also put the mine closer to enemy and they might not even get the health pack.
      • You can also do this on slot weapons like brens / lmgs
    • Tripwire + demo charge does more damage than demo on a tank
    • Satchel'd vehicles should always be rammed into enemy infantry
    • Spam Sand bag models around light vehicles so they can't path properly ( I call them douche bags). You start to build it and then start to build another and another. The 'ghosts' of the sandbags live for a few seconds and screw up vehicle pathing for light vehicles.
    • Leave goliaths on popular buildings / sand bags / large pieces of green cover
    • Put down a sandbag and mine/demo/tripwire your opponents side of it.
    • If you can't afford to steal a team weapon then put a mine on it
    • Mine a strip of ground then drive your tanks through it and lure enemy tanks over the mines. wave that carrot and collect your free tank kill.
    • If you play british and win a push use your engineer to destroy MOST of their green cover and mine the remainder of it
    • Even if you have 0 capacity to assault an MG position smoke them anyway to force them to move. Keep them busy and guessing about what you're actually going to do.
    • Early game as british you may need to flank - the engineer can often destroy walls/fences to open holes and make flanks easier which will catch your enemy off guard because they can't anticipate where you're going to come from. Works really well with assault/raid sections. You can also remove sight blockers for your vickers HMG destroying walls/fences /bushes that block sight.
    • OKW - mine what you can't salvage, salvage what you can't mine
    • Wire off a flank with 'light' wire and put a mine there anywhere. You're more likely for a vehicle to drive over it because your enemy thinks you won't be expecting the flank and will try to break the wire = free mine hit.
    • mine/setup 2 wires in triangle against the wall on ambient buildings enemy keeps deploying from, this will cage in the deployed trip and you can lol and kill them when you want. deployed units will pop out the 'default' door and you can test which door that is. Great against partisans / commandos etc.
    • If you're getting brutalized by artillery use a p4/armored car / Cromwell / Stuart and trace the opposite map edge and come in for a deep flank. Hold fire until you find your arty pieces and eat them alive. You can do this in quick succession[like 30 second gap](with 2 cheap vehicles) because the 2nd armor you send in can go straight into their base cuz that's where people send their arty when they get scared.
    • Put a cheap unit on your side of a desirable MG building. When enemy MG comes jump in. Jump out and wait for the MG to pack up and try to move again - Get back in the building. Repeat as many times as you can until you have to retreat. You just want to waste their time
    • if you have 2 mortars barrage at the exact same time so enemy crew serves don't have enough time to retreat.
    • spam directional move away from one window on a building to make everyone in squad get on top of one spot and fight 1 model at a time inside the building. You want to be right up against the building. This is very dangerous if the enemy has mortars...
    • In a long drawn out game use land mattress or Katy to clear large sections of heavily mined territory. Works well in 4s
    • When enemy has a tank stick a penal behind a sight blocker and throw satchel immediately when are in range of tank, works for all AT/snare mechanics.
    • KV-8 should be used with penals to give them sprint for double/triple satchel potential on enemy tanks, then penals can finish them off.

    Feel free comment and contribute your own sneakyboi tricks. I recommend Tightropes videos as well as he's a chad of CoH2.

    submitted by /u/TheUltraViolence
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    Do Pathfinders act as a sniper for low health models?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    I heard from many players that pathfinders like the jager light squad has the ability to snipe models with health lower than 40%. But so far I couldnt see the effect as I can see it with the jeager light wiping my low health squads on retreat. I was wondering if it is bugged or I am doing something wrong or there is a special condition to get this bonus?

    submitted by /u/Metallurgist1
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    I Made a Zombie Mod

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Best Soviet commander specific tank?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:50 PM PDT

    I want to know which one you guys think is the best (not enough room to add KV8)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Ghostbrotherz
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    Good commanders and tips for Ostheer?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm new and have been practicing against standard AI in 2v2 (I actually had this game and all its DLC for years, just never played much until now)

    I initially started with OBK after Soviets in campaign. I like them a lot- volksgrenadiers, kuberwagons and light tanks are all good in fights.

    I heard though that wehrmacht (or OstHeer) is overall better in 1v1s, etc. So I figured to try OstHeer out and I lost two matches against standard AI in 2v2.

    I think my main issue with them are the units compared to OBK. I felt like my squads were stronger and more compact as OBK. As Ost, I find my engineers , grenadiers dying quickly. I use the flamethrower upgrade on some engineers which is helpful against infantry, but they often die in the process.

    I just am having trouble establishing a foothold like I could with the OBK. Any general tips are appreciated. I did get used to OBK so maybe you can tailor it from there.

    Lastly- commanders. I have 31.5k supply I've never spent. I'd like to spend them on commanders for Ostheer likely.

    submitted by /u/Forevershadow1
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    Early Game Soviets

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    How do I play as early Soviets? Wehrmacht and OKW are just running me over with their blobs of pioneers with SMGs and Infantry with rifles, then when I build an MG, they just use mortar or just come from all sides

    submitted by /u/Sigismund_III_Vasa_
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    How do i know if somebody has a high level / skilled player ?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    Is it the small Number ingame when you turn their name from 1-100 ? Because that number makes zero sense as my lvl 100 mates are worse than me with lvl 52

    submitted by /u/Mittes02
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    Company of Heroes 1 Discord

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    Hey wondering if there is a company of heroes 1 discord, I'm trying to learn the game and have come up against some strategies but not exactly sure for the best way to counter them, figure having a discord to talk/discuss the game could be useful.

    Mostly I'm trying to learn americans first, i'm going simple barebones, just mainly playing rifleman, infantry tech and I enjoy using the rangers.

    For the strategies I've been struggling with so far.

    1) Was playing a 2v2 map online, I was playing as americans and my lane opponent was playing a mixture of snipers, pioneers with flamethrower upgrades and mines, found it super difficult to take space and be useful. The rifleman got outgunned by the snipers, and when I'd get close the flamethrowers would annihilate me, so I'd just have to keep retreating. Then I tried jeeps but the chokepoints were land mined and my jeeps got annihilated. Basically just got strangled out of the game after that.

    2) Was playing a 3v3 map online, I was playing as americans and my lane opponent did a motorbike lv3 rush with spam, Wasn't sure how to deal with this, the map was quite large and my rifleman would just get focus fired, then upon retreat the motorbikes would chase and pick up kills, I tried to throw the rifleman in houses to prevent damage, but the motorbikes felt like they had the upper hand in the fight. I figure once I got rangers the i'd be able to deal with the motorbikes a little bit, but by the time I had rangers he had snipers and was pressuring me hard. I also tried kiting him into mines, but he never seemed to fall for it.

    submitted by /u/Chu_Dat
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    G43 Gren or MG42 Gren? Which is better overall?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    I know the title is about grenadiers but would it be better if I fielded PGren G43 if the mg42 gren is better than the g43 gren? Need your opinions on these three issues.

    submitted by /u/JarJarBinkz_01
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    [COH2]need clarification on conscripts and merging.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    I have seen various responses in online discussions regarding this. some say that a reinforced squad will perform the same as it did before. others say that a reinforced squad will have some members that do not have armor and defensive bonuses. which is correct?

    if reinforcing with cons makes the squad inferior, it doesnt seem worth it at all. not unless you can somehow reinforce from base after losing multiple members again.

    submitted by /u/orva12
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    Best clip I've gotten in 2,500 hours of CoH2 lol

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Looking for DECENT (don't have to be great) 2v2 player to get better with

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Title says it all. Hoping we can use discord or something and communicate via chat.

    submitted by /u/VillageMagician
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    Company of heroes 1 & 2 Vehicle model viewers

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Company of heroes 1 & 2 Vehicle model viewers

    Hi all,

    Is there such a tool/mod where I can load up the vehicles from COH 1 & 2 and take front/back/top/left/right screenshots of the vehicles in their default skins? I would like to make a collection of miniature models, and would like to use the pictures taken from COH 1/2 for reference.I've tried searching for this online, but I don't really know what I'm asking for technically, as I'm not asking to create textures but to view the default textures on the vehicles in a viewer. An example of this can be seen here: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/valentine-444b0118aa7644ae85f90279f7bea843

    Currently, I've been driving the vehicles off to a not so manic part of the battlefield in game and manipulating them to take the pictures I need (please see example picture).


    Any suggestions on how to do this better, would be greatly appreciated (even if it's recommending a map in COH 1 & 2 that provides a better backdrop for the pictures).

    submitted by /u/Symns01
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    Commanders for Coh2

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    For the commanders are you able even if you don't have the DLC ability to get commanders with certain abilities that the DLC ones have in the in-game shop with the in-game currency instead of IRL cash like for example the Germans have the Goliath one if I don't have that DLC would I be able to still find a commander with that ability in the shop that I can purchase with the in-game currency? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MaximumNet4274
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    LeFH revisited - Wehrmacht

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Is CB still bad for Allies in lower ranks, or have they learned how to counter it?

    I'm a wehrmacht player about mid-rank, and I've used lefh sparingly - it usually gets deleted pretty quickly though.

    submitted by /u/kidhero13
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    As usf, do you even use the non doctrinal mines?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:32 AM PDT

    I play usf alot in team games and I find i win the most, BY FAR, when I pick a commander with the collie. Problem is I'm also a big believer in mines winning games, and I can't have both, unfortunately. (Well good mines)

    My question for any more advanced USF players, do you use the non doc mines? If so, how do you use them or do you just ignore them all together?

    submitted by /u/EnthusiasmNext3778
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    Need help with saving game progress

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    Hello all while recently playing the game I realized that there is no actual auto saving during the game and my computer is not the brightest which causes it to crash every 10-8 minutes does anyone have any idea on how to enable auto saving or should I be paranoid and save every 3-5 minutes?

    Thanks to anyone who responds!

    submitted by /u/Wrong_Existance
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