• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 2, 2021

    Company of Heroes End of Master League Patreon system/ major tourney series. (League system and records to continue)

    Company of Heroes End of Master League Patreon system/ major tourney series. (League system and records to continue)

    End of Master League Patreon system/ major tourney series. (League system and records to continue)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    @everyone Sad news today that the ML funding system and official series of events is coming to an end.

    This does not include the Master League system itself (performance and live tourney records) which I will maintain.

    We have accomplished so much with this 14 month run of 5 major tournies, 4 affiliate events, and 5 minor events, and ML5: THE FINALS will now serve as our swan song.

    Reasons for ending:

    1) ML is at its peak let's quit whilst we're ahead! It's been a blast but let's go out on a high, and not risk over doing it, and going past our peak.

    2) Personally I can no longer put in the time in to maintain the financial side of the league, and run huge events myself. I want to concentrate on casting other people's events and doing for-fun streams. I am sorry but a handover of funding system to someone else would be messy and of the people I know I wouldn't want to burden any of them with it!

    3) Uneven dev support. With obs mode being down for the last six months, little promotional help, and communication issues. It's not an ideal climate to promote this game with events. Covid, AoE4 development, and 64 bit issues are likely causes.

    4) Uneven player skill distribution at present. Isildur is like Luvnest, DevM, Jesulin, Talisman, Jove, at their peak, and that peak is proving very consistent. Basically Isildur won our tourney series as a whole, a huge congrats to him!!! I mean that genuinely.

    5) ML4 finalist player caught cheating and fiasco. It just sucks having to put so much effort into protecting the prizepool tbh, and the refs are burnt out themselves. So it's just a bit risky.


    Thank you to everyone that financially supported ML you are all legends and I love every single one of you in more ways than one.

    The financial support, refereeing, asset creation, casting, playing, training, writing, and engagement has been phenonmenal.

    We're a fantastic community when we put our minds to it! :)


    submitted by /u/Account_Eliminator
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    That's a rather splendid Cromwell.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    ML evolving and was the greatest for the past 2 years

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    to be frank, ML5 was a slog and boring, like butter spread over too many bread (LOTR reference). There wasnt a system in place that forces players to use all of the factions rotationally, and commanders rotationally. What killed the tournament scene was Isildur himself. he got too good, but was boring to watch (same as that russian guy, boring gameplay). You needed VonAmeriIvan, the Captain IWILLKILLUANDY Price , twisted Nippies, Redsexwings, AsianJAVmint, KimboBimbo and other unothordoxed players, even Helping Hitlzer Hanz would be good to have around.

    Maybe banning the winner from playing in the next ML? (banning the winner is really important, Isildur is too good, to his detriment, like Formula 1, it was already a boring sport, but with Hamilton Lewis, it got more boring). Formula 1 would be more exciting if it got streakers (females only, male ones go Garden urselves) running across the track at opportune moments (it made football and tennis more eye catching)

    The Seeking alleged cheater (TR/Third Reich clan Member) didnt help much, but it was so spicy it injected some excitement and controversy that made playing the game more alive. Seeking's alleged cheating. plus Kimbo's past was like adrenaline kissing the blood veins. so much chaos and excitement is needed to have a fulfilling life, just ask any denizen of the 40K Warhammer Universe. (even the Opourunity Kost vs HHans breakup was chef-kiss, spicy)

    There were so many QOL changes (like human AT handheld units not firing at other humans and AT guns come with prioritize vehicles) that were so good and a no brainer, what took it so long to implement in a old game? we have to thank Relic itself. relic also made advances, like 64 bit and crossplay with Xobx (consoles), but in that eagerness to enter the console market, they Farked up the game, no levels displayed, Observer mode broken. I took so long and havent even been fixed. It seems there was only 1 coder or programmer employed by relic to handle COH2. This is a massive disrespect on relic's part. relic doesnt care about the golden goose, they decides to not have golden eggs daily, but prefer to stuff the goose full of food, and then slaughter the goose for some 4-gra. Short term gain

    sorry for the long post, AE is the greatest and thanks for your work.

    PS: please make your Twitch channel not for subs only, and sorry, last year when u play games, i would take extra steps to at least get a match up with you, i think i only played u and Stormless once in 1v1s, it was really fun to play

    yours sincerely DDMGDD

    submitted by /u/gerrykomalaysia22
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    Sherman Lucky Strike

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    Is T34/85 worth it?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    What are the differences is it only dmg? And isnt it better to just get a commander with the kv1 ?

    submitted by /u/pooria09
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    Every time I almost win a match I get disconnected. Is that common?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    It's been happening a lot more recently. Nearly every time I make a comeback and is poised for a victory the game disconnects or bugsplats. Funnily enough it works fine every time I lose. Is that a thing or just my rotten luck?

    submitted by /u/electricboxers
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    how does this even happen?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    Best CoH2 Tourney Games or Competitive Games?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Hey all! I've loved watching some competitive games and also close fights by non-pro players.

    Does anyone have any competitive games they'd like casted?

    You'd have to give me permission to cast for Twitch or Youtube, then I can practice with them.

    If you have a good pro-game you like is there a way to cast that back with the current version? I honestly don't know.

    Really just to watch for fun. Please don't spoiler if you have a good replay to share.

    submitted by /u/nathanfreeze
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    New UKF player need emplacement advice

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    Hi! i just picked up the game (played wargame red dragon for a couple of years) last weekend and I kinda need some advice.

    This might sound weird but I really enjoying playing ukf for its abundance of emplacements. wargame rd was a bit too fast/micro intensive for me and I really enjoyed the idea to build the emplacement and just play a less mentally intense game.

    I had a couple of games in multiplayer (usually 3v3/4v4) now but I've realized a problem with the advanced emplacement thing. usually in the early game I rush 1 Bofors and 1-2 mortar, reinforce emplacement, and all is well for most of the early game.

    however, when it gets later I keep on having trouble with enemy mortar spam/leig spam etc. seems that the counterbattery either on mortar emplacements or base arty doesn't do anything at all. (also the forward base doesn't repair the emplacements for some reason) i just keep on getting outranged/have absolutely no vision for either mortar fire/17 pdr/base arty skill.

    this pretty much lasts into the late game as I keep on getting into the cycle of build mortar in an obscure spot, fire for a couple of min, and get removed by arty/rocket. i usually get a Churchill or to but they do absolutely nothing once they are out of the protection of 17pdr. i always end up doing nothing for the last parts of the game or just building ammo stacks/forward bases and try to be helpful to teammates.

    should i try to use another commander to achieve this more stagnant playstyle? royal artillery looks nice with saxtons but i couldn't find a way to hold the line with as much grip without reinforced Bofors.

    thanks, !(also on a side note i couldn't figure out how to find replay files in windows 10, i just don't have the my games folder for some reason)

    submitted by /u/CuSO4_1111
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    i need your help on this game against emplacement spammer, cant get them out

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    how to kill the penal spam as wher?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    Any good tanks on allied side?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    So I have been playing Soviets and after 100h of pure whermacht and okw I am pure disgusted by the trash tanks. Even the T35/80 and the SU are very weak compared to a panzer. I have also observed they don't penetrate that well the other tanks. Pls help me cuz I'm tilted

    submitted by /u/Alex05okv2
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    Does anyone know why the new update screwed the game

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    i think a lot of us can agree that this new 90mb update screwed the game for a lot of players

    does someone know why it wrecked the game like this?

    Because maybe it is bc of certain settings a lot of us have.

    I want to be honest rn the game is unplayable and if this will not be fixed it can kill the game.

    COH2 given for free last week and this pushed the playerbase but in this state its impossible to even nearly enjoy the game.

    I started playing like a year ago but the devs ruined the game sorry to say that i love the game

    this could kill the game

    submitted by /u/No7763
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    Can't Invite Friend?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    I can't invite my steam friend into my games, and we can't see each other's public games.. is there a reason for this? We've both verified steam files and come back fine, so I'm stumped.

    submitted by /u/PM_me_XboxGold_Codes
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    Playing as OWK in 1vs1 - build one or two Luchs? And build P4 or Panthers?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    Hello grenadiers,

    New at pvp in COH2 and absolutely loving it!

    I have invested myself in the OKW faction and have played around 8-10 matches resulting in leaderboard lvl 4 so far.


    - Should I build a Luch or a Puma as first vehicle?

    - Should I build one or two of them?

    - Should I build Panzer 4 or Panthers?

    Bonus question:

    - Can anyone point me in the direction of an effective build order for OKW?

    submitted by /u/Embarrassed_Health80
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    Where to find saved Game (replay) in the CoH2 Folder / How to download saved game (replay)?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    I saved a game after playing a match, and I know that after each update it gets deleted in the game, but not in the folders, but I cant find the saved game in the folders

    submitted by /u/Sigismund_III_Vasa_
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    Is there a Discord for COH2?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Germans are underpowered and need buffs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    I don't know why they removed the counter barrage from the artillery, it was the only way for us to counter the Katyusha and other arty spams. The tanks are also trash too, they have higher fuel requirement than allied tanks yet their shells miss or bounce off just as much. Also Wehrmacht grenadiers need to have 5-6 in the squad, they keep getting wiped out against the riflemen and the conscripts. Also Tigers need to have their fuel cost reduce by 30 since IS-2 and other heavys are around 230-240 fuel range.

    submitted by /u/Smoothmanatee
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    CoH2 Ardennes Airborne Glitched?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    I just got the game for free on steam. Tried playing through the campaign as the airborne and for some reason even though I've got a Lt. it won't let me make pathfinders. I saw a few old posts about this glitch but I figured it'd have been fixed by now..?

    submitted by /u/PM_me_XboxGold_Codes
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