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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Company of Heroes Legendary long necc boi halts german assault (circa 1943, colorized)

    Company of Heroes Legendary long necc boi halts german assault (circa 1943, colorized)

    Legendary long necc boi halts german assault (circa 1943, colorized)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    I promise I was trying to select the unit - RIP

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Help a new players understand

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:13 PM PDT

    Alright, so me and my friends started playing COH2. We love the game, or at least we think we would love the game.

    But we keep losing and we have no clue why.

    We are competent gamers, played competitive lvl in other RTS but there is something about COH2 we clearly do not grasp.

    The 3 of us probly watch 4/6h of tutorial, guide, full games etc. And we played 20h so far.

    There are multiple things that i think goes bad in our games, but ill just mention this one thing cause to me it makes no sense, and it just happended so its fresh in my mind.

    3v3. We play allies One of each faction.

    First engagement. We do pretty well.

    Second engagement, there is a machine gun. So we try and flank. Turn the corner, an other machine gun.

    So then i'm like. Ok the video i watch said that to deal with MG you either: 1- dont deal with it and go somewhere else, 2-flank, 3-smoke, 4-mortar. So i go somewhere else.

    But now there is at least one MG at Every point.

    Now each point as 3/4 MG doing 360' some in bunkers some classic. (There was even one ennemy that built an MG backward facing his own base just to protect the other MG before him. ...)

    So then, in my head i'm like '' those guys are new, they are just building MG, we can just build mortar and be done with it''

    So we have like 3/5 mortar targetting one puny MG for what feels like an hour. We finally kill it but at this time its game over they had all points for 20min now and are looking at us with 10tanks.

    Really feels like we dont understand how to deal with MG properly. Like seems we gotta do 3 things + buy those 3 other things to deal with that one thing. And to me, that is not a counter. (aka build 3 mortar to deal with this one MG doesn't seem efficient)

    TLDR. Can someone plz explain clearly how to deal with MG spam? Cause mortar takes wayyyyy to long, smoke gl, and avoiding you cant cause thats all they have.

    Ps: I'm malding. I want to love this game, but it is so frustrating to play! But the mechanics are so fun!

    submitted by /u/Kapkin
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    Wehrmacht Hard Bot Vehicle Spam (COH 2)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    I know that Hard bots start with more resources, but did they change the bots recently? Wehrmacht used to spam infantry, now they spam scout cars, halftracks and get like panthers by 9 minutes in the game? No joke, each hard Wehrmacht bot makes at least 9 vehicles per game. How to combat this while having fun? Having to spam AT to win against this is most effective but not that fun.

    submitted by /u/harveybigloof
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    Automatch Question

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Does anyone casually play automatch or is the population so low that only sweatlords play it? I get paired up with the worst players on earth without my set team but the enemy team somehow has a counter to everything before I even think of what I'm building because they're the best players on earth apparently.

    submitted by /u/xTheRedDeath
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    Monte Cassino '44: German Perspective

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:58 AM PDT

    Company of Heroes: Pacific War.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    Why hasn't Relic made a Company of Heroes set in the Pacific theatre?

    submitted by /u/MasterChiefJohnny117
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    How to counter Soviet camper as wehr? 2v2

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    First game in years. In a 2v2 got smashed late game by artillery. Felt like I had none of my own.

    And he was heavily hunkered down. Any p4 rushes would have been wasted...

    Also, how do u mute toxic teammates?

    submitted by /u/SignificantGiraffe5
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    Suggestion for coh3

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:58 AM PDT

    I've been playing the coh3 alpha and it's actually pretty good, I feel as though they are using the term alpha a little loosely as it seems very well polished for an alpha atleast in my experience but that's definitely a positive.

    My only complaint is the ability to train troops and build bases on the field. I'd rather it was closer to total war in that you bring a single roster and that's that. This just seems natural to me as at the moment it doesn't really matter what I bring with me as I'll just build a base and recruit what I need. Building rosters total war style would also allow them to have unit limits to keep it a bit more realistic?

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ThatUserNamesTacken
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    Dealing with Ally troops spam early.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Been playing this game for years now and a competent player if I do say so myself. But ever since this new patch I have been having issues dealing with infantry spam from the ally's mainly USF and Soviet they just end up overwhelming. When I play allies it just seems easy to walk over Axis early game idk if I am just a bad Axis player or what. Anyone else noticed this too? If it just me any tips for OKW and Whemacht?

    submitted by /u/Zaagger
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